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Airsense Not working
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4098 57 2022-7-15
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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New Zealand

For me, Airsense does not work. The only way the Mavic shows me a manned AC near me, is if i manually open the maps and zoom out. Even if i take my drone to the local airport and get permission to start it there, i get no warnings from the app. I have tried this on both the iPhone using RC N1 and the RC Pro which leads me to believe this issue is drone related.
***EDIT*** For some unknown reason the poll for 1,3, and 4 has been duplicated, not sure why.
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What a ridiculous poll,  1,3 & 4 “ Airsense does not work”  as of posting this 16 people viewed , because the didn’t submit , does this mean that their Airsense is working fine ? Even if this is a misprint polls should be balanced , asking for 4 answers which amount to the same answer means this ridiculous poll is completely skewed to the author’s biased opinion..
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Flight distance : 2289446 ft
United States

I fly with the map up all the time and live near a busy area and ADSB is working fine for me.
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Flight distance : 1692270 ft
United States

I did not answer the poll, because for 2 weeks mine did not work, then I figured out how to get it to work every time (Air 2S.)
       It was the sequence in how I was starting the hardware, then the App. Every time I would activate it and leave the "advanced settings page", it would not be switched on when I went back in to check. I now start the DJI Fly app first, most of the way, and switch on the drone and controller. This now launches the Fly screen with live image, etc. Works EVERY time now, where it failed to do so a hundred times. now I go into the advanced features menu and the feature switch is ON and blue. Also, when I expand the map on the lower left portion of the DJI Fly screen, I always get the aircraft icon (below the layers button/icon) of the 5 other vertical buttons on the right side of the map. This button allows me to select the level of collision risk I want to detect. I alway select the "lowest risk" of the 3 choices. Without the feature truly turned on, you won't get this 6th  airplane icon.  I spent countless hours figuring this out, and posted about it 2 or 3 weeks ago.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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New Zealand

hallmark007 Posted at 7-15 13:38
What a ridiculous poll,  1,3 & 4 “ Airsense does not work”  as of posting this 16 people viewed , because the didn’t submit , does this mean that their Airsense is working fine ? Even if this is a misprint polls should be balanced , asking for 4 answers which amount to the same answer means this ridiculous poll is completely skewed to the author’s biased opinion..

It is a misprint. For some reason it copied the same from 1 to 3 and 4. I tried to edit it but it does not edit, I added in another. And again you should tone down making yourself look *** on a public platform.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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New Zealand

JayOhio Posted at 7-15 13:43
I fly with the map up all the time and live near a busy area and ADSB is working fine for me.

I also live not far from an airport but for me i get no notifications at all.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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New Zealand

JerseyJim Posted at 7-15 14:05
I did not answer the poll, because for 2 weeks mine did not work, then I figured out how to get it to work every time (Air 2S.)
       It was the sequence in how I was starting the hardware, then the App. Every time I would activate it and leave the "advanced settings page", it would not be switched on when I went back in to check. I now start the DJI Fly app first, most of the way, and switch on the drone and controller. This now launches the Fly screen with live image, etc. Works EVERY time now, where it failed to do so a hundred times. now I go into the advanced features menu and the feature switch is ON and blue. Also, when I expand the map on the lower left portion of the DJI Fly screen, I always get the aircraft icon (below the layers button/icon) of the 5 other vertical buttons on the right side of the map. This button allows me to select the level of collision risk I want to detect. I alway select the "lowest risk" of the 3 choices. Without the feature truly turned on, you won't get this 6th  airplane icon.  I spent countless hours figuring this out, and posted about it 2 or 3 weeks ago.

That part works for me, Airsense is turned on with notifications set to the highest risk but i still get no notifications. Because i use RC Pro, I always start the RC first, then open drone up and power it on. No matter what i have tried it does not work.
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Suren Posted at 7-15 14:16
It is a misprint. For some reason it copied the same from 1 to 3 and 4. I tried to edit it but it does not edit, I added in another. And again you should tone down making yourself look stupid on a public platform.

There is only on person being *** here and thats you. Once again you don’t like people pointing out anything that doesn’t suit you cause , so you decide to troll insult and just be plain ignorant.

Your poll is so lopsided that it gives 4 options for not working but one for working , thats not a poll , thats just plain *** nonsense.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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New Zealand

hallmark007 Posted at 7-15 14:31
There is only on person being *** here and thats you. Once again you don’t like people pointing out anything that doesn’t suit you cause , so you decide to troll insult and just be plain ignorant.

Your poll is so lopsided that it gives 4 options for not working but one for working , thats not a poll , thats just plain ****.

Are you just being *** or were you born that way. Can you not read. Get a life. What did Sam call you... or yeah, STOP Being a ***. You forget who you came crawling to when Sam was troubling you and who you were begging to track him down so you could try and get the cops on him, you forget who gave you his location in Dover, you forget who helped you when you asked me to investigate him, you forget who I am.
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Suren Posted at 7-15 14:36
Are you just being stupid or were you born that way. Can you not read. Get a life. What did Sam call you... or yeah, STOP Being a Shill. You forget who you came crawling to when Sam was troubling you and who you were begging to track him down so you could try and get the cops on him, you forget who gave you his location in Dover, you forget who helped you when you asked me to investigate him, you forget who I am.

You really are a *** troll, totally incapable of answering any questions to do with the topic. It seems insults and lies are now your go to lines. You cant even post a poll on this forum dont insult yourself by saying you investigated anything..
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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New Zealand

hallmark007 Posted at 7-15 14:55
You really are a *** troll, totally incapable of answering any questions to do with the topic. It seems insults and lies are now your go to lines. You cant even post a poll on this forum dont insult yourself by saying you investigated anything..

I answered those that posted politely and not a troll like yourself. Now if you have nothing to say about the Airsense or to provide input, stop trolling my thread and get off.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Suren, I just discovered something interesting in my Air 2S manual. Airsense does not work when in Active Track or 4k 30fps. It's not mentioned in the M3 manual. But might be worth investigating.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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New Zealand

Mobilehomer Posted at 7-15 18:41
Suren, I just discovered something interesting in my Air 2S manual. Airsense does not work when in Active Track or 4k 30fps. It's not mentioned in the M3 manual. But might be worth investigating.

I will try that. I always fly at 4k30 so you might be onto something. Need to wait for the rain to die down and hopefully a ST Johns goes past.
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Suren Posted at 7-15 15:51
I answered those that posted politely and not a troll like yourself. Now if you have nothing to say about the Airsense or to provide input, stop trolling my thread and get off.

I think you’ll find you don’t own threads on this forum, you cannot decide who comments or doesn’t on threads and to think you can shows a real ignorance. You can decide as you have on other threads not to comment when you’re clearly wrong, but you are in charge of nothing here .
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Flight distance : 326191 ft

New Zealand

Good that Hallmark is banned. Unfair though that Dji decided to ban Suren because if they really looked properly they would see that Hallmark was the instigator.
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Flight distance : 667408 ft

happy days
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Flight distance : 12142077 ft
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United States

TopDrones Posted at 7-16 12:12
Good that Hallmark is banned. Unfair though that Dji decided to ban Suren because if they really looked properly they would see that Hallmark was the instigator.

Is anybody ever really banned here?  Seems like multiple profiles prosper and those that want to stay to play are able to do so.
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Flight distance : 326191 ft

United States

TonyPHX Posted at 7-16 17:36
Is anybody ever really banned here?  Seems like multiple profiles prosper and those that want to stay to play are able to do so.

Forum needs better moderation then we won't get all these nasty comments we see floating around. Other forums people don't make such remarks for fear of being remanded.
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Flight distance : 73775046 ft
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First of all I've never used Airsense and probably won't be using it anytime soon. I don't have to totally agree with Suren's intended usage of Airsense, but I did not find Suren's comments on Airsense to be 'full of BS', and most importantly Suren is obviously NOT the only one having problems with Airsense. Unless I've missed some offensive comments Suren has previously made otherwise I cannot see why Suren was banned. Narcissistic behavior is common at any forums and it should never be tolerated. It is unacceptable that some members think they are entitled to abusively disapprove genuine comments/criticisms made by other members.
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Flight distance : 73775046 ft
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#Suren Posted at 7-16 17:55
Tony, Yes it is easy to get back onto the forum with a different email but I have been spending more time on Mavic Pilots because of Hallmarks rants and outbursts. Yes he provides some valuable insight and assistance to many including myself but because of his hate for NGC, he cannot just go off on anyone he feels like. This is a public platform and I have spent thousands of $$$ with Dji so I have a right to come and mention here and seek advise/guidance when my purchase does not work and I feel that I don't need to be attacked for that.

How's life in Russia? Hope they're not confiscating privately owned camera drones there...
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United States

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Flight distance : 73775046 ft
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#Suren Posted at 7-16 21:55
Living the dream mate, living the dream

Lucky you, I can't see your friend coming back as a nobody, having to lose all his founding member status that he's so proud of
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Flight distance : 326191 ft

United States

Monkey007 Posted at 7-16 21:59
Lucky you, I can't see your friend coming back as a nobody, having to lose all his founding member status that he's so proud of

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United States

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Flight distance : 12142077 ft
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United States

#Suren Posted at 7-16 17:55
Tony, Yes it is easy to get back onto the forum with a different email but I have been spending more time on Mavic Pilots because of Hallmarks rants and outbursts. Yes he provides some valuable insight and assistance to many including myself but because of his hate for NGC, he cannot just go off on anyone he feels like. This is a public platform and I have spent thousands of $$$ with Dji so I have a right to come and mention here and seek advise/guidance when my purchase does not work and I feel that I don't need to be attacked for that.

Totally agreed, we have expectation of drama free zone.  Well, glad you are back on!
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Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

I have Airsense set to the highest level. it works for me, but it seems as though a collision has to be imminent before it sounds the alarm. Craft less than 1000' altitude and closer than 1/2 mile distance. I believe DJI needs to give back just a little sensitivity that they took away with the firmware update. There is no difference between the three settings at this moment.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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United States

TonyPHX Posted at 7-17 05:40
Totally agreed, we have expectation of drama free zone.  Well, glad you are back on!

Thanks mate, I fully agree. Good to be back
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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United States

Mobilehomer Posted at 7-17 06:29
I have Airsense set to the highest level. it works for me, but it seems as though a collision has to be imminent before it sounds the alarm. Craft less than 1000' altitude and closer than 1/2 mile distance. I believe DJI needs to give back just a little sensitivity that they took away with the firmware update. There is no difference between the three settings at this moment.

I guess that would make air sense useless then if it only activates when a manned AC is on a collision course with the drone and when close by. It should give us some sort of early warning at maybe 4/5km away when set to the highest setting - 2/3km away when set to medium and maybe 1km or less when set to lowest
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Suren Posted at 7-17 11:06
I guess that would make air sense useless then if it only activates when a manned AC is on a collision course with the drone and when close by. It should give us some sort of early warning at maybe 4/5km away when set to the highest setting - 2/3km away when set to medium and maybe 1km or less when set to lowest

That would make perfect sense.
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DJI Susan

Hi Suren, I am following your report on the Airsense issue.

Here, I would love to emphasize the rules and regulations of DJI Forum.

Please be advised that DJI Forum is an innovative platform created by DJI for product information exchange and sharing among the users, which always follows the philosophy of "respect the dream, the pursuit of pure". Our main purpose for this forum is to hear firsthand from our customers about their joys, creations, projects, and insights.

Therefore, topics that are not related to DJI products are not allowed. Kindly stop the topics that are not related here FROM NOW ON, vulgar, hateful, or otherwise obscene language is not tolerated. I will keep monitoring the forum, and discussions that violate the forum regulations will get warned and deleted. You can report similar discussions to me if it was raised in any posts. Please be advised that 3 violations will result in an automatic 30-day ban.

Only one account is permitted for the same user. Any further accounts created by the same user will be immediately terminated.
Any attempts to impose on another user's activity will be seen as harassment and are not allowed. Do not expose personal privacy.

At last, we welcome every discussion that are DJI products related, thank you all for your cooperation on contributing a friendly forum. Appreciate your understanding.  
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United States

DJI Susan Posted at 7-18 05:23
Hi Suren, I am following your report on the Airsense issue.

Here, I would love to emphasize the rules and regulations of DJI Forum.

Thank you Susan. I just am happy to bring to your attention about that particular user having multiple accounts. I agree with everything you said.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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New Zealand

DJI Susan Posted at 7-18 05:23
Hi Suren, I am following your report on the Airsense issue.

Here, I would love to emphasize the rules and regulations of DJI Forum.

Thanks, I fully agree. Lets hope the forum stays nice and clean. Back to my Airsense issues, I will d a screen recording and post here when I get a chance to so so or maybe I might just head over to the air field and screen record from there.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Suren, before going to the airport, install one of the airplane tracking apps. I use RadarBox. Not only can you see all air traffic, it shows what tech is used for the tracking. Just a confirmation of ADS-B.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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New Zealand

Mobilehomer Posted at 7-18 11:24
Suren, before going to the airport, install one of the airplane tracking apps. I use RadarBox. Not only can you see all air traffic, it shows what tech is used for the tracking. Just a confirmation of ADS-B.

I use Flight Radar on the iPhone. It also shows all air traffic
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United States

Suren Posted at 7-18 11:26
I use Flight Radar on the iPhone. It also shows all air traffic

Me too. I have a flight radar subscription. And it also confirms ADSB. Here in "Dover" all planes are required to have ADSB. I notice specifically even when planes appear on the map in DJI Fly, their altitude data is usually highly inaccurate.

Moreover, their altitude and distance in the Android version of DJI fly are displayed nowhere near the plane icon in the map. (On iOS it doesn't have that bug). DJI have known about this since release (November 2021) yet haven't bothered to fix it.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Compare the two when you get there. Might be interesting.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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New Zealand

Mobilehomer Posted at 7-18 12:40
Compare the two when you get there. Might be interesting.

Will do
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Flight distance : 12142077 ft
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United States

I am thoroughly convinced that Airsense is broken on the M3 currently.
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