United States
Update #1: Today I received my aircraft back from DJI support and for my surprise they sent a brand new on inside a sealed package along with my original RC. First flight I was able to go around 400 metters and RTH automatically activated and came back.
I tried another direction and couldn't go over 200meters before RTH. All of this made start thinking about DJI tech support approach. Initially I tought I was going to receive my original aircraft back with a new board, instead they sent a completely new unit. My assuption is that they didn't even look at my original unit, they just pushed the button for a replacement instead.
My second toughts now is going more towards the RC, that may be where the transmission issues are happening accross the board, I wish I had a regular controler to test this with my cellphone and see how far I could go.
I will try different area and see what results a got at this point. Thank you all for your inputs, really appreciated.