I think this is the 3rd FW update i load in to my Inspire 1 ... All previuos has been without any issues. But not this one.
First attempt ...
Everything seems to go OK ... but after a while (10-15 mins) of the "D-D-D-D" ... I get a constant "wheeeeee" wich according to the update instructions indicates that something has gone wrong and that I should "reboot".
Attempt 2-7 (after deleting the generated text file, formatting the card inside the Inspire 1 downloading the FW from DJI site again and so on) ...
After rebooting the bird the installation never indicates the "D-D-D-D" ... it goes straight in to the "wheeeeee" and the tail is flashing yellow not even trying to load the FW.
Attempt 8
I switch to my second battery and reboot the bird after "refreshing" the memory card again ...
Now I get the "D-D-D-D" ... for about 3 minutes ... but then back to "wheeeeee".
Attempt 9
Still with the second battery ... Goes straight in to "wheeeeee" after reboot.
========== 2014.01.01 00:00:06 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin
Upgrading ...
Result: Failed.
Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again.
I think I tried everything I can ... or ... do any one have any suggestions for me at this point?
Thoose of you who had this problem with the previous FW ... where you able to solve the problem on your own or did you all have to send it in to DJI?
can everyone who is having trouble getting the firmware to install do me a favor and look at your serial number, located on the small white sticker under the led light on the back of the inspire and tell me the last letter before the numbers start please? It should look something like W13DCB16 with more numbers. Im thinking that that last letter denotes the model version of the inspire you have and that only certain versions are having this problem, just trying to confirm a theory, thanks.
I have the same problem....
Just bought a brand new Inspire 1 and try to upgrade to the latest firmware. Fail after fail after 10 minutes.
Only V1.2 succeeds with upgrading
Inspire: W13DCF190
========== 2014.01.01 00:00:10 unsynchronized ======
Packet: WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin
Upgrading ...
Result: Failed.
Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again.
Sorry, Nevermind. Someone said their last letter was L, so apparently it doesn't indicate the version and there's no way to tell what version you have that I can figure out
OK, finally got my I1 to accept the update. Here comes the odd part. The only way it would update is when I went to my old computer ( Windows 7 ), and downloaded the new FW . Everything went fine after that. All the other times before that, I was using my newer computer that I just updated to Windows 10. Now I don't know if that was the cause, but that's what worked for me.
Hi, I have the exact same problem you described. I get the wheeeeeeee after 20 or 30 beeps while trying to update the firmware.
Were you able to solve it??? please tell me how... I've tried many things already and its very frustrating....