United States
Benno Z Posted at 1-21 01:34
I don’t understand all these comments: didn’t you take a look at the compatibility list befóre buying???(from Benno Z immediately above)
Your UNhelpful comment is wrong on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin, but 'arrogance' and 'fan boy' are a good start.
For those that read your comment, just ignore our moral superior – Benno Z – and continue letting DJI know about missing support/functionality for numerous USEFUL, recent and worthy cameras DJI already 'supports'...even their RS 2 supports cameras like the new Nikon D780, but totally missed it/them during the RS 3 release. Ouch!
Hey DJI, how about listing (in plain view; no searching required) the supported cameras on/at your POP (point of purchase) vendors/outlets prior to (or during) the time of sale, instead of JUST weight limitations? Sure, you'd lose more sales, but you'd also upset a lot less customers. |