 First Officer
I had a good look at this thread and I got a possible theory of why the plastic cover for the antennas does crack...
It is just a theory, but bear with me...
Nearly all the picture posted in this thread show a similar crack in virtually the same location... That got me thinking. We know when new there are no crack in it and we also know, by reading the comments that some people here have been very careful in opening and closing them..
But I bet, most of you use some sort of case or bag where you store the RC pro when not in use...
Now lets have a look at this p[icture for a moment...
crack cover
We can see a nice gap between the two plastic cover (red section). Now what do you think it would happen if I push on arrow one and the only point of contact is above arrow 2..
After several months of being push even when inside the bag and perhaps sometime inadvertently when letting the antenna go, I would say something is got to give...
The point where they all crack, seem to be exacly where most of the torque is applied (think of a long lever)...
If I'm right, then it is definitely a bad design and no one should have to pay to get the plastic cover replaced.
If this is the case, the only way to permantely fix this issue is to eliminate that gap, so that when the antennas are close the don't bind like in this picture, but sits flat against each other... As I don't have the radio (just ordered one), I'm only speculating here at the moment, but once I receive it, I'll look into this matter...