Have I lost it or has DJI?
1446 7 2015-8-8
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 453788780 ft

With the new Firmware and DJI Go app do I need to be connected to my Inspire to even just look at the controls/settings/piloting interface?
Surely we are not forced to connect just to look at the controls !
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 343848 ft
United Kingdom

Yes I have just posted a thread about adjusting settings whilst unconnected to the aircraft.

I couldn't adjust settings to PAL or camera setting to JPEG And RAW etc. so hoping it can be done once the camera is attached to aircraft.  Will be doing my flight tests today following the updates.

Its a pain if this is a new feature as it simply uses aircraft battery time whilst adjusting settings that could easily have been done on the App Pre-flight.
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United States

As i said in the other thread, they are inspire hardware settings and as such you have to be connected to it in order to change them.  Changing the settings in the app without being connected to the inspire is like pressing the channel up button on your remote when your tv is powered off and then wondering why its on the same channel it was before when you turn it back on, lol!
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Flight distance : 453788780 ft

Being able to familiarise yourself with an App or software before use is very helpful.  Imagine if DJI on their Phantom series didn't allow users to look at the software on the computer to familiarise themselves with it without connection.

Doesn't mean you're wanting to change or save.

Having to power up your Inspire in this case may lead to partial battery drain and as we have all seen reported the rapid battery level drops for those who have taken to the air with less then the DJI recommended 100%

To me DJI SHOULD  allow you to choose .

I won't be posting to social media via their app.
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United States

Caddwizard Posted at 2015-8-9 08:34
Being able to familiarise yourself with an App or software before use is very helpful.  Imagine if D ...

I do understand what youre saying but id bet $1000 they changed it cause too many people were complaining that the settings changes they were making with the inspire turned off were not successful.  Rather than explain the reason why like i did above they simply removed the ability to see/change them unless you were connected to the inspire so they would actually be changed and save on the inspire hardware.

Also you dont have to worry about battery problems, it takes about 2 minutes or less to check/change the settings and wont use enough battery power to matter.  that rapid battery level drop issue only happens if the battery you use has self discharged and you dont charge it prior to use.  If you have a fully charged battery and use it for a short flight or to check settings and then later that day or the next day use it again without charging it first you wont have any problems.  I do this all time and have never once had this issue by doing so.  the only time i got the sudden drop issue was using a battery that had self discharged without fully charging it first.  I have mine set to self discharge in 10 days so that this problem is less likely to occur to me in the future.
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United States

Caddwizard Posted at 2015-8-9 08:34
Being able to familiarise yourself with an App or software before use is very helpful.  Imagine if D ...

also a note the inspire does not needed to be powered on or connected only your controller does. Once the app recognizes the remote it gives you an option to enter camera view even if the inspire isn't connected or is powered off
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Flight distance : 453788780 ft

Thanks for all the responses. Nothing beets experience.

Much appreciated and happy flying.
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The new app do behave differently the first time you turn it on ... and changes it´s behavior after you connected your bird the first time.

I just love how you explained this ...

"As i said in the other thread, they are inspire hardware settings and as such you have to be connected to it in order to change them.  Changing the settings in the app without being connected to the inspire is like pressing the channel up button on your remote when your tv is powered off and then wondering why its on the same channel it was before when you turn it back on, lol!"

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