United States
Id like to compare the posssible future in RC flying, esp quads, as the tech and popularity grows, to that of my personal experience with Metal Detecting.
As an advid metal detectorist (lol) I saw a HUGE increase in the tech and popularity of the hobby in recent years. With-in a year many MANY new people got into the hobby. What happened in the end wasnt good, for any of us.
Those of us who've been around this hobby for some time respect the land and privacy of others. MOST of the new hobbists did not. I was heartbroken to go to many of my favorite city parks and find it not only void of valubales (mostly coins left by others,) but to find hundreds of holes dug and not refilled, either properly or at all. This became a safety issue in the eyes of the community, childfren stepping in holes and getting injured, as well as a financail one, repairing the holes and grass. These poor actions by a few resulted in 100% complete BANS on Metal Detecting on ANY City property. In 'some' cases you could apply for a permit, so the City said, but permits were never made or given out.
So much for my hobby Ive enjoyed for years and years. It just went POOF in what almost seemed overnight..nowhere to do it exsisted anymore.
I can see the same thing happening with RC hobby.