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D-RTK 2 base station co-ordinates
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10935 53 2022-9-15
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Is there a way to find what the D-RTK 2 base station thinks its location is for a given survey, please?
I have flown some repeat surveys for topographic change detection, and had to switch the base station off between surveys to save the battery, so each survey has an XYZ offset. Presumably if I can find the co-ordinates of the base station for each survey I can calculate the offsets quite precisely (absolute accuracy is not important).

I assume that the base station fixes its location whilst on. For other repeat surveys I left it on and don't have the same problem, or any obvious drift.

I flew the surveys with the standard base station setup (I realise it is possible to assign the 'real' base station co-ordinates).

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You can pull the logged files off of the D-RTK 2 using Windows or DJI Assistant:

D-RTK2 Mobile Station stores GNSS data (satellite observation, broadcast ephemeris and calculated coordinates) in its internal memory as .DAT files. You can find them into the following directories (DF 184788) (DF 188122) :

To download them:
a)switch on the D-RTK2 receiver;
b)connect the D-RTK2 to your PC using the USB-C cable;
c)read the D-RTK2 internal memory as an USB storage device.
They can also be exported from the D-RTK2 receiver using DJI Assistant 2 for Phantom:
a)switch on the D-RTK2 receiver;
b)run DJI Assistant 2 for Phantom;
c)connect the D-RTK2 to your PC using the USB-C cable;
d)use the “Log Export” function
DJI Assistant 2 > Log Export > RTCM Data > Save to Local
rtcm_log dir > .DAT (binary) RTCM 3.2 raw data
DJI Assistant 2 > Log Export > User Log > Save to Local
user_log dir > .DAT (ASCII) (GPS time, lat, lon, hgt, std)
DJI Assistant 2 > Log Export > User Log > Save to Local
EXPORT_FILE_2019-11-14_16-40-52.DAT (bin) ??
In the /log/rtcmraw (D-RTK2 directory) and \log_export\rtcm_log (PC directory) you find binary .DAT files in RTCM 3.2 MSM5 format containing raw satellite data.
In the /log/userlog0 (D-RTK2 directory) and \log_export\user_log\ (PC directory) you find .DAT files in ASCII format containing the position of the antenna phase center (APC) calculated by the D-RTK2 receiver at each epoch.
RTCM 3.2 raw binary files
File name structure: RTKnnn_YYYYMMDDHHMM_code.DAT
File type: binary
Directory: /log/userlog0 or \log_export\user_log\
Example: RTK027_202002211100_13ALG630050025.DAT
These files are in RTCM 3.2 MSM5 format (DF 188122) and contain raw satellite observation data and broadcasted ephemeris data.
It is possible to convert them from RTCM 3.2 to RINEX format using a third-party tool (e.g. RTKCONV and CONVBIN tools available in the RTKlib and RTKlib demo5 software suites) (DF 202392).
File name structure: RTKnnn.DAT
File type: ASCII
Directory: /log/userlog0 or \log_export\user_log\
Example: RTK049.DAT

The RTKnn.DAT file contains in each raw (i.e. record) data about the x,y,z position of the antenna phase center (APC) calculated by the D-RTK2 receiver (one every 200ms = 5Hz)
during initialization, when not enough satellite data have been recorded yet...
…after the first GNSS positioning solution...
...after averaging the found solutions...
Here the description of the content of each field in the record:
Field 1
GPS week of the recorded GNSS observation (i.e. calculated position) in UTC time
Field 2
Milliseconds of the recorded GNSS observation in UTC time, with milliseconds expressed in GPS time format (i.e. milliseconds from the beginning of the GPS week)
Field 3
Positioning type flag. 0: no positioning; 16: single-point positioning mode; 1: averaged position (single point mode); 34: RTK floating solution; 50: RTK fixed solution
Field 4
Latitude (lat) of the of the APC, in degrees
Field 5
Longitude (lon) of the of the APC, in degrees
Field 6
Height (hgt) above the reference ellipsoid (h or Hell) of the of the APC, in meters. Not to be confused with the orthometric height (i.e. altitude above mean sea level).
WGS84 is the default ellipsoid. When using the "Custom network RTK" Service Type, it can be set to another ellipsoid by choosing the appropriate Mount Point of the NRTK service.
Field 7
Standard deviation (in meters) of positioning results in the north direction
Field 8
Standard deviation (in meters) of positioning results in the east direction
Field 9
Standard deviation (in meters) of positioning results in the vertical direction

Thanks to M.Buonanno for compiling the D-RTK2 - User Notes!!!
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DJI Natalia

Hi, there.
We have confirmed your problem with the relevant team and will keep you updated here asap, please don't worry.
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Flight distance : 116591 ft
United Kingdom

patiam Posted at 9-15 12:23
You can pull the logged files off of the D-RTK 2 using Windows or DJI Assistant:

D-RTK2 Mobile Station stores GNSS data (satellite observation, broadcast ephemeris and calculated coordinates) in its internal memory as .DAT files. You can find them into the following directories (DF 184788) (DF 188122) :

Thanks, this is amazingly helpful!
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DJI Natalia

rob_s85 Posted at 9-18 10:58
Thanks, this is amazingly helpful!

Sorry for the late reply.
We hope your problem is already resolved.
Our engineer said the reply from patiam is right. After transcoding dat into rinex, you can see the base station coordinates in ECEF format in the metadata, you can also search the standard documents of rinex.

Besides, if there is anything else that we can help with, please feel free to contact us.

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United Kingdom

I just tried exporting dat files from an RTK-2 base station using the latest dji assistant 2 enterprise and it wrote zero size files.
I copied the .dat files just using the drive that pops up - and the files are not recognised by RTKconv - any ideas on using the recorded files for RINEX post processing?
its really not documented anywhere I can find
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United Kingdom

if you find this thread  - be aware that the .dat files on the dji rtk-2 are RTCM3.2 MSM5 binary format
if you edit .dat to .rtcm3 RTKlib converter can convert them to RINEX OK!
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kirdji Posted at 5-23 05:47
if you find this thread  - be aware that the .dat files on the dji rtk-2 are RTCM3.2 MSM5 binary format
if you edit .dat to .rtcm3 RTKlib converter can convert them to RINEX OK!

I think I said that last year...
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United Kingdom

yes and it was very helpful ;-)
is there another thread on dji rtk-2 processing?
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Jubba Gash
United Kingdom

Maybe a bit old, (me and the post) but after downloading RTKLIB converter and pointing it at the D-RTK2 .dat file, it's still not recognising the file type. So then I renamed it to .rctm3 and that still failed. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, as all I want to do is convert the .dat to a file format I can use in Emlid Studio. Any ideas?
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Jubba Gash Posted at 7-7 07:57
Maybe a bit old, (me and the post) but after downloading RTKLIB converter and pointing it at the D-RTK2 .dat file, it's still not recognising the file type. So then I renamed it to .rctm3 and that still failed. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, as all I want to do is convert the .dat to a file format I can use in Emlid Studio. Any ideas?

Are you sure you got the right .DAT file? there are two types of .DAT files on the D-RTK2, a binary one and a text one. For RTKLib you want the binary one w/ the name format


NOT the one w the much shorter name like RTKnnn.DAT.

See post #2 in this thread for more info.

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Jubba Gash
United Kingdom

patiam Posted at 7-11 13:57
Are you sure you got the right .DAT file? there are two types of .DAT files on the D-RTK2, a binary one and a text one. For RTKLib you want the binary one w/ the name format


Thanks, that helped and I can now convert.
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Second Officer

Has anyone tried to read the raw data in real-time from the DRTK2? I mean the RTCM messages in real-time as they are being obtained (not the files that are downloaded once the session is complete). I was thinking that if I could access that information, I might be able to set up an NTRIP station and make some use of the DRTK2. For now, I'm not worried about the NTRIP caster/server; first, I need to make sure that those messages are coming out of one of the ports. I already tried connecting the working device to the "LAN" and/or "CAN" ports using the cable it came with and an RS232 to USB adapter. But it was impossible... has anyone tried?
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Jubba Gash Posted at 7-15 00:59
Thanks, that helped and I can now convert.
Glad you got it sorted!
Yeah, leave it to DJI to use the same extension for two file types that are very different...
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Guille_Meinero Posted at 7-15 15:11
Has anyone tried to read the raw data in real-time from the DRTK2? I mean the RTCM messages in real-time as they are being obtained (not the files that are downloaded once the session is complete). I was thinking that if I could access that information, I might be able to set up an NTRIP station and make some use of the DRTK2. For now, I'm not worried about the NTRIP caster/server; first, I need to make sure that those messages are coming out of one of the ports. I already tried connecting the working device to the "LAN" and/or "CAN" ports using the cable it came with and an RS232 to USB adapter. But it was impossible... has anyone tried?

I have not, as I have several Emid RS2+'s that I routinely use for this sort of thing. But, like you, I would be happy to find some way to put our 2 D-RTK-2s to some kind of worthwhile use...

I will try to find time to fiddle with this. And I'm eager to hear what you and others come up with!

Sure wish we could count on some DJI rep to swoop in here and tell us wow to make it work! But, alas....
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Second Officer

I have more faith in the community support from this channel than in the official support for a product that was released without everything being sorted out.
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As I mentioned before, I tried using a cable that comes with the DRTK2. On one end, it has a plug whose exact format I don't recognize, and on the other end, it terminates in RS232. I used an RS232 to USB converter. The DRTK2 has two ports of this format, one labeled LAN and the other CAN. Of course, the manual doesn't provide details about this. I tried both ports and several modes (1 to 5) of the DRTK2, but I couldn't receive any data.
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Second Officer

The information is definitely there; we just need to find a way to read it. In fact, I'm quite sure that the GNSS motherboard of the DRTK2 is from the brand u-blox.
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Guille_Meinero Posted at 7-16 09:24
As I mentioned before, I tried using a cable that comes with the DRTK2. On one end, it has a plug whose exact format I don't recognize, and on the other end, it terminates in RS232. I used an RS232 to USB converter. The DRTK2 has two ports of this format, one labeled LAN and the other CAN. Of course, the manual doesn't provide details about this. I tried both ports and several modes (1 to 5) of the DRTK2, but I couldn't receive any data.

That's a LEMO connector

and my D-RTK-2's only have one port (labeled "LAN") on the underside, nor did they come with the cable (listed as "optional"). I'm sure you tried already, but just in case- did you try with a Null Modem adapter on the RS-232?
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Second Officer

Yes, that's right, it's a Lemo connector, and I have two of them on my drtk2. Then I used a standard RS232 to USB converter, like the one in the photo. I don't have a PC that I can directly plug an RS232 into.
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Guille_Meinero Posted at 7-16 18:25
Yes, that's right, it's a Lemo connector, and I have two of them on my drtk2. Then I used a standard RS232 to USB converter, like the one in the photo. I don't have a PC that I can directly plug an RS232 into.[view_image]

You might try putting a Null Modem adapter between the RS-232 connectors on the cable and your USB converter. Probably won't help (especially if nothing is coming out of the port at all), but always worth a try with serial comms.

Null modems swap the serial cable's transmit and receive wires. They are needed when connecting some devices.

Available lots of places

If nothing is coming out of the port at all, my guess is that there must be some secret to enabling the output. I know you tried all modes, but perhaps there is some additional step or settings change that is required...
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Guille_Meinero Posted at 7-16 09:24
As I mentioned before, I tried using a cable that comes with the DRTK2. On one end, it has a plug whose exact format I don't recognize, and on the other end, it terminates in RS232. I used an RS232 to USB converter. The DRTK2 has two ports of this format, one labeled LAN and the other CAN. Of course, the manual doesn't provide details about this. I tried both ports and several modes (1 to 5) of the DRTK2, but I couldn't receive any data.

I PM'ed @DJI Natalia about this. Hopefully they will forward the question to their relevant engineers.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Guille_Meinero Posted at 7-16 18:25
Yes, that's right, it's a Lemo connector, and I have two of them on my drtk2. Then I used a standard RS232 to USB converter, like the one in the photo. I don't have a PC that I can directly plug an RS232 into.[view_image]
Generally speaking, by convention, Lemo sockets used in serial are wired in the following way (when the connector is facing you with the key facing up):
-Middle pin RX
-Left down pin TX
-Left upper pin GND

If the null modem does not work you can try connecting these pins to an FTDI module.
SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V - DEV-09716 - SparkFun Electronics

Once the wiring is done, plug it into a PC USB, start U-blox U-center and see if it responds on the selected COM. Win+X to open the device manager and find the COM number.

If U-center doesn't work, try TeraTerm or Putty to see if anything comes out of these pins. Maybe RAW sentences !

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United States

Great advice @LV_Forestry! Thank you! I was going to suggest PuTTY as well.
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The more I read the scant info in the manual, the more I think that the cable you have is the CAN port cable; I think you want the LAN cable instead:

"LAN Cable
Use the LAN cable to access the public network.
Be sure to comply with local laws and regulations when transmitting satellite positioning
information on a public network."

the LAN cable terminates in an RJ-45 as one would expect

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Second Officer

LV_Forestry Posted at 7-18 09:47
Generally speaking, by convention, Lemo sockets used in serial are wired in the following way (when the connector is facing you with the key facing up):
-Middle pin RX
-Left down pin TX

This is a 6 pin, and none in the center
Already tried putty
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Second Officer

patiam Posted at 7-18 10:36
Great advice @LV_Forestry! Thank you! I was going to suggest PuTTY as well.

yeah... already tried
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Second Officer

patiam Posted at 7-18 12:59
The more I read the scant info in the manual, the more I think that the cable you have is the CAN port cable; I think you want the LAN cable instead:

I just realized that the LAN cable information is in the old version of the manual 'D-RTK_2_Mobile_Station_User_Guide_v2.0_multi.pdf' but not in the newest one. I'm going to take a look. Anyway, no, I don't have that cable which ends in RJ45.
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Second Officer

patiam Posted at 7-18 12:59
The more I read the scant info in the manual, the more I think that the cable you have is the CAN port cable; I think you want the LAN cable instead:

Unfortunately, I can't get that cable here in Argentina, and the delay and cost are too much for something I'm not sure will work. Also, there is no information of any kind. I think I'm closer to opening the D-RTK2 and seeing what I find inside
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United States

lol. understood. i just ordered the cable and will see what i can't find out.
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Second Officer

patiam Posted at 7-19 09:19
lol. understood. i just ordered the cable and will see what i can't find out.

Good luck! Keep us informed
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Guille_Meinero Posted at 7-19 03:57
This is a 6 pin, and none in the center
Already tried putty

If Putty doesn't work, all you have to do is try with RJ45 and Wireshark.
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United States

Guille_Meinero Posted at 7-19 03:57
This is a 6 pin, and none in the center
Already tried putty

yeah i have bunches of Trimble serial LEMO cables and they all are the same size but have a 7th center pin.
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LV_Forestry Posted at 7-19 11:01
If Putty doesn't work, all you have to do is try with RJ45 and Wireshark.

yup, copy that.
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Update- @DJI Natalia responded to my PM but even when I gave them a link and a description of where to find this thread, they claim they can not access it. A thread in which they themselves posted in 2022. They want us to create a new thread. I told them there is discussion in this thread that won't be replicated in a new thread.

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Second Officer

I came up with an idea: to connect the DRTK2 base station with the radio control and use the radio control as an NTRIP server. There is an Android app that works quite well, GNSS Master, which allows any GNSS as input and an NTRIP caster as output (for example, from Emlid). The problem I am facing is that the P4RTK controller, the one with the built-in screen, runs on Android Lollipop 5.1, which hardly allows me to install anything. I am very limited with the actions I can perform with that radio control. But if it works, I could have the DRTK2 on the roof and the radio control acting as a caster without cables.
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United States

Good idea! I guess this is a use case where the SDK controller might come in handy...
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Second Officer

patiam Posted at 7-21 10:08
Good idea! I guess this is a use case where the SDK controller might come in handy...

I asked in another forum specialized in Android, unfortunately, DJI locks its Android-based operating system so that it only works as a drone controller and no other application can be installed.
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United States

Guille_Meinero Posted at 7-22 09:44
I asked in another forum specialized in Android, unfortunately, DJI locks its Android-based operating system so that it only works as a drone controller and no other application can be installed.

even side-loading via apk? bummer.
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Flight distance : 1156358 ft
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2022-9-18 18:53
Sorry for the late reply.
We hope your problem is already resolved.

Hi @DJI Natalia-
Can you please address the question in Post # 14 below? ... 638&pid=3366739

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