 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 1156358 ft
United States
You can pull the logged files off of the D-RTK 2 using Windows or DJI Assistant:
D-RTK2 Mobile Station stores GNSS data (satellite observation, broadcast ephemeris and calculated coordinates) in its internal memory as .DAT files. You can find them into the following directories (DF 184788) (DF 188122) :
To download them:
a)switch on the D-RTK2 receiver;
b)connect the D-RTK2 to your PC using the USB-C cable;
c)read the D-RTK2 internal memory as an USB storage device.
They can also be exported from the D-RTK2 receiver using DJI Assistant 2 for Phantom:
a)switch on the D-RTK2 receiver;
b)run DJI Assistant 2 for Phantom;
c)connect the D-RTK2 to your PC using the USB-C cable;
d)use the “Log Export” function
DJI Assistant 2 > Log Export > RTCM Data > Save to Local
rtcm_log dir > .DAT (binary) RTCM 3.2 raw data
DJI Assistant 2 > Log Export > User Log > Save to Local
user_log dir > .DAT (ASCII) (GPS time, lat, lon, hgt, std)
DJI Assistant 2 > Log Export > User Log > Save to Local
EXPORT_FILE_2019-11-14_16-40-52.DAT (bin) ??
In the /log/rtcmraw (D-RTK2 directory) and \log_export\rtcm_log (PC directory) you find binary .DAT files in RTCM 3.2 MSM5 format containing raw satellite data.
In the /log/userlog0 (D-RTK2 directory) and \log_export\user_log\ (PC directory) you find .DAT files in ASCII format containing the position of the antenna phase center (APC) calculated by the D-RTK2 receiver at each epoch.
RTCM 3.2 raw binary files
File name structure: RTKnnn_YYYYMMDDHHMM_code.DAT
File type: binary
Directory: /log/userlog0 or \log_export\user_log\
Example: RTK027_202002211100_13ALG630050025.DAT
These files are in RTCM 3.2 MSM5 format (DF 188122) and contain raw satellite observation data and broadcasted ephemeris data.
It is possible to convert them from RTCM 3.2 to RINEX format using a third-party tool (e.g. RTKCONV and CONVBIN tools available in the RTKlib and RTKlib demo5 software suites) (DF 202392).
File name structure: RTKnnn.DAT
File type: ASCII
Directory: /log/userlog0 or \log_export\user_log\
Example: RTK049.DAT
The RTKnn.DAT file contains in each raw (i.e. record) data about the x,y,z position of the antenna phase center (APC) calculated by the D-RTK2 receiver (one every 200ms = 5Hz)
during initialization, when not enough satellite data have been recorded yet...
…after the first GNSS positioning solution...
...after averaging the found solutions...
Here the description of the content of each field in the record:
Field 1
GPS week of the recorded GNSS observation (i.e. calculated position) in UTC time
Field 2
Milliseconds of the recorded GNSS observation in UTC time, with milliseconds expressed in GPS time format (i.e. milliseconds from the beginning of the GPS week)
Field 3
Positioning type flag. 0: no positioning; 16: single-point positioning mode; 1: averaged position (single point mode); 34: RTK floating solution; 50: RTK fixed solution
Field 4
Latitude (lat) of the of the APC, in degrees
Field 5
Longitude (lon) of the of the APC, in degrees
Field 6
Height (hgt) above the reference ellipsoid (h or Hell) of the of the APC, in meters. Not to be confused with the orthometric height (i.e. altitude above mean sea level).
WGS84 is the default ellipsoid. When using the "Custom network RTK" Service Type, it can be set to another ellipsoid by choosing the appropriate Mount Point of the NRTK service.
Field 7
Standard deviation (in meters) of positioning results in the north direction
Field 8
Standard deviation (in meters) of positioning results in the east direction
Field 9
Standard deviation (in meters) of positioning results in the vertical direction
Thanks to M.Buonanno for compiling the D-RTK2 - User Notes!!! |