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Avata Crash - Flat Spin of Death
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5986 53 2022-9-19
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Flight distance : 5076896 ft
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Sorry to say, I'm returning the Avata.   I couldn't use it in the mtns, clearly.    Started a back roll, and it goes into a flat spin.  I was very lucky to recover it.  They are refunding me.   I turned in the black box data.  

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Bob Brown
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4209662 ft
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United States

Unfortunate. Maybe a broken prop? Are they all in tact?
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Flight distance : 5076896 ft
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United States

Bob Brown Posted at 9-19 16:17
Unfortunate. Maybe a broken prop? Are they all in tact?
No,  drone looks fine.  IMU meltdown is my guess.
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DJI Stephen

Hello there BarnSwallow. I am sorry to read and to know what happened to your DJI Avata. Since this unfortunate event happened with your DJI Avata, It would be best to contact our DJI Support Team at for further assistance with regards to this matter. We will do there best to help you and give out the best resolution for the said issue. Again, I am sorry and thank you.
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Flight distance : 458904 ft

DJI Stephen Posted at 9-19 20:12
Hello there BarnSwallow. I am sorry to read and to know what happened to your DJI Avata. Since this unfortunate event happened with your DJI Avata, It would be best to contact our DJI Support Team at for further assistance with regards to this matter. We will do there best to help you and give out the best resolution for the said issue. Again, I am sorry and thank you.

DJI you should fix this issue ASAP because a lot are also experiencing this sudden flip when in manual mode. A lot of my friends are experienced FPV pilots and they can really say their is something wrong with the IMU that causes misbehavior and that needs to be patched ASAP.
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Nice maneuvers and then it appears the Avata went crazy.  Real sad to see.
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Flight distance : 5076896 ft
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United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 9-19 20:12
Hello there BarnSwallow. I am sorry to read and to know what happened to your DJI Avata. Since this unfortunate event happened with your DJI Avata, It would be best to contact our DJI Support Team at for further assistance with regards to this matter. We will do there best to help you and give out the best resolution for the said issue. Again, I am sorry and thank you.

Yes Stephen, I sent in the video along with the black box data.   They're refunding me immediately.   They'll get it fixed I'm sure.   I remain a fan of DJI,  but I could never take this drone to the mountains.   Very sad, I was loving it up to this point.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 27904331 ft
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             not lucky...

Couldn't you press the "pause" button...?
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Flight distance : 5076896 ft
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United States

frankymusik Posted at 9-20 07:33
not lucky...

Probably should suspend sales until it's resolved.
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Flight distance : 2098566 ft
United States

I have seen a few videos involving Avata spiraling down to the ground due to this fatal bug. Seems to occur while in manual mode. Glad I have not received mine yet. When I get it, I will not fly it until a firmware is released to fix this bug
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

maybe this is the reason there is no rc2 package for the avata (yet)?
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Flight distance : 17907 ft
United States

Mine did something similar, and the Pause button wouldn't do anything at all.
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DJI Stephen

BarnSwallow Posted at 9-20 07:27
Yes Stephen, I sent in the video along with the black box data.   They're refunding me immediately.   They'll get it fixed I'm sure.   I remain a fan of DJI,  but I could never take this drone to the mountains.   Very sad, I was loving it up to this point.

Hi there BarnSwallow. Thank you for the reply and for this given update. Kindly please rest assured that our DJI R&D Team will look in to this matter. Again, thank you for your support and have a nice day.
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Flight distance : 55558 ft

DJI Stephen Posted at 9-20 22:00
Hi there BarnSwallow. Thank you for the reply and for this given update. Kindly please rest assured that our DJI R&D Team will look in to this matter. Again, thank you for your support and have a nice day.

I am having an issue too with Avata in manual mode. When I do a quick turn it sometimes goes out of control for a fraction of a second, turns nose down or whatever random position, and then back in control. I first thought it was wind or something. Newest firmware in Avata, FPV controller and goggles v2.
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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I hope you get it fixed (or refunded)
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Flight distance : 5076896 ft
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United States

JukkaS Posted at 9-20 22:13
I am having an issue too with Avata in manual mode. When I do a quick turn it sometimes goes out of control for a fraction of a second, turns nose down or whatever random position, and then back in control. I first thought it was wind or something. Newest firmware in Avata, FPV controller and goggles v2.

Get your money back before you lose it or its destroyed.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 233757 ft
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United States

JukkaS Posted at 9-20 22:13
I am having an issue too with Avata in manual mode. When I do a quick turn it sometimes goes out of control for a fraction of a second, turns nose down or whatever random position, and then back in control. I first thought it was wind or something. Newest firmware in Avata, FPV controller and goggles v2.

Yes, have seen a few videos reporting this.  As you mentioned...specific to 'Manual Mode' and 'Quick Turns'.   I've not flown other Cinewhoop style quads (to date) so cant comment on it being a bug is software or something specific to a cinewhoop style quad.  Perhaps someone else can comment on that..
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Ales M.
Flight distance : 150026 ft

Dammnnn, sorry to hear and see that.

I've been practicing Manual (Acro) for 40hrs in Liftoff and I was ready to test it tomorrow in real, now after seeing and reading about this issue, I'm scared even to take avata from my backpack.

I saw there's a new Avata firmware I just updated today, but not sure if this update fixes this issue, as it says only "improved flight safety" Would be excellent if DJI can give us more details about this.
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Flight distance : 458904 ft

Ales M. Posted at 9-26 07:07
Dammnnn, sorry to hear and see that.

I've been practicing Manual (Acro) for 40hrs in Liftoff and I was ready to test it tomorrow in real, now after seeing and reading about this issue, I'm scared even to take avata from my backpack.
I saw someone posted a video in facebook DJI AVATA CINEWHOOP group that he already updated his DJI AVATA to latest firmware dated 09/14/2022 but his avata acted more weird and crashed into a truck. So the DJI AVATA is still bugged and not adviseable to fly in manual mode not until DJI will address the issue ASAP or they could lose more sales because others are advising not to buy yet this drone.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 48451 ft
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United Kingdom

I've cancelled my order for now, i will see how this progresses and how DJI responds before placing a new order.... its concerning as i've seen a lot of videos like this, so its not a one off... thanks for the heads up
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Flight distance : 1241020 ft
United States

Ales M. Posted at 9-26 07:07
Dammnnn, sorry to hear and see that.

I've been practicing Manual (Acro) for 40hrs in Liftoff and I was ready to test it tomorrow in real, now after seeing and reading about this issue, I'm scared even to take avata from my backpack.

You can still go fly, but I would stay out of manual mode until they fix this issue. I was flying mine in manual mode and started seeing a slew of people crashing at no fault of their own (meaning Avata goes crazy) and it always happens in manual mode. So I now just fly in Sport mode.

I hope they fix these issues soon but the first step is getting them to admit there is an issue because up until now they are saying it's all pilot error.

I saw one video of a guy flying over the ocean/rocky coast and it was doing well in manual, then on his last battery right when he was going to land it the drone went into a nose dive and right into the water. They are making him pay $222 to replace it because he can't return the drone. He sent in the black box data and they said it was his fault because he was too close to the water when he made the turn. He was almost 35+ feet from the water, if that's too close then something is really wrong lol.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 80991 ft
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DJI never admits faults until there is enough coverage... If there is a fault with expensive hardware, BE OPEN ABOUT IT! But they hardly are... Especially when it comes to flight bugs.
On the OG Mavic, they admited the camera hardware fault back then and easy to get replacement. But this is another level.

Hoped the latest firmware would have fixed this, seems not... Other bug I saw was a guy flipping his Avata to manual and it PILEDRIVED itself into the ground, instant at full speed the moment he matched the sticks position in the googles...

Enjoy this one!

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Flight distance : 5076896 ft
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United States

Thats an IMU failure I believe
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Flight distance : 1231168 ft
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Got the Avata tumble myself.. just flipped over and tumbled from the sky.

So do I need to send logs and video to the  DJI Support Team? at
Or just open after sales ticket? Not sure which support option to choose.

I think, the avata just does not like flying over 50km/h. It always gets very unstable after hitting higher speeds or doing any more agressive moves. Battery is way too weak and heavy too. I think, DJI should change current battery/motors setup. Or just disable manual mode all together. And recall all units, as it's clearly a problem.. I have done over 20 laps successfully but it just did flip on one. I think, it was a combition of speed over 50km/h, battery at just above 40% and wind. It did survive the crash and tumbled out of the track, luckly away from spectators, so just some nasty cosmetic scratches from tarmac but still does fly.

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Second Officer
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it will sooner or later hit someone too many cases  of sudden flip + no response are reported!
we see plenty of crasheś middle of nowhere, but as cinewhops fly in close space + over ppl - as they should be "safe" (rather lightweight + no open props) thy will hit someone
too bad that it looks, only future court case for damage might force manufacturer to release faster fix and now we really have limit our usage of avata
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1665023 ft
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United Kingdom

DowntownRDB Posted at 9-20 03:29
Nice maneuvers and then it appears the Avata went crazy.  Real sad to see.

It seems like it happens when the FC reaches it's limit and just gives up. Saying that, there's a video on YT by Mr Steele and he literally rips it's 's off in relation to flying it in manual mode. Certainly not an issue with every Avata. Maybe with the 1st batch, so either requires a FW update to fix asap or an FC that can handle more aggressive flight characteristics and control. There's also the fact that it's a cinewhoop. On my 1st weekend using it, it certainly delivers when used as it was intended. A little poor in low light but we knew that already. The overall controll and method in manual mode is 2nd to none as far as I have used it though. Obviously coming from an FPV background, I realise what it is and how I'm going to fly it as I already have flippy floppy kwads for this type of flying. A little disconcerting for pilots who are starting the journey with the Avata but like anything in FPV, most things have a place and what job they are intended for. This certainly ain't no freestyler or racer -
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Flight distance : 1231168 ft
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CoreyB10 Posted at 10-16 23:35
It seems like it happens when the FC reaches it's limit and just gives up. Saying that, there's a video on YT by Mr Steele and he literally rips it's 's off in relation to flying it in manual mode. Certainly not an issue with every Avata. Maybe with the 1st batch, so either requires a FW update to fix asap or an FC that can handle more aggressive flight characteristics and control. There's also the fact that it's a cinewhoop. On my 1st weekend using it, it certainly delivers when used as it was intended. A little poor in low light but we knew that already. The overall controll and method in manual mode is 2nd to none as far as I have used it though. Obviously coming from an FPV background, I realise what it is and how I'm going to fly it as I already have flippy floppy kwads for this type of flying. A little disconcerting for pilots who are starting the journey with the Avata but like anything in FPV, most things have a place and what job they are intended for. This certainly ain't no freestyler or racer -

Not true. I have returned my first Goggles 2 kit and this is my second Avata, the second day flying it.
The first one did flip because of the wind right after launch shooting a rally event. But zero damage has been done crashing on the grass.
This time I have made probably over 40 laps that day without any issues, doing sharp 180 turns with the cars and flying in turbulent air behind, doing S-splits.  And there were some wobbles on some turns like with the cinewhoop and just like with the car you can ease up get the drone straight again. I started to believe that this yaw issue is just incorrect flying technique as Avata is surprisingly capable as a cinewhoop desing.  Though the final time it just flipped suddenly with no warning as if one motor has completely stopped. And as I have mentioned, the only difference might have been going slightly faster trying to close the gap to the cars and having wind picked up on the second half of the day.

And I will put a full video later, that it was doing impressive 180' turns and flips many times with no issues.. and did flip on the most boring slight right turn.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1665023 ft
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United Kingdom

Originalas Posted at 10-17 01:22
Not true. I have returned my first Goggles 2 kit and this is my second Avata, the second day flying it.
The first one did flip because of the wind right after launch shooting a rally event. But zero damage has been done crashing on the grass.
This time I have made probably over 40 laps that day without any issues, doing sharp 180 turns with the cars and flying in turbulent air behind, doing S-splits.  And there were some wobbles on some turns like with the cinewhoop and just like with the car you can ease up get the drone straight again. I started to believe that this yaw issue is just incorrect flying technique as Avata is surprisingly capable as a cinewhoop desing.  Though the final time it just flipped suddenly with no warning as if one motor has completely stopped. And as I have mentioned, the only difference might have been going slightly faster trying to close the gap to the cars and having wind picked up on the second half of the day.

So it's the IMU / FC then that's causing these issues ?
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United States

CoreyB10 Posted at 10-16 23:35
It seems like it happens when the FC reaches it's limit and just gives up. Saying that, there's a video on YT by Mr Steele and he literally rips it's 's off in relation to flying it in manual mode. Certainly not an issue with every Avata. Maybe with the 1st batch, so either requires a FW update to fix asap or an FC that can handle more aggressive flight characteristics and control. There's also the fact that it's a cinewhoop. On my 1st weekend using it, it certainly delivers when used as it was intended. A little poor in low light but we knew that already. The overall controll and method in manual mode is 2nd to none as far as I have used it though. Obviously coming from an FPV background, I realise what it is and how I'm going to fly it as I already have flippy floppy kwads for this type of flying. A little disconcerting for pilots who are starting the journey with the Avata but like anything in FPV, most things have a place and what job they are intended for. This certainly ain't no freestyler or racer -

Thanks for the video Corey.     Man he put it through quite an endurance test.  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1665023 ft
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United Kingdom

DowntownRDB Posted at 10-17 03:42
Thanks for the video Corey.     Man he put it through quite an endurance test.

Shows it's a hit and miss thing. Some of it is defo pilot error but there is an issue when doing aggressive flat turns.
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Flight distance : 1231168 ft
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CoreyB10 Posted at 10-17 01:49
So it's the IMU / FC then that's causing these issues ?

I do believe motor/battery combo but there might be rates/tuning issues too. There are tests with Axisflying C157 motors improving performance and reducing tumble. I have new motors coming this week. As putting big battery destroys performance on any cinewhoop. So again Avata actually does show impressive results with +10 min flight time and even better performance than my cinelog25/35 drones, those do tumble on aggressive flying too.  
The same deal, I have been shooting MX race with my 5" and switched to cinelog25 during a break, forgot about it and did the same turn as with 5" sending the cinelog25 tumbling on a 180' turn.  
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Flight distance : 5076896 ft
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United States

CoreyB10 Posted at 10-16 23:35
It seems like it happens when the FC reaches it's limit and just gives up. Saying that, there's a video on YT by Mr Steele and he literally rips it's 's off in relation to flying it in manual mode. Certainly not an issue with every Avata. Maybe with the 1st batch, so either requires a FW update to fix asap or an FC that can handle more aggressive flight characteristics and control. There's also the fact that it's a cinewhoop. On my 1st weekend using it, it certainly delivers when used as it was intended. A little poor in low light but we knew that already. The overall controll and method in manual mode is 2nd to none as far as I have used it though. Obviously coming from an FPV background, I realise what it is and how I'm going to fly it as I already have flippy floppy kwads for this type of flying. A little disconcerting for pilots who are starting the journey with the Avata but like anything in FPV, most things have a place and what job they are intended for. This certainly ain't no freestyler or racer -

Maybe there's hope for it.   But for me, I'll never trust it mountain surfing which is why I wanted it.  I would hoping to use it for long hikes where I couldn't haul the DJI FPV.  I'll stick with my Mini 3 Pro.   Which has been fantastic.    It would be very nice to use the Avata to fly through Aspen groves.

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Flight distance : 5076896 ft
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United States

I'd like to hear DJI admit there's an issue with it.  Perhaps stop selling it, until it's resolved, because  it's causing a lot of misery with lost drones.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1665023 ft
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United Kingdom

BarnSwallow Posted at 10-17 06:42
Maybe there's hope for it.   But for me, I'll never trust it mountain surfing which is why I wanted it.  I would hoping to use it for long hikes where I couldn't haul the DJI FPV.  I'll stick with my Mini 3 Pro.   Which has been fantastic.    It would be very nice to use the Avata to fly through Aspen groves.

There has been an admission of 1st batch drones but don’t quote me on that. But then again, that was reported on FB. I read it this past weekend.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1665023 ft
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United Kingdom

BarnSwallow Posted at 10-17 06:42
Maybe there's hope for it.   But for me, I'll never trust it mountain surfing which is why I wanted it.  I would hoping to use it for long hikes where I couldn't haul the DJI FPV.  I'll stick with my Mini 3 Pro.   Which has been fantastic.    It would be very nice to use the Avata to fly through Aspen groves.

The flights I have flown so far and all in manual mode (apart from under a minute in both normal and sport modes) it has been very good and comparable in control to my Cinelog35. In some respects, it’s even easier to control and fly gaps etc. Efficiency wise, it stands to reason that this would be better than its fpv counterparts. A 6min flight this morning with still just over half a battery remaining is way better than normal fpv cinewhoops and Lipo batteries. It’s not going to be freestyled, as I have my others for that. I’m sure they will fix the issues as it’s causing pain for them and their new release. They eventually get there though through experience. Must be roughly 8-9ths with DJI now and I still have confidence in their products.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1665023 ft
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United Kingdom

Originalas Posted at 10-17 05:05
I do believe motor/battery combo but there might be rates/tuning issues too. There are tests with Axisflying C157 motors improving performance and reducing tumble. I have new motors coming this week.  As putting big battery destroys performance on any cinewhoop. So again Avata actually does show impressive results with +10 min flight time and even better performance than my cinelog25/35 drones, those do tumble on aggressive flying too.  
The same deal, I have been shooting MX race with my 5" and switched to cinelog25 during a break, forgot about it and did the same turn as with 5" sending the cinelog25 tumbling on a 180' turn.

Agree with you 100%. Even the best cinewhoop can tumble and have issues in the air. What a lot of people don’t realise is it’s a cinewhoop at heart. Yes there’s a load of beginners buying this but it does have issues and that is obvious. It’s how they deal with it is what counts. It’s not crap by a long shot and the flights I’ve flown since getting it last week have been great.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1665023 ft
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United Kingdom

BarnSwallow Posted at 10-17 06:42
Maybe there's hope for it.   But for me, I'll never trust it mountain surfing which is why I wanted it.  I would hoping to use it for long hikes where I couldn't haul the DJI FPV.  I'll stick with my Mini 3 Pro.   Which has been fantastic.    It would be very nice to use the Avata to fly through Aspen groves.

I love the FPV Drone as it’s ideal for the Peak District and places where I need a rock solid connection.I rip that thing like a normal 5” kwad. It’s been excellent and I have had literally no issues. I feel you though as you had a definite purpose and need for it.
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United States

CoreyB10 Posted at 10-17 04:59
Shows it's a hit and miss thing. Some of it is defo pilot error but there is an issue when doing aggressive flat turns.

Yeah, for sure the aggressive flat turn issues need to be addressed.  In your opinion, is that a hardware or software issue?
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Flight distance : 1231168 ft
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My Avata death tumble video

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1665023 ft
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United Kingdom

DowntownRDB Posted at 10-17 15:30
Yeah, for sure the aggressive flat turn issues need to be addressed.  In your opinion, is that a hardware or software issue?

Bit of both really as it's either the IMU / FC or FW or a combo of all. Not had any issues thus far, but I'm flying it as a cinewhoop and not expecting it to be a freestyle rig. They will find the issue and sort it.....Eventually.
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