 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
Mamelo Posted at 10-4 15:25
It was strange, the drone was hovering and all of a sudden it started flying and there was a wind warning on the controller before it lost signal
Here's where I'm at so far....
GPS was lost at 18:10 with the drone 150 metres west of the homepoint and 87 metres up.
30-40 seconds before this, the drone was higher (113 m) and easily holding position with minimal pitch and roll angles which is a good indication that winds were very light at that height.
It doesn't look like the drone was blown away by strong wind, but may have drifted slowly without GPS.
The homepoint was the highest land in the area, so there were no obstacles to block signal or crash into.
GPS position and speed data are false for teh last 3 minutes of the flight.
Altitude data as well as pitch, roll,compass and joystick data are still good.
Normally a drone in atti mode will land when signal is lost as it cannot RTH.
But the drone in this incident was still reporting itself as in Normal Mode, but not using GPS data, so it might (?) have remained hovering.
The drone was relatively close to the homepoint with good signal strength, so the loss of signal suggests loss of power, although it seems an unlikely coincidence to lose power minutes after losing GPS.
Pitch and roll data at the end of the flight don't indicate a collision with a powerline or other obstacle.
Given the evidence of light winds when data was reliable, I suspect the high wind warning is false.