United States
Thanks and Yes, I understand that very well - "OK Maps" is a nifty feature - and I have always done that at home prior to flying in a new area.
Here is what I currently do the night before:
1. Go to Google Maps on my device with the satelitte layer on, zoom in and go all-around the area, then save it using "OK Maps" as noted, then close GM; then,
2. Open the DJI Pilot App, enlarge the map window and do as I did in #1 (except for any save command - there isn't one, is there?), then close the Pilot App.
3. Turn off wifi and turn off the device until I go to fly.
BUT, the map still starts out as stated (shows the entire nation rather than just my general area). Can you be more specific in what one must do - exactly - in the field so you do not have spend so much time zooming to get ready for take off?