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Adobe Lightroom or ACR Color Profiles for Mavic 3 DNG files
8702 34 2022-10-10
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Hi folks.  I'm trying to process Mavic 3 still photos in DNG format in Adobe Camera Raw (ACR).   The colors look off (well, they look pretty bad) with the default color profile ACR uses, and also with any of the alternative color profiles selectable.   The yellows, especially, look off.    I'm using the latest ACR (14.5).
I'm wondering :
- does anyone have a color profile for the Mavic 3 DNG files that they've had good results with Adobe ACR (or lightroom) ?
- any other ideas on how to go about addressing this ?

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TooMuchGear :-
United States

I'm having the same situation.  I'm not sure what the deal is, but my sky has these weird green patches and I'm pretty sure it's a profile thing.   The same kind of thing happened with my Phantom 4 Pro at some point.

Any help would be very appreciated!
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. Hope that you could get the best recommendation from our fellow DJI Pilots here about this 3rd party editing software. Please don't hesitate to reach us if you have other inquiries. Thank you.
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DJI Paladin Posted at 10-10 20:03
Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. Hope that you could get the best recommendation from our fellow DJI Pilots here about this 3rd party editing software. Please don't hesitate to reach us if you have other inquiries. Thank you.

Paladin - so how does DJI suggest we edit DNG files from the Mavic 3 with proper color support ?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2866296 ft
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DJI Paladin Posted at 10-10 20:03
Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. Hope that you could get the best recommendation from our fellow DJI Pilots here about this 3rd party editing software. Please don't hesitate to reach us if you have other inquiries. Thank you.

DJI Palladin, the color profile is the DJI job to provide )))) Not the "fellow pilots"...
So send the message to your DEV Team to make it...
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Geo_Drone Posted at 10-11 00:33
DJI Palladin, the color profile is the DJI job to provide )))) Not the "fellow pilots"...
So send the message to your DEV Team to make it...

Exactly.   I would think DJI would be highly interested in enabling pilots to easily edit Mavic 3  DNG files with proper colors.    (Rather than just dump the problem onto each pilot.)
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Flight distance : 1078150 ft
United States

DJI Paladin Posted at 10-10 20:03
Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. Hope that you could get the best recommendation from our fellow DJI Pilots here about this 3rd party editing software. Please don't hesitate to reach us if you have other inquiries. Thank you.

There has been an overlook on the Mavic 3. The Air 2S DNG files have an embedded color profile that tells any software working with a DNG the colors that the drone is creating. The Mavic 3 is not embedding its color profile. It's a long-standing oversite with the Mavic 3.
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Flight distance : 1078150 ft
United States

DJI Paladin Posted at 10-10 20:03
Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. Hope that you could get the best recommendation from our fellow DJI Pilots here about this 3rd party editing software. Please don't hesitate to reach us if you have other inquiries. Thank you.

As stated the embedded profile is missing so on the left you can see the DNG colors which are just off but the jpeg generated image from the drone is much closer.

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djiuser_CgYhBqmxP83j Posted at 10-11 07:06
As stated the embedded profile is missing so on the left you can see the DNG colors which are just off but the jpeg generated image from the drone is much closer.


Well, thanks for this post !

I think it just emphasizes the need for this profile.   I can't understand why DJI lets this issue stay out there.   After all, one of their slogans for the Mavic 3 is 'IMAGING ABOVE EVERYTHING'.   With no easy way to get proper colors with RAW files, this looks to me like a huge miss on DJI's part.
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Flight distance : 1078150 ft
United States

mah4ever Posted at 10-11 07:27
Well, thanks for this post !

I think it just emphasizes the need for this profile.   I can't understand why DJI lets this issue stay out there.   After all, one of their slogans for the Mavic 3 is 'IMAGING ABOVE EVERYTHING'.   With no easy way to get proper colors with RAW files, this looks to me like a huge miss on DJI's part.

To be fair, some of the color is going to be different because the DNG is going to have a larger color space than the JPG (normally) but it's really different with the standard Adobe Color profile. I suspect the DNG color profile is Rec.2020 or very close to it because if I encode and compile time lapses in Adobe Premiere and don't color correct in Lightroom it comes out much closer to what the frame looked like in person.

Anyway, I can work around it but it sure would be really nice if they embedded a profile like they did with the Air 2S. I suspect their lack of not doing is what has stopped Adobe from coming out with their profile.
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djiuser_CgYhBqmxP83j Posted at 10-11 19:18
To be fair, some of the color is going to be different because the DNG is going to have a larger color space than the JPG (normally) but it's really different with the standard Adobe Color profile. I suspect the DNG color profile is Rec.2020 or very close to it because if I encode and compile time lapses in Adobe Premiere and don't color correct in Lightroom it comes out much closer to what the frame looked like in person.

Anyway, I can work around it but it sure would be really nice if they embedded a profile like they did with the Air 2S. I suspect their lack of not doing is what has stopped Adobe from coming out with their profile.

I beg to differ.  First, the color I'm seeing is WAY off.  I.e. yellows that look green.   And greens that look blue.  This is not a case of a more shallow color space.  And it is not a simple white balance issue.  It is the result of a missing color profile.

Second, DNG is not associated with any color space.   It is simply the raw data coming off the sensor.   If DJI provided a proper color profile, that would enable any software to convert this data into any color space, including the color space used by jpg (typically sRGB).     Without a proper color profile any software that tries to convert the DNG data into a color space will just be taking guesses.   DJI really needs to step up here.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Geo_Drone Posted at 10-11 00:33
DJI Palladin, the color profile is the DJI job to provide )))) Not the "fellow pilots"...
So send the message to your DEV Team to make it...

Hello, Geo. Thank you for the clarification. We will go ahead and coordinate this with our designated team for attention. For any updates, please stay tuned to the latest news on our DJI official website at Thank you for your understanding and support.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


djiuser_CgYhBqmxP83j Posted at 10-11 07:01
There has been an overlook on the Mavic 3. The Air 2S DNG files have an embedded color profile that tells any software working with a DNG the colors that the drone is creating. The Mavic 3 is not embedding its color profile. It's a long-standing oversite with the Mavic 3.

This will be duly noted. We will coordinate this with our team for them to check. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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Flight distance : 1078150 ft
United States

mah4ever Posted at 10-12 00:08
I beg to differ.  First, the color I'm seeing is WAY off.  I.e. yellows that look green.   And greens that look blue.  This is not a case of a more shallow color space.  And it is not a simple white balance issue.  It is the result of a missing color profile.

Second, DNG is not associated with any color space.   It is simply the raw data coming off the sensor.   If DJI provided a proper color profile, that would enable any software to convert this data into any color space, including the color space used by jpg (typically sRGB).     Without a proper color profile any software that tries to convert the DNG data into a color space will just be taking guesses.   DJI really needs to step up here.

My point was mostly we shouldn't expect JPEG and DNG to match because of the color depth differance and it espically will show up in Greens and some in yellows. RAW images are also not usually just pure raw data either unless you have a snowflake camera. The Mavic 3 (especially being DNG files) are based off TIFF format and if you look at the DNG metadata it will tell you it's Raster image data. It just has more data and a profile that doesn't match a standard like JPEG.

All camera RAWs are processed in some form otherwise collecting and trying to store actual analog data would have much larger files. RAW files are just less processed and store more data.

But yes, the greens and yellow are way off. Yellow street lines are coming off as a mustard yellow for example. Hopefully they fix it and its just been an oversight. They have in the past added to Air 2S and Mini 2 have embedded color profiles.
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djiuser_CgYhBqmxP83j Posted at 10-12 06:04
My point was mostly we shouldn't expect JPEG and DNG to match because of the color depth differance and it espically will show up in Greens and some in yellows. RAW images are also not usually just pure raw data either unless you have a snowflake camera. The Mavic 3 (especially being DNG files) are based off TIFF format and if you look at the DNG metadata it will tell you it's Raster image data. It just has more data and a profile that doesn't match a standard like JPEG.

All camera RAWs are processed in some form otherwise collecting and trying to store actual analog data would have much larger files. RAW files are just less processed and store more data.

OK, but that's not really the point I'm on.   I've tried to be fair to DJI all the way on this thread.   Yes, DNGs are processed to some degree, but they are meant to represent raw data from the sensor.   A jpg is already heavily processed with a color profile, color space, photo style (contrast adjustments etc).   So, yes, a jpg will usually look somewhat different than an _unprocessed_ DNG.  But, what I'm seeing in my DNG files is significantly incorrect color, especially in the yellows and greens.   Not easily corrected without a proper color profile/mapping for the sensor from DJI.  Another way of looking at it is : I should be able to process my DNG file to look identical to the camera-produced jpg (same bit depth, color space) but, again, without a DJI-provided color mapping/profile that is very difficult.  I would think it would be a top priority of DJI to provide this, given their focus on imaging with the Mavic 3.
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mah4ever Posted at 10-13 00:46
OK, but that's not really the point I'm on.   I've tried to be fair to DJI all the way on this thread.   Yes, DNGs are processed to some degree, but they are meant to represent raw data from the sensor.   A jpg is already heavily processed with a color profile, color space, photo style (contrast adjustments etc).   So, yes, a jpg will usually look somewhat different than an _unprocessed_ DNG.  But, what I'm seeing in my DNG files is significantly incorrect color, especially in the yellows and greens.   Not easily corrected without a proper color profile/mapping for the sensor from DJI.  Another way of looking at it is : I should be able to process my DNG file to look identical to the camera-produced jpg (same bit depth, color space) but, again, without a DJI-provided color mapping/profile that is very difficult.  I would think it would be a top priority of DJI to provide this, given their focus on imaging with the Mavic 3.

Just shoot a color calibration chart and create your own…

Capture one handles the raws wonderfully right out of the box. It’s adobe that actually creates the raw interpretation for most cameras with the manufacturer’s help.

I used to work for a camera manufacturer and when we launched a new product - the software companies would put their spin on the raws.
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mah4ever Posted at 10-13 00:46
OK, but that's not really the point I'm on.   I've tried to be fair to DJI all the way on this thread.   Yes, DNGs are processed to some degree, but they are meant to represent raw data from the sensor.   A jpg is already heavily processed with a color profile, color space, photo style (contrast adjustments etc).   So, yes, a jpg will usually look somewhat different than an _unprocessed_ DNG.  But, what I'm seeing in my DNG files is significantly incorrect color, especially in the yellows and greens.   Not easily corrected without a proper color profile/mapping for the sensor from DJI.  Another way of looking at it is : I should be able to process my DNG file to look identical to the camera-produced jpg (same bit depth, color space) but, again, without a DJI-provided color mapping/profile that is very difficult.  I would think it would be a top priority of DJI to provide this, given their focus on imaging with the Mavic 3.

It’s the software manufacturers that do this.

Capture One handles them easily.
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Lorpal Posted at 10-22 12:01
It’s the software manufacturers that do this.

Capture One handles them easily.

I downloaded Capture One.  Sure it brings up the DNG files, but again, the colors are way off.  I could not find any camera-matching color profiles.   

Sure a photographer could create his own profile, if they know how to do it (I don't).  And what's the result - every photographer has to go do that, and you end up with a zillion likely different profiles out there.    I would think DJI would have a strong interest in making this completely seamless out of the box, and work with all the major software developers (including Adobe) to make this work.
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Flight distance : 275531 ft
United States

The ICC, International Color Consortium, is the international standard for color.  ICC Profiles can be created  and used to calibrate cameras, printers, monitors, video cameras, TV's,  operating room Divinci cameras and much more.
XRITE manufactures calibrating equipment and is the standard for professionals.
If you want to get serious about color. The first step is to calibrate you computer monitor to an ICC Profile.
For photography, the bare minimum is shooting a gray card to set white balance.  Take a photo of the gray card each time the scene changes.  Then in Lightroom, use the photo to set white balance for all the photos taken in that lighting.
A more advanced step is to shoot a color chart, then in Lightroom, create an ICC Profile using the XRite Lightroom Plug-in.  Apply that profile to all the photos taken in that lighting and Lightroom will instantly color correct them.
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Flight distance : 1078150 ft
United States

Electromen Posted at 10-27 03:46
The ICC, International Color Consortium, is the international standard for color.  ICC Profiles can be created  and used to calibrate cameras, printers, monitors, video cameras, TV's,  operating room Divinci cameras and much more.
XRITE manufactures calibrating equipment and is the standard for professionals.
If you want to get serious about color. The first step is to calibrate you computer monitor to an ICC Profile.

Everything is calibrated here. The issue still is the DNG is not embedding the color profile like it does on the Mini 2, Air 2S and another drone that skips my mind. It's just not embedding it and the sensor maker (sony who also embeds a color profile in their mirrorless lines) would have given them the sensors color profile.
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Flight distance : 332477 ft

This works for your Mavic 3 to!
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Dr Tone
Flight distance : 166450 ft

To cold to fly here.  Anyone see if the latest firmware might have got an embedded color profile?
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Flight distance : 1078150 ft
United States

Dr Tone Posted at 12-9 08:57
To cold to fly here.  Anyone see if the latest firmware might have got an embedded color profile?

It is not.
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Flight distance : 1078150 ft
United States

Alex_Leys Posted at 12-1 02:28
This works for your Mavic 3 to!

Yes, but they are embedding the profile into the cheaper drones. For some reason a drone that costs 3x more they are not.
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United States

I just got the Mavic Pro 3. Had been flying the 2 pro. The colors are awful for me. And I’m apparently not smart enough in Lightroom to fix them sufficiently. Even the profiles that I can use adjust the dng file horribly. Never had this issue with the 2, plus it had more profiles within Lightroom. Is it the drone? Something I’m doing wrong with drone shooting? I always use Lightroom for editing. Take images and import to Lightroom directly.
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Flight distance : 1078150 ft
United States

kb6025 Posted at 1-22 17:02
I just got the Mavic Pro 3. Had been flying the 2 pro. The colors are awful for me. And I’m apparently not smart enough in Lightroom to fix them sufficiently. Even the profiles that I can use adjust the dng file horribly. Never had this issue with the 2, plus it had more profiles within Lightroom. Is it the drone? Something I’m doing wrong with drone shooting? I always use Lightroom for editing. Take images and import to Lightroom directly.

DJI still isn't embedding the color profile into the DNG. It clearly has one because its JPEGs look fine, it just isn't putting it into the DNG. Something the cheaper drones have.
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Hi All, wondering if anyone has found a decent color profile for the Mavic Pro 3? Adobe lightroom colors are still way off. Thanks
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Just adding another voice. I'm having the same problem in Lightroom and my Mavic 3 classic which i just purchased this week.
Like everyone else, the colours are awful and detail is gone in lightroom. Oddly, if I use Faststone Image Viewer, it shows the DNG looking very like the JPG.

But its basically impossible to edit the raws in Lightroom, its not that the colours are off, it doesnt render any of the details. The sky is completely blown out. But the detail appears to be in the DNG from looking at it in FastStone. Please DJI sort of this, its a huge issue.
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WonkyTripod Posted at 5-13 05:43

Just adding another voice. I'm having the same problem in Lightroom and my Mavic 3 classic which i just purchased this week.

The issue has been out there for 2+ years now.  It's obvious neither Adobe nor DJI care (despite DJI's 'imaging above all else' slogan).

I had good results with the Mavic 2 Pro, and have gone back to that for my images for now  My Mavic 3 is up for sale.

I will look elsewhere for my future drone products.
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Second Officer

WonkyTripod Posted at 5-13 05:43

Just adding another voice. I'm having the same problem in Lightroom and my Mavic 3 classic which i just purchased this week.

"Oddly, if I use Faststone Image Viewer, it shows the DNG looking very like the JPG. "

That is because Faststone only shows the small JPG embedded in the DNG file. It can not read the raw file.
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Flight distance : 297795 ft

Somebody from DJI here???????

I'm a user of Mavic 3 Pro. The drone , which is much more expensive than my previous Air 2 has awfull colours, which I can't normalize in Photoshop, whatever I do it does not fix the problem ! There is simple a big mess in colours !!! Don't you see this? Does anybody from DJI do with this problem?
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Valdes73 Posted at 8-1 00:45
Somebody from DJI here???????

I'm sorry you are experiencing this.  I also did, and after months of absolutely no response from DJI decided to go back to my Mavic 2 Pro, which has much better colors.   Probably not what you wanted to hear, but in any case, best wishes for you.
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Flight distance : 297795 ft

Dear DJI representative ...
just look at this - the same file from Mavic 3 Pro opened in Adobe   ( everything is awfully green) and in Capture One  - is it a picture from a drone worth 2500 USD ???

The files to open from:

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Bruce Wayne
Flight distance : 196778 ft


kb6025 Posted at 1-22 17:02
I just got the Mavic Pro 3. Had been flying the 2 pro. The colors are awful for me. And I’m apparently not smart enough in Lightroom to fix them sufficiently. Even the profiles that I can use adjust the dng file horribly. Never had this issue with the 2, plus it had more profiles within Lightroom. Is it the drone? Something I’m doing wrong with drone shooting? I always use Lightroom for editing. Take images and import to Lightroom directly.

Sounds like you and I are in the exact same boat mate! This is another thread on the same issue i've been commenting on with a few reference photos. ... p;page=1#pid3098057
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I´m experiencing something similar with my Mavir Air3, but also seeing some light fall off on the image border and a color cast in the middle, not sure if I´m seeing too much but as you may see in this image attached.

Someone can tell me if there is some kind of color profile to fix this issue? I´ve noted the same problem in my previous drone ( Mavic Air 2)
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