United States
I am having a very similar problem. I have the Mavic 3 Classic and ever since getting it the calibration on the remote will sometimes work and sometimes not, I have no rhyme or reason for it. When I go to calibrate, the right joystick only will do a phantom percentage to the left sometimes (without me even pressing anything) and other times when I go to calibrate will never reach close to 100% going to the left. Sometimes it won't go to the right either. I sent my whole drone and controller in to get fixed, was told everything looked fine and upon return still had the same problem.
Other times it will calibrate and then once in the air seem to lose it's calibration and veer off to the left or to the right. It has been an endlessly furiating problem as I can not tell what is the cause. All firmware has been constantly updated, I have factory reset everything a couple times and the problem still persists. Oddly enough it will fly perfectly every so often. Calibration will work perfectly and when I take off I have no issues, yet sometimes the calibration will work perfect, it will fly for a bit perfectly and then all of a sudden have the veering issues. I have not been flying it anywhere I would like to as I'm terrified it will never return or crash and burn somewhere I can't retrieve it. Not sure where else to post this, I hope someone can help! |