DJI working on a new batch of Action 3's?
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15683 109 2022-10-17
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I had 2 viewers say that they got an e-mail from DJI stating that their Action 3 deliveries were going to be pushed back a month (end of November).
Maybe they realize the hardware issue and are working on a fresh batch that will be working as intended.  

That's good news for those of us that were really excited about the Action 3, but since no recall has been done, and I spoke to my Amazon rep who said they have not recieved any word about shipping back any of the Action 3's, that leaves me to wonder how many people will continue to buy the "bad" batch of inventory.

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Probably spot on assesment. DJI will continue to sell bad batches/fix/replace the ones of customers complaining. Partly, not to get overwhelmed with RMAs. While low-key introducing a new batch with readjusted lenses. Even on the M3 Mavic, people recieved two types of 7x Optical lenses, with the 'newer' Oval' lens seemingly a tad more sharper in general with no updates or official notice of it.
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If they make a new batch then it will be good news, and if so and it turns out to be really good sharpness. Then it will be a no brainer to get OA3 for those who doesn't have bought it.
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United Kingdom

I think I'll send mine back while I still can and just wait to see what happens with the new batch if it ever happens.
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United States

Amazon just de-listed the OA3, so seems like DJI is in the process of addressing. What a disaster of a roll-out.
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United States

Sadly I did not buy mine, but was gifted it for review purposes. So I can not send it back to DJI. I will have to submit my review with all the good, bad and ugly of it all. I really don't want to, but I am not sure what to do in this situation. I saw it listed and de-listed several times as well and also the reviews from all over the world that bought from Amazon.
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DJI Stephen

Hello there. Thank you for reaching out and for giving out these information. Our DJI Engineers are aware of the issue, please be advised that it is found that this problem is caused by the large internal parameters of some cameras. If you are having this issue with your DJI Osmo Action 3 and in response to this matter, you can provide our DJI Technical Support with your SN and DJI account, original photos, and videos through Chat, email, and other channels, and we will help you to solve this problem asap. Thank you.
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What is "large internal parameters?" Is is a way of saying poor/loose tolerances?
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United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 10-17 21:16
Hello there. Thank you for reaching out and for giving out these information. Our DJI Engineers are aware of the issue, please be advised that it is found that this problem is caused by the large internal parameters of some cameras. If you are having this issue with your DJI Osmo Action 3 and in response to this matter, you can provide our DJI Technical Support with your SN and DJI account, original photos, and videos through Chat, email, and other channels, and we will help you to solve this problem asap. Thank you.

@DJI Stephen
1)Can you give more than a blanket copy/paste response as to WHAT the "Large internal parameters" are exactly?     Lens focus calibration? Internal lens groupings out of spec?

2) Why release a firmware fix on Oct 14th to address this issue  if only "some" cameras have this issue? Wouldn't that firmware also over compensate all the GOOD working cameras?

3) Why as you can see in this video did DJI only add sharpening? as the focus is still off?
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This is clearly a lens issue, any other "Large internal parameters" thing would be something on top of that. I can use my glasses to improve the Action 3's sharpness, no kidding:
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United States

Johannes Posted at 10-18 05:48
This is clearly a lens issue, any other "Large internal parameters" thing would be something on top of that. I can use my glasses to improve the Action 3's sharpness, no kidding:

I guess I'll go to the optometrist to purchase a monocle.
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Johannes Posted at 10-18 05:48
This is clearly a lens issue, any other "Large internal parameters" thing would be something on top of that. I can use my glasses to improve the Action 3's sharpness, no kidding:

Excellent - in short, it needs specs.
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United States

Hmm, having just ordered one from Amazon, it will be interesting if DJI changes something the design or production.  Well, the interesting thing will be what options they provide for those who have already purchased a camera.  Has there been any confirmation that DJI has actually pushed back orders?
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United States

Thank you.  funds back in my Pocket. Like it or not. oh that sounds like a good username   thanks Worth it or not appreciate your  advice  FISH
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I see that the Dutch, German and French Amazon do not have them on stock annymore of do not deliver them annymore yet. There're some external sellers who still sell them on Amazon.
So when it's true that Amazon is asked to put an hold on selling/delivery before a potential problem is solved, then Amazon should be aware of the potential problem too.

I'm curious if amazon is also going to communicate a "potential callback" with their customers. For now I did not have heard annything.
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Rockel83 Posted at 10-18 12:46
I see that the Dutch, German and French Amazon do not have them on stock annymore of do not deliver them annymore yet. There're some external sellers who still sell them on Amazon.
So when it's true that Amazon is asked to put an hold on selling/delivery before a potential problem is solved, then Amazon should be aware of the potential problem too.

I’m not sure why these posts are continually posted with bad information. There won’t be a recall but if you have a problem you also have a warranty. Below from

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hallmark007 Posted at 10-18 13:24
I’m not sure why these posts are continually posted with bad information. There won’t be a recall but if you have a problem you also have a warranty. Below from


Yes, I'm aware of the waranty and the return window of Amazon. But the point I tried to make there is that when it's true that they've stopped production and selling until november because they will start producing new and fixed/calibrated batches (not saying this is the case).

Then it means there's an actual problem and they should start a callback, because they also know that people have gotten faulty products then and not everybody will follow DJI-forums or see the difference.
So if there's an actual problem, then they should leave people, who don't pay attention to it, with crap?
Easy saved money like that...

It's just a decent and correct way to treat your customers. Nothing strange to it. Especially for something of $300.

And yes, mine is probably going back too
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osmonauta Posted at 10-18 16:20
"Especially for something of $300."
Ahem, you mean $380...? In the EU they have this idiotic thing called "VAT" so my total was $380 and not $300.

I've actually bought it from the Dutch Amazon for €300.
€299 to be precise... (inc. VAT)
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I see that the Dutch Amazon started selling them again since this night. So I guess they were just out of stock...
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osmonauta Posted at 10-18 16:20
"Especially for something of $300."
Ahem, you mean $380...? In the EU they have this idiotic thing called "VAT" so my total was $380 and not $300.

VAT is something that almost no country in the world operates without.
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Rockel83 Posted at 10-18 16:08
Yes, I'm aware of the waranty and the return window of Amazon. But the point I tried to make there is that when it's true that they've stopped production and selling until november because they will start producing new and fixed/calibrated batches (not saying this is the case).

Then it means there's an actual problem and they should start a callback, because they also know that people have gotten faulty products then and not everybody will follow DJI-forums or see the difference.

If you have a unit that is faulty return it , thats why companies give you a warranty. I was simply saying and pointing out that to say have stopped selling A3 for whatever reason is just not true and saying it just further exacerbates things.
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United Kingdom

Rockel83 Posted at 10-18 16:50
I see that the Dutch Amazon started selling them again since this night. So I guess they were just out of stock...

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hallmark007 Posted at 10-19 00:04
If you have a unit that is faulty return it , thats why companies give you a warranty. I was simply saying and pointing out that to say have stopped selling A3 for whatever reason is just not true and saying it just further exacerbates things.

Yes, we all know about warranty well. And we also know that some people like DJI verry well.

Amazon has a good and easy warranty system. So no big deal. But there're companies/ stores who're doing more difficult on returns. And that for a potential "faulty" product.

€300/ €350 is a lot of money for people, especially these days. So stop protecting DJI here. Or just buy one yourself if you like the OA3 that much in it's current state.
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It's the new, auto blurry face cam. Now you can upload any1 witout getting in troble.  Pentagon 2022, no filming here. oa3 but it's oa3  Pentagon, ok carry on then

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Rockel83 Posted at 10-19 03:44
Yes, we all know about warranty well. And we also know that some people like DJI verry well.

Amazon has a good and easy warranty system. So no big deal. But there're companies/ stores who're doing more difficult on returns. And that for a potential "faulty" product.

So explain how I’m protecting DJI here!!! My advice is clearly if you have a problem you also have a warranty , exercise it . Now from that how do you come up with the ridiculous notion I’m trying to protect DJI . When you are offering advice that for the first time in its short history DJI are going to announce or will have to announce a recall.
Please explain why you advice is better than mine.
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hallmark007 Posted at 10-19 05:19
So explain how I’m protecting DJI here!!! My advice is clearly if you have a problem you also have a warranty , exercise it . Now from that how do you come up with the ridiculous notion I’m trying to protect DJI . When you are offering advice that for the first time in its short history DJI are going to announce or will have to announce a recall.
Please explain why you advice is better than mine.

Oh you seriously feel triggered by that small line? Then maybe there's a core of truth to be foud in it...

Yes we all know about warranty procedures. But like also said, not all stores will be easy on that when it's not officially communicated that there're possible "production problems". Especialle the smaller ones. Or other people will probably not not notice or still want to believe that their product is ok.

So it's pretty useless to keep repeating the warranty thing. Problem here is that the product seems not reach to the standards we may expect.

And as said before, if you like the OA3 in it's current form, then buy one yourself. I see it's still missing in your list of DJI stuff.

And no, there was no advise in my previous post.
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osmonauta Posted at 10-19 03:52
Companies and stores has to abide by the same return / warranty laws as anyone else. See here.

Yes, but when you're over those 14/30 days, then it will get more difficult to get your money back. And you will need to prove that there's a problem.

A lot of people think, or want to think, that their camera is from a good batch. I also hoped this.
But without proper communications, people probably will never know. And if they're happy with the result, then it's fine too ofcourse.

But what should people do after these 14 days return window without propper communication from DJI? In Europe is still the 2 year warranty law applied.

Go to the store and mention the focus problem?

Store: "please send me in some proof"
Customer: *sending in proof*
Store: "We've examened the proof, your camera seems to be fine"
Customer: "no, it's not. And even DJI admitted that there're some problems on some of the camera's"
Store: "then your camera is not one of them".

Goodbye money...
Or I should have put the camera into the microwave for 5 sec. frying the internals and bring it back to the store. "look, it's realy broken"
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United Kingdom

It looks to me as though the Osmo Action 3 is on a similar route to the GoPro Hero 9. Possibly the worst camera that GoPro made. Still has its infamous internal popping.

GoPro never recalled them. Answered very little. Let it run for a year. Supplied a fix …. Buy a GoPro 10.

There are still lots of GoPro 9 users around who have to use the mod for audio and there was nothing done.

I hope DJI didn’t learn from this appalling model set up by GoPro.

The problem with the focus issue on the Action is that it seems to depend on just how much the users will tolerate. So is it a fault or just a toleration thing? I have a feeling, this will roll until the newer more magical Action 4 when it’s new feature will be, ‘Improved focus’.

My advice …..
Return the Actions.
Don’t wait for Osmo to fix it.
Buy an Action when they’ve fixed it.
If they don’t sell them, they’ll fix it quick!!
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Iancraig10 Posted at 10-19 06:33
It looks to me as though the Osmo Action 3 is on a similar route to the GoPro Hero 9. Possibly the worst camera that GoPro made. Still has its infamous internal popping.

GoPro never recalled them. Answered very little. Let it run for a year. Supplied a fix …. Buy a GoPro 10.

Exactly my thoughts on this
I was eve looking for a Osmo Action 1 (not that GoPro fan either, but just want a decent cam), but they're hard to find these days. And I really don't like the Action 2 remake.
Although I must admit that this Horizan Baancing is a verry cool feature.

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United Kingdom

Rockel83 Posted at 10-19 07:48
Exactly my thoughts on this
I was eve looking for a Osmo Action 1 (not that GoPro fan either, but just want a decent cam), but they're hard to find these days. And I really don't like the Action 2 remake.
Although I must admit that this Horizan Baancing is a verry cool feature.

I’m not a great fan of any camera. If it works, then it suits me!

This nonsense with the Action 3 drove me back to the Hero 11 and I honestly don’t regret it at all in spite of it costing more.

The new one hasn’t played up once. The camera gets sharp, beautifully coloured shots, even in grey UK weather and I’m afraid it makes the Action look like a toy when you compare.

My guess is that Osmo can’t fix the lens on this since they never properly fixed close focus on the first one or second.

Osmo will be happy to leave people complaining on here while they mess around with internal sharpening and use up buyers ‘Guarantee Time.’

Just like GoPro, all they are bothered about is how many units they can get out and how many returns they can hold up for their required time.

The next camera will offer some flashy attraction so that even people that bought the OA3 will do it again.

GoPro did this and got away with it. I don’t forgive them and had there been a single thing with the 11, it would have been off, whatever they said. I don’t want fixes, I want a camera that works.

After the Hero 9, I won’t hesitate to send back on internet bought items, whether it’s GoPro or DJI.

GoPro replaced cameras immediately with a big smile. Then refused to refund on cameras that they had replaced with the same faults, based on the fact that they weren’t the original camera bought, so didn’t have to replace them!!

So new people, don’t bother yet. People about to receive, send them back. People within their 30 days or whatever, send them back. The rest might have to wait with their unfocused cameras for a so called ‘fix’.

Once sales figures stall, DJI will produce a decent camera or leave it to GoPro.

As it happens, the Hero 11 hit bulls eye. It’s an awesome camera and I have no regrets.

The Hero 9 memory never left me though and I felt cheated.
The only real way to sort out a duff camera is hit the finance. Send them back. When they don't sell enough, they will have to either stop making them or bring out a better camera.

Don't wait for any company that sells you a duff camera. It should have been right in the first place.

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Rockel83 Posted at 10-19 06:03
Oh you seriously feel triggered by that small line? Then maybe there's a core of truth to be foud in it...

Yes we all know about warranty procedures. But like also said, not all stores will be easy on that when it's not officially communicated that there're possible "production problems". Especialle the smaller ones. Or other people will probably not not notice or still want to believe that their product is ok.

I have an A3 A2 and A1, and I don’t have a problem with any of them so no need to return and many others im sure are in the same boat. With regards to the warranty. Again you either haven’t bothered to read it or you are getting bad information.
If your A3 does not work correctly IE in this case “focus as advertised” then it is 100% covered by warranty and every dji dealer retailer and vendor will be aware of this, they will not be put out by any of this as they no what warranties are for. So saying that retailers are somehow refusing to have warranties honored is just not true and if it was then those retailers are simply doing their customers a disservice.
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Rockel83 Posted at 10-19 06:20
Yes, but when you're over those 14/30 days, then it will get more difficult to get your money back. And you will need to prove that there's a problem.

A lot of people think, or want to think, that their camera is from a good batch. I also hoped this.

The law is simple in Europe , you are required to allow the manufacturer a chance to fix and put your product right, if this doesn’t work you are entitled to a new one if this doesn’t work as it should then you are entitled to a full refund.
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United Kingdom

That didn’t work with the Hero 9. Many people threatened law suits but nothing actually happened. GoPro actually refused to refund on second cameras because they weren’t the original camera.
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United States

Well get with your  Returns befoe the Return policy expires or get with  your warranty before that expires but that will only be good for 90-days on hardware related issues as it won't be marked  manufactures defect.
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Iancraig10 Posted at 10-19 09:33
That didn’t work with the Hero 9. Many people threatened law suits but nothing actually happened. GoPro actually refused to refund on second cameras because they weren’t the original camera.

That's why people should not  buy gopro, lack of service.
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hallmark007 Posted at 10-19 09:17
I have an A3 A2 and A1, and I don’t have a problem with any of them so no need to return and many others im sure are in the same boat. With regards to the warranty. Again you either haven’t bothered to read it or you are getting bad information.
If your A3 does not work correctly IE in this case “focus as advertised” then it is 100% covered by warranty and every dji dealer retailer and vendor will be aware of this, they will not be put out by any of this as they no what warranties are for. So saying that retailers are somehow refusing to have warranties honored is just not true and if it was then those retailers are simply doing their customers a disservice.

Nobody was stating that retailers are refusing to have warranties honored.

And no, you only will have the possibility to return and get your money back within this 14 or 30 days return window or whatever. Whenever this return window has passed, you need to be verry sure or proof that there's an issue. And it even will be the question what kind of product you're getting back in case of a change. Maybe you will get get one back with the same problems. Or they conclude that there's no problem (because they state so) and they probably send you a bill with investigation costs.

And why should DJI have informed retailers and vendors? And not the buyers in general? And if retailers and vendors are informed about potential problems, why are they still selling them?

Maybe you should inform yourself a bit more about how warranties work. Seems you don't unerstand verry good how things are working in real life yet.

And how the hell is DJI advertising their focus? It's more like a subjective thing. But yo don't have anny means to measure or to check them yourself? It's not something like with light for example. Like they advertise with a minimum of 50.000 lux, but I only measure 45.000 lux. So I'm going to return it.
If you go back outside your return window complaining that your camera is out of focus, and the vendor says it isn't then your warranty doe not have anny meaning annymore. It's not that hard to imagine.

So my advise: just return the camera within the return window and get the full refund back if you're not sure about the focus issue. They you could buy a new one later if you like and the return window starts over again.
Asuming this is a way more secure option then the warranty you keep bragging about here...

And what I don't even understand. Why bothering on a thread of posible Action 3 problems if your an happy DJI owner yourself? I should consider doing more joyfull things, like playing around with my DJI stuff for example.
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