Feature Request: Shooting Vertically
3212 12 2022-10-27
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Flight distance : 7608 ft

United States

Hi everybody. This is my first time creating a new thread on the forum

DJI, I love your products. I love the Ronin 4D.

A lot of the clients I've been working for want vertical content for their socials. IG Reels, Tik Tok, YouTube Shorts, SnapChat, Spotify music videos, et cetera.

My solution for this currently is to set frame guides that show me where the crop will be, and to then just shoot at 6K.

It's an effective work around, but not perfect.

•If the subject moves left or right out of "vertical frame", you can then easily re-frame them in post.
•Widescreen / YouTube / "Director's Cut" versions of the content can be easily made using the normally-discared "waste" parts of the image to the left and right.
•If you're creative, you can position different subjects in their own seperate "vertical frames" within the same shot, and cut between them in post (but they need to stay in their areas).

•Re-framing in post a subject who moves out of the "vertical frame" tends to create a weird, unnatural "psuedo-pan" effect that is difficult to match with most framerates.
•Monitoring of the shot in progress is difficult, because the part of the image we care the most about is a very small on the monitor.
•Takes up a LOT of storage space (most of which is essentially "wasted").
•Basically forces you to shoot in 6K (or 4K with no room for errors).
•Not utilizing the image sensor to its full potential.
•With some lenses, this can leave you optically limited because you only get the middle strip (like if you want to fullly utilize the distortion effects on a very wide angle lens).

Thus, I'm hoping for something better. Hopefully something that uses the entire sensor to its full potential.

So what I'm proposing can be implemented one of two ways:

Option 1 (Most Ideal)
Allow the gimble to be set into a Vertical Video mode, where it stabalizes in a position rolled 90 degrees from the normal stabalized position. This would allow the user to use the entire sensor to capture stunning, high-res vertical videos. This would be paired with the option to rotate the dispaly on the monitor 90 degrees, and users could re-mount the display vertically. (I would suggest keeping everything in the user interface more-or-less in the same positions, but rotating the text 90 degrees.

Option 2 (The Compromise)
If there is some reason the gimble can't be set to stabalize at a position rolled 90 degrees, instead just give us the ability to have just a Vertical Monitoring mode. When this mode is on, the display is rotated 90 degrees and crops in on the centeral area of the frame. So the videos are still recorded the same as ever, with the 'wasted' space on the sides. But you're at least giving us a way to monitor more easily and more clearly see the detail of the only part of the frame we (/our clients) actually care about.

Thank you for reading my thread. I hope that you seriously consider adding this feature in future updates to the Ronin 4D. Please.

Other users, if you like this idea, please show your support by leaving a comment.

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their year.
Take care!

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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Hello there Ford4D. Good day and thank you for giving out these interesting information and for sharing your valued insights with us on this matter. I will forward to the designated DJI department for attention. All significant suggestions will be implemented after the evaluation of the DJI Engineers. For the latest DJI updates please stay tuned to our DJI official website at ( www.dji.com ). Thank you.
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Flight distance : 7608 ft

United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 10-27 20:07
Hello there Ford4D. Good day and thank you for giving out these interesting information and for sharing your valued insights with us on this matter. I will forward to the designated DJI department for attention. All significant suggestions will be implemented after the evaluation of the DJI Engineers. For the latest DJI updates please stay tuned to our DJI official website at ( www.dji.com ). Thank you.

I appreciate it, Stephen! As a professional working in the field, this kind of attention to serious customer requests is what's going to keep me loyal and buying DJI products

If they have any questions, feel free to reach out to me here or in a message!

Have a great weekend!
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Flight distance : 912507 ft
United States

We are partnered with TikTok and creating many videos for them with creators. I can 100% agree this feature would be awesome and make this camera stand-alone vs the many others for vertical content creators.
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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Ford4D Posted at 10-29 11:16
I appreciate it, Stephen! As a professional working in the field, this kind of attention to serious customer requests is what's going to keep me loyal and buying DJI products

If they have any questions, feel free to reach out to me here or in a message!

Hi there Ford4D. You are very much welcome. If you have any inquiries or any concerns with DJI in the future. Please feel free to post it here at DJI Forum. We are all here to help and assist you. Thank you.
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Flight distance : 7608 ft

United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 10-30 22:59
Hi there Ford4D. You are very much welcome. If you have any inquiries or any concerns with DJI in the future. Please feel free to post it here at DJI Forum. We are all here to help and assist you. Thank you.

Thanks Stephen. I really hope that this can be a new feature that gets added soon! Right now you can only adjust the roll by a few degrees. Not the fully 90, which would be great!!

As ShaneYegs said, this would make the DJI Ronin 4D a must-have camera for viral content creators.
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  • >>>

I had the same idea when i say the Ronin 4D for the first time !
"This thing will shot great portrait video just by turning the sensor part 90deg"

This feature will be great !

I do pro videos for Instagram and Tiktok and now I use a Ronin and a Sony A7siii vertically and this is not so good
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United States

I second the request for vertical shooting.  But I dont think it is physically possible for this gimble to rotate 90 degrees.  If you turn the camera off and manually rotate the lens, you'll notice that it points upwards when you rotate it 90 degrees.  If engineering can come out with some sort of hardware solution I would consider purchasing it.
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Flight distance : 7608 ft

United States

Danish07 Posted at 4-13 12:38
I second the request for vertical shooting.  But I dont think it is physically possible for this gimble to rotate 90 degrees.  If you turn the camera off and manually rotate the lens, you'll notice that it points upwards when you rotate it 90 degrees.  If engineering can come out with some sort of hardware solution I would consider purchasing it.

Yeah I had noticed that too. Engineering limitation they shouldn't have put on themselves.

But if you orient the camera differently, like in this example photo I found on Facebook, you can shoot vertically. So they could come up with a mode that assumes you're holding the camera differently. OR it could be something made even easier by the Flex (I have one, it's a very interesting piece of hardware!).
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United States

so that's that? pretty much impossible to shoot portrait with the full sensor while holding it freeform? the world of media is evolving and unfortunately portrait is a necessity for most clients. i do understand the 4d may be overkill for most users and portrait isn't a big deal for many, but it would be wonderful if there was a similar portrait mode for the 4D like the rs3 has.
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As you can take of the Zenmuse X9 Camera Unit, they can just provide us a vertical Zenmuse to swap if needed.
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Marathon Coach

United States

If they enable open gate, then for vertical video we can crop in post and use the upper and lower parts of the sensor that normally are cut off. Alternatively they could do what they did for the new pocket 3 and enable a 9x16 crop of the sensor
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Flight distance : 7608 ft

United States

Marathon Coach Posted at 11-2 09:46
If they enable open gate, then for vertical video we can crop in post and use the upper and lower parts of the sensor that normally are cut off. Alternatively they could do what they did for the new pocket 3 and enable a 9x16 crop of the sensor

I'm pretty sure that the camera already is open gate. Looking at the sensor itself, it appears to be 17x9 natively. And they are letting us record in RAW 6K.

I know I said this before, but what I usually do is just set a 9x16 frame guide to compose vertically, shoot 6K, and then just crop off the sides in post.

It works out for me because you get so much flexibility in post. Like if someone walks out of frame. And you can get creative and shoot two people at once, both in their own vertical frame, and then do the cutting back and forth in post.
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