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Drone propellers issues leading to crash
3687 22 2022-11-11
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Flight distance : 25440 ft

I was flying my DJI Mini SE. I was landing from 50m above me. It was making a weird noise. I then got an error about propellers spinning too fast (image of error attached). I left the drone hovering while I checked out the error. It continued to make a weird noise and had issues with staying still. It then flew itself at a steep angle, really fast into a car. Does anyone know what is wrong and how to fix?
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First - when you see this type of warning - LAND IMMEDIATELY!!! One or more of your blades has problems and needs to be replaced.
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DJI Gamora

Hi, djiuser_2VATPGXLhSl2. Thank you for reaching out and we're deeply sorry for the incident that happened. If the motors rotate too fast, this prompt will appear on DJI Fly. As the deformed propellers cannot provide sufficient power for the aircraft, the motors have to rotate faster to supply more power to the aircraft. As a result, the aircraft's wind resistance capability will decrease. We recommend reading the propeller storage guide in the storage bag when storing their aircraft and to avoid placing the propellers onto the protruding part of the storage bag.  If the drone won't take off anymore or still has the same error after this incident please replace the propellers. If the issue persists please consider sending the unit in for a proper diagnosis. You may submit an online repair request through this link: {}. If you need assistance creating the request, you can contact our support team to start up a ticket at Also, the warranty can be applied depending on the outcome of the damage assessment including the warranty period of your unit. Thank you for your kind understanding and support.
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The warning means that at least some of the propellor blades are not working correctly. I would suspect that a blade is coming lose or has become distorted due to something flattening it in storage etc.. It was a problem associated with the original Mavic Mini. You should have landed it as soon as possible and checked the propellor blades. To leave it hovering, possibly at height, especially in a built up area was a mistake.
If a blade mounting screw has come lose have a good look at the threads on both the screw and in the screw hole to see if the threads are damaged. You will probably need a magnifying glass. If you see damaged to the female threads in the motor then I think you should either replace the motor or the motor & arm or if the drone is still under warranty send it in to DJI for repair.
If you find a flattened / distorted blade replace BOTH blades on that motor and check to see if the way you store the drone is putting pressure on any blades. If any blades were damaged in the crash replace both blades on the affected motor NOT just one. They are almost certainly matched-for-weight pairs.

Anytime you hear an unusual noise change from the propellors investigate it immediately.

If you do not sync your logs DO NOT and have a look for the Flightrecords folder on your phone and then, in there, in the MCDat...something folder have a look to see if there are any .DAT files. If there are .DAT's copy them to your computer and copy the .txt flight logs to your computer.
Then upload the last .txt that should correspond to the crash flight to and post the URL here. With regards to the last .DAT upload that to a file hosting site such as drop box, make the file public and post a link to it here.
I do not remember if the Mini SE's DAT's are encrypted, at a guess they are but if they are not then the .DAT will show the motor speeds and it may be possible to determine which motor/s had the problem.
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Flight distance : 25440 ft

DJI Gamora Posted at 11-11 11:28
Hi, djiuser_2VATPGXLhSl2. Thank you for reaching out and we're deeply sorry for the incident that happened. If the motors rotate too fast, this prompt will appear on DJI Fly. As the deformed propellers cannot provide sufficient power for the aircraft, the motors have to rotate faster to supply more power to the aircraft. As a result, the aircraft's wind resistance capability will decrease. We recommend reading the propeller storage guide in the storage bag when storing their aircraft and to avoid placing the propellers onto the protruding part of the storage bag.  If the drone won't take off anymore or still has the same error after this incident please replace the propellers. If the issue persists please consider sending the unit in for a proper diagnosis. You may submit an online repair request through this link: {}. If you need assistance creating the request, you can contact our support team to start up a ticket at Also, the warranty can be applied depending on the outcome of the damage assessment including the warranty period of your unit. Thank you for your kind understanding and support.

I've looked at the propellors and the ones that flew off the drone when it crashed, they appear to be flattened out. Could that be the issues?
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Flight distance : 25440 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 11-11 13:51
The warning means that at least some of the propellor blades are not working correctly. I would suspect that a blade is coming lose or has become distorted due to something flattening it in storage etc.. It was a problem associated with the original Mavic Mini. You should have landed it as soon as possible and checked the propellor blades. To leave it hovering, possibly at height, especially in a built up area was a mistake.
If a blade mounting screw has come lose have a good look at the threads on both the screw and in the screw hole to see if the threads are damaged. You will probably need a magnifying glass. If you see damaged to the female threads in the motor then I think you should either replace the motor or the motor & arm or if the drone is still under warranty send it in to DJI for repair.
If you find a flattened / distorted blade replace BOTH blades on that motor and check to see if the way you store the drone is putting pressure on any blades. If any blades were damaged in the crash replace both blades on the affected motor NOT just one. They are almost certainly matched-for-weight pairs.

I've looked at the propellors and the ones that flew off the drone when it crashed, they appear to be flattened out. Could that be the issues?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

djiuser_2VATPGXLhSl2 Posted at 11-13 05:15
I've looked at the propellors and the ones that flew off the drone when it crashed, they appear to be flattened out. Could that be the issues?

Yes, flattened blades could cause the warning.....BUT.... an important point is WHAT caused the flattening? The Mini SE uses Mini 2 propellers and they are supposedly better/stiffer/stronger than the propellers of the Mavic Mini. I would check how you are storing the drone and whether or not the propellers are being crushed by the way you store it.

As with the end of post no 5, have a look for the flightlogs, especially the DAT, and make them available, if the DAT is readable it contains the motor speeds.
You say " I've looked at the propellors and the ones that flew off the drone when it crashed" are they all broken or are any of them intact? That is an important question to answer.
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Flight distance : 25440 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 11-13 06:25
Yes, flattened blades could cause the warning.....BUT.... an important point is WHAT caused the flattening? The Mini SE uses Mini 2 propellers and they are supposedly better/stiffer/stronger than the propellers of the Mavic Mini. I would check how you are storing the drone and whether or not the propellers are being crushed by the way you store it.

As with the end of post no 5, have a look for the flightlogs, especially the DAT, and make them available, if the DAT is readable it contains the motor speeds.

Intact. No cracks or anything
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

niall_h Posted at 11-13 09:14
Intact. No cracks or anything

That means or strongly suggests the screws came out of the motors. That is NOT GOOD, check the female threads in the motors very carefully.
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Flight distance : 25440 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 11-13 09:43
That means or strongly suggests the screws came out of the motors. That is NOT GOOD, check the female threads in the motors very carefully.

Ive done that and they look good but the drone is still making a slight weird noise (the propellors haven't been changed yet because I don't have replacements yet). Should I post a photo of any parts of the drone?
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

niall_h Posted at 11-13 13:47
Ive done that and they look good but the drone is still making a slight weird noise (the propellors haven't been changed yet because I don't have replacements yet). Should I post a photo of any parts of the drone?

It might not be a bad idea.
How many blades came off?
Prior to this had you or anyone else replaced blades?
How old is the drone and do you know its flight time?

I would also check the feel of each motor i.e. turning each motor with your finger tips, how smoothly and consistenly each motor turns. You may feel a pulsing but this is, I believe, normal and caused by the magnets in the rotor passing over the stator's poles.
Check also whether or not you can detect any wobble in the rotor.
I felt some in a rear motor of a Mavic Mini and removed the screws that hold the motor to the arm so that I could grip the base of the motor and try to wobble the rotor, when I remounted the motor I was left with the impression that the screws screwed in further than I had unscrewed them i.e. the screws may have been loose/partially-unscrewed. The motor now feels fine.
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Flight distance : 25440 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 11-13 14:35
It might not be a bad idea.
How many blades came off?
Prior to this had you or anyone else replaced blades?

What will I send photos of?
2 blades came off and 1 broke. I had replaced 2 previously. The drone is less than 6 months old and has a flight time of 3.10 hours.

One motor turns 100% consistent. 2 feel a very very very small bit pulsy. 1 is a good bit pulsy.

What do you mean by a wobble in the motor?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

niall_h Posted at 11-13 14:40
What will I send photos of?
2 blades came off and 1 broke. I had replaced 2 previously. The drone is less than 6 months old and has a flight time of 3.10 hours.

The female screw threads if you can capture good photos of them and the props that you consider flattened side by side with their replacements, mark one set with a pen or chalk etc. so that you know which is which.
Wobble means you can feel the rotor rock radially when you lightly manipulate it whilst the other hand is holding the drone. I think you would notice it so if you can't feel anything 'odd' there's probably no wobble.
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Flight distance : 25440 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 11-13 15:05
The female screw threads if you can capture good photos of them and the props that you consider flattened side by side with their replacements, mark one set with a pen or chalk etc. so that you know which is which.
Wobble means you can feel the rotor rock radially when you lightly manipulate it whilst the other hand is holding the drone. I think you would notice it so if you can't feel anything 'odd' there's probably no wobble.

The screws flew off with the 2 propellors. I don't have the screws but I do have the propellors. I have attached a photo of from the internet of one of the propellors and a photo of what the one that came off looks like. The first 3 photos with a white or a white and blue background are mine and the 1 with the grey background is from the internet.
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DJI Gamora

djiuser_2VATPGXLhSl2 Posted at 11-13 05:15
I've looked at the propellors and the ones that flew off the drone when it crashed, they appear to be flattened out. Could that be the issues?

Hi, djiuser_2VATPGXLhSl2. Thank you for the reply. There's a possibility that could cause the error that you have received. Since it's also making a weird noise, you may follow the steps below and provide us with the video for further checking:

1. In a quiet environment, place the aircraft on a horizontal platform. Remove the propellers and power on the aircraft. Push the remote controller sticks to start up the motors.

2. After the motors rotate without a load, listen carefully to determine whether each motor has a metal friction sound. If there is the sound of any friction or foreign matter, proceed to Step 3.

3. At a place 50 cm above the aircraft, shoot a video more than 20 seconds long without blocking the recording device’s microphone.

Please upload the video to Dropbox or Google Drive and provide us the shareable link for further checking. We will wait for your update. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
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Flight distance : 25440 ft

DJI Gamora Posted at 11-13 23:39
Hi, djiuser_2VATPGXLhSl2. Thank you for the reply. There's a possibility that could cause the error that you have received. Since it's also making a weird noise, you may follow the steps below and provide us with the video for further checking:

1. In a quiet environment, place the aircraft on a horizontal platform. Remove the propellers and power on the aircraft. Push the remote controller sticks to start up the motors.

this is the noise it made: ... J1/view?usp=sharing
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

The female threads are the threads in the holes in/on the top of each motor, if they are damaged then I know of no way to repair them and the motor is 'scrap'.
My concern is that, because you had two blades fly off the drone, their female threads were already damaged or have been damaged when the screws finally flew-away / were-'ripped-out'.

If the female threads are fine then the screws either came loose in use, you should be checking for this occasionally, or, if they are the ones you yourself refitted, then ether you did not nip the screws up when you fitted the replacement blades OR you did not fit the screws at the correct angle and got cross threading which caused the screws to 'jam' before they were properly nipped up.

Cross threading could damage the female threads but hopefully they are hard enough to withstand one or two cross threadings.
BUT with these tiny screws you need to take care to line things up correctly when fitting the screws  and DO NOT use a 6ft lever to tighten them.

I know that "nipped up" and  " DO NOT use a 6ft lever to tighten them" are contradictions and largely a matter of your experience and 'feel' but that's the way things are.

Mini 2 blades have a curious along-the-blade profile and the outer ends of mine are also not greatly, if at all, tilted (pitch) but if I look closely they have the curvatures across its ''chord'' that can be seen in the cross-section profile of turbine blades, e.g. in the diagrams of ....... so the fact that the outer ends of your blades appear to be more or less parallel to the table surface need not be a problem PROVIDING that they retain the aerofoil shape of a turbine etc. blade.

Male threads are on the screws and screws are easily replaced, providing you have them of course. You should have at least one spare screw in each propeller pack from DJI and maybe two.
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DJI Gamora

Hi, niall_h. Thank you for the link. We have reviewed the video and unfortunately, we cannot determine the issue remotely. It is highly suggested to use another set of propellers though. If the issue persists after that, please send the unit in for a proper diagnosis. You may submit an online repair request through this link: {}. Thank you for your kind understanding and valued support.
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Flight distance : 25440 ft

DJI Gamora Posted at 11-15 22:44
Hi, niall_h. Thank you for the link. We have reviewed the video and unfortunately, we cannot determine the issue remotely. It is highly suggested to use another set of propellers though. If the issue persists after that, please send the unit in for a proper diagnosis. You may submit an online repair request through this link: {}. Thank you for your kind understanding and valued support.

ok. I will order new propellors and let you guys know if it works.
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DJI Gamora

niall_h Posted at 11-17 10:34
ok. I will order new propellors and let you guys know if it works.

Hi, niall_h. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a safe flight always!
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I had the same error as you a couple days ago, i replaced the propellers that apparently was rotating too fast, but after doing that, i can no longer ascend. The propellers that i replaced (Back left) are now not producing any lift what so ever anymore. Video link:
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

zinrux Posted at 8-1 06:59
I had the same error as you a couple days ago, i replaced the propellers that apparently was rotating too fast, but after doing that, i can no longer ascend. The propellers that i replaced (Back left) are now not producing any lift what so ever anymore. Video link:

Almost certainly you have one or more of the wrong sort of blades on the left rear motor.
They are handed for clockwise and anti clockwise rotation.
Put the wrong blade on a motor and it pushes the motor down rather than lifting it.

Have a look at page 20 of ... _User_Manual_EN.pdf
page 18 of ... _Manual_v1.2_EN.pdf

Did you change BOTH blades on that motor. If you didn't YOU SHOULD DO, they are supplied in weight matched pairs for centrifugal balance and should be fitted as a pair to the same motor.
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DJI Gamora

zinrux Posted at 8-1 06:59
I had the same error as you a couple days ago, i replaced the propellers that apparently was rotating too fast, but after doing that, i can no longer ascend. The propellers that i replaced (Back left) are now not producing any lift what so ever anymore. Video link:

Hi there.

We do apologize for the trouble that this has caused. Thank you for keeping us posted. We would like to confirm if this issue has been addressed.

Feel free to contact us if issue still persist. Have a nice day ahead!
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