Grumpy Old Man
Flight distance : 37795 ft
Managed to downgrade the drone firmware version to V01.04.0602_P4P_dji_system.bin, the live video feed on 2.4GHz was PERFECT!Upgraded it back to the latest version, video feed became RUBBISH!! Glitchy choppy buffered green GARBAGE AGAIN!!
Downgraded back to V01.04, video feed back to perfect. It can stay at this older version.
Unfortunately can't do the same with the controller, not even with the micro SD card, it detects that it is older and won't do it.
And still no luck with 5.8GHz, even with the drone inches from the controller, it reports a week signal and to adjust the antenna.
So DJI, removing all the abilities for us to downgrade OUR equipment is fine, until you release a glitchy piece of rubbish firmware...