Dear people, especially for all the people living in mountain areas is the 500 meter limit really too little, now you can with amenities like windsurfer antenna, s increase significantly, which is just as prohibited as flying higher than the permitted altitude , but we do it annyway.
Nobody knows a way to get off this restriction, I recently saw something on the Internet about a man who told me that it can be don through the following:
First, go to your max altitude in GPS mode, switch to ATI mode and press "go home" and you can climb well over 500 meters?
I have tried this but had almost a fly away by the strong winds at this height without GPS, so my question is: is there anyone who knows how you can fly higher than the factory limit?
Yes i know there wil be discussions over this item and yes i know it is fobidden, but come on guys 500 meters in a mountaines area is way to low..