Second Officer
Flight distance : 1420705 ft
osmonauta Posted at 11-29 16:34
So can you post a 30cm shot (or even 40) using that (in)famous focus chart, and an infinity outdoor shot to show that the camera does indeed focus sharply between 30cm - infinity with the new adjustment? Possibly original shots on GDrive (or whatever your fav cloud place is). 4:3 photos would be great that utilize the full sensor size. Thank you!
What I don't get, if this is really all it takes, then why did DJI sent me an email (and I've heard others got this, too) where they outline a price list for the faulty lens module, and then they send a brand new one with the same issue. Then what was the point of their email listing the warranty price list for the module? Because the way I interpreted it, they ran tests on the camera, determined that the lens module is fault, so they are going to replace/adjust it and send the camera back. But that's not what actually happened. They could've just got the tweezers (and I'm sure they have better precision tools than that), twist it a little bit, glue on, done. Ship it.
The focus chart is not big enough for the full FOV. But you can take a look at this shot.
We currently have quite dark, rainy weather for a photo outside. But I have some test videos after the correction on my youtube channel.
You got the mail because it is easier to send a new cam with the factory setting than to deal with the correction. Normally, the rule is that the factory setting is correct and everything that deviates from it, is individual and therefore cannot be supported without major effort.
Unfortunately, in this case the factory setting is wrong and DJI will probably correct it sooner or later.