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Please Be PROACTIVE before the "NutJobs" Prevail
1322 6 2015-8-14
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United States

This is just a short, but I think necessary, post. I am asking a favor of each and every one of you, and myself as well.

With all the media attention to negative situations and sightings of "drones" of all shapes and sizes, and so few positive reports, please volunteer to speak and present your aircraft at any local venue you can manage. We really need to EDUCATE our communities that these aircraft are really fun, cool, and provide safe activities.  

Clubs, school parents' associations, commercial groups - whoever - will find all this fascinating and informative. Please do not let folks' only souce of attention be media reactions to bull s*** and nutjobs and outliers. You do not have to be a graet presenter or orator - just let the P3 do most of the talking.

Doing this cannot help but to diminish or even remove a negative reputation for small "drones." That will pay off in reduced chances of eventual outright bans.

We need to be proactive. Please do not wait. In fact, I think you will find it enjoyable...and so will the groups you talk to.


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I recently flown at a school event with alot of parents and kids. We closed off a part of the school yard for a "dangerous" event (the shooting with a home made air pressure tennisball cannon) and I was there (also on the closed off section) to film the cannon shooting and the kids trying to catch the balls.

We borrowed the schools (huge) tv and placed it outside. I connected my tablet hdmi out (Nvidia shield) with the tv so everyone could watch real time what the drone was "seeing".
You should have seen how those kids enjoyed watching it and also the parents were all very interested. Most of the other activities were all deserted just to watch the drone fly and see themselfs from an unusual angle.

Yes I flew inside a city, near (NOT OVER!) quite a few people and it was a bit too windy. But I kept a constant eye on the drone and the area I took off and landed was clear of people. I did not go too high. In my opinion (and of the people I spoke to there) it was save.

I think alot of people have an image of a drone being unstable and require alot of skill to keep it in the air. So to demonstrate the drones stability I simply tell them the drone actually does not really want to move unless told to. At the same time I show them that im not touching the controller and push against the drone landing bar with a finger. The drone will act as if there is a slight breeze and wont move. It fascinates them.

I think this was a perfect oportunity to show a drone in action. It was not the main event, but people could see what it can do and how it does it. Im pritty sure alot of folks with drones have small, yearly returning, events like mine. Why not show people the event from a different angle.

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Shame there are no more posts here of people sharing their story of how they used a drone to cover an event or something.

I've seen a few posts elsewhere on this forum, but maybe its an idea to bundle these stories to see how people respond to the drone at such events and maybe even more importantly how we (the drone flyers) respond to their questions.
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United States

jaapotto Posted at 2015-8-19 15:56
Shame there are no more posts here of people sharing their story of how they used a drone to cover a ...

Yes.... Quite the shame indeed.
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Willie Wonka
United States

I'll offer a session in the public library here in the Princeton nj area , also I will attend the DJI experience in nyc next week.
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United States

Willie Wonka Posted at 2015-8-20 00:24
I'll offer a session in the public library here in the Princeton nj area , also I will attend the DJ ...

Good On You, jaapotto, and others!
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Willie Wonka
United States

AerialLens Posted at 2015-8-20 00:27
Good On You, jaapotto, and others!

Hell I am doing it for myself I want to keep flying ! Everyone else should wake up and see that everyone else is against them and they are about to take the privilege away because we are silent and not self policing.  
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