Flight distance : 617405 ft
United States
I am exploring for an upgrade from my Mavic2 Pro and the obvious is the Mavic3 Classic; however, I am seeing some issues with image quality.
- Over the many sample footage I have seen on YouTube, it appears to me that the colors look about the same as the Mavic2Pro --- quite flat. Somehow, the videos do not have the same popping contrast as videos from my regualr camera.The footage seem to have a slight layer of low-contrast film over the entire frame; as if there is some issues with the lens or something inherent to the image processing engine. Of course, you can say that this can be adjusted in post-processing but those YouTube channels are popular channels and they should know what they are doing with post-processing, correct?
- Second issue I see is that lack of sharpness. Are the new Mavic3 Classic still suffering from M2P's issues with noise-reduction reducing resoultion when sharpness is set to ZERO?
So far, almost all of the YouTube vids put up by owners & reviewers are shot under flat lighting conditions; so, this did not help at all. Since the drone is already producing low contrast footage, the flat light made it more muddy and murky --- nothing to brag about.
Are there any sample footage anyone can show me that have a higher contrast and more popping colors? I'm still looking and if you can help, please point the way. Thanks!