 Second Officer
Flight distance : 57037 ft
Blériot53 Posted at 12-18 02:36
Amazing to see those vast areas from that perspective. I guess there must be quite a few abandoned properties like that, scattered about.
There are very few left now due to the harsh climate and the time they've been abandoned. I have only managed to find about 3 worth filming and they are on my YouTube channel.
Someone told me there is a meteor crater out that way, way past the area of those ruins.
Once we have worked out where (we only know the "road" it's near and that dirt road goes for over 100kms) we will take the drone out there. Now it's summer and frequently over 40C degrees it may have to wait till it cools off a bit. There are no towns and no support out that far, so we need to be prepared and we will make a day trip of it. |