Flight distance : 1854908 ft
United States
You bring up a very valid point, skyeboysteve. Personally I'm glad you have the curage of your convictions to say so! The "rule of thumb" is also starting point for folks brand new to filming. That said, it still stands as the golden rule for traditional cinema "film" 15 years ago as it does digital productions today. The technology has changed but what we see and call exceptable in the final is often the same. That said, all rules are meant to be broken and for good reason sometimes. e.g. With my "land based camera" If i want a scene to have an exciting tension or panic feel I'll shoot with a shutter speed of 250 at 24fps. This higher shutter speed technique is used in a lot of movies during say, fight scenes or racing scenes. The Hobbit was shot at 47fps for a cleaner, crisp look and feel. Reality TV show are often shot at 60fps for ultra clean and "real" looking video. That's the big difference between Video vs Cinema style. So it is very subjective. I think that's what makes film production in general fun as there are 10 ways to shoot the same scene that produce different results or emotional responses. When folks, perhaps like yourself, go against the "norm" and use settings that produce something different and wonderful it's absolutely refreshing. I think if people like the results they're getting, with thier settings.... stick with them! Your videos are your creation therefore no one can say you're "doing it wrong". If you're having fun... you've succeeded. All in my humble opinion of course. |