Flight distance : 280860 ft
There are some useful tips here and one thing is sure - the YT videos have also been altered to match whatever - algorithms, viewers, etc. Best to take some advices, like those here and those from some YT videos, and try it yourself. One thing I noticed about almost every video and professional not only for drones but also for photography and video production is the importance of filter.
Recently I got my Mini 3 Pro and the first thing I am buying are the filters but since there are two types, I will have to make up my mind what I intend to use the drone for and according to that, I will purchase the filters.
The bottom line is that if you want to achieve anything good, you must use filters most of the time. I am new with drones but have been dealing with photography and video for some time and one thing every photographer and videographer will tell you is that, if you want to have less work in post-production, you must try to make the best of the photo and video shots. |