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United States

wow bad deal there ... hope you get your bird back. im curious to hear the outcome of this.
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Willie Wonka

United States

Hire a lawyer ASAP after the FBI call you within a couple of days and you will be interrogated.
The statue of liberty is a freaking NO FLY ZONE ! people please check before you fly !!!

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Flight distance : 12890 ft
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United States

There is a moratorium on flying drones over any Federal Property... I am assuming it is Federal Property.

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United States

myTehi Posted at 2015-8-17 09:26
wow bad deal there ... hope you get your bird back. im curious to hear the outcome of this.

Yes they will give it back to me after checking the video. I got two tickets, one is $50, and the other one don't know yet.
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United States

Willie Wonka Posted at 2015-8-17 09:33
Hire a lawyer ASAP after the FBI call you within a couple of days and you will be interrogated.
The  ...

Maybe I'm the lucky one, they said there'll be no more interrogation but just two tickets.  I am a foreign student study in US, and take for granted that the liberty statue was a general normal statue that people could take photo of. Seriously,  I feel deeply sorry for my ignorant action.
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United States

daviskw2004 Posted at 2015-8-17 09:34
There is a moratorium on flying drones over any Federal Property... I am assuming it is Federal Prop ...

Yes you're right..  Before this,  I just thought that only Washington D.C and certain miles around airport were prohibited.
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DJI team

Hong Kong

how did you take off if it's NFZ
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United States

I wonder if the same outcome would have been expected if an American citizen had done that?
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United States

Just looked at the DJI no fly map. The Statue of Liberty isn't listed as a no fly zone. That's why he was able to take off.

Don't know where he took off from, but unless he was in National Park land, he was legal.

Big difference between legal and smart though.
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Willie Wonka

United States

xxFeliXxx Posted at 2015-8-17 09:54
Maybe I'm the lucky one, they said there'll be no more interrogation but just two tickets.  I am a ...

Well they are going to call you anyways, as the cops did there part but then the FBI has to file there report too so expect a call, thank god you did not damage anything or you would be on CNN tonight and get welcomed in jail for an unforeseen amount of time.
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Flight distance : 118665 ft
United States

It's because it's a National Park.

Check this before making any more ignorant actions.
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United States

timswimm Posted at 2015-8-17 10:01
how did you take off if it's NFZ

Took off at the Liberty State Park.
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United States

Willie Wonka Posted at 2015-8-17 10:09
Well they are going to call you anyways, as the cops did there part but then the FBI has to file t ...

OMG you really freak me out.. I'm even thinking about selling it then..
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United States

AlmostTan Posted at 2015-8-17 10:18
It's because it's a National Park.

Check this before making any more ignorant actions.

Thank you, dude, the website is really helpful! Yes absolutely I'll never do that again.
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Willie Wonka

United States

xxFeliXxx Posted at 2015-8-17 10:33
OMG you really freak me out.. I'm even thinking about selling it then..

I am trying to prepare you for the worst, just keep calm as long as you have pure intentions, i used to live in the area and i was involved in AMA clubs in the area and to keep and secure flying site for our hobby back in the day, so i am familiar with the process and what happens when one does a big no no.

I hope everyone else learns from your mistake and triple check before flying ANYWHERE in the USA, not sure of anywhere else in the world but here the Hills have eyes or the Eye of Sauron is always watching.
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United States

Willie Wonka Posted at 2015-8-17 10:46
I am trying to prepare you for the worst, just keep calm as long as you have pure intentions, i us ...

Thank you so much, I do realized how serious it could be, thanks again.
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United States

AlmostTan Posted at 2015-8-17 10:18
It's because it's a National Park.

Check this before making any more ignorant actions.

The memorandum issued by the National Park Service states no take offs and landings on Park Service property. It does no prohibit you from flying over NPS property.

It may appear to be splitting hairs, but this question has come up before and the legality has been upheld. Just don't crash or you are in violation.
statue of liberty.png
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Willie Wonka

United States

If it has a green tree sign then flee...
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United States

Willie Wonka Posted at 2015-8-17 09:33
Hire a lawyer ASAP after the FBI call you within a couple of days and you will be interrogated.
The  ...

Yes, definitely check your laws... However I'm curious what law you think he broke?  As far as I'm aware, the Statue of Liberty is not a No Fly Zone.  And not trying to be argumentative, but can you quote a law...rule...listing...or source anywhere that lists it as one.  If you have a source that would've been a good resource for this might be good info for us all.  Great to suggest people read the laws...but offering a source is even better.  I'm doubtful you'll find one.

Absolutely for sure, the Statue of Liberty is a National Park.  However, those rules only say you cannot take off and land from within a National Park (check the's true).  Says nothing about flying over them.  So assuming he did not take off from a NP...again no rules.  There are certainly rules about flying too close to structures and people in an unsafe manner, but that is similar anywhere...nothing specific to the Statue of Liberty...and something the FAA investigates, not the police.

Of course another rule he could've broken is flying within 5 miles of an airport, or heliport...there are none within 5 miles of the Statue of Liberty.  Flying over the Statue of Liberty (at 305') so as long as he was less than 100' over its height, he also wasn't violating the 400' rule.  But again if a violation, its investigation by the FAA, not the police.  And certainly won't be an issuance of a ticket,

My guess is he simply violated some local city park rule where he was standing that makes it a violation to take off a drone from their boundaries.  Police don't go around issuing tickets for FAA violations, nor do they do it for National Park rule violations (Rangers do that)...and he's likely in for much more than $50 if he took of/landed within a National Park Boundry...

So I too look forward to hearing how this goes.  What violation specifically was written on the ticket?  Who were the "police", and how did they justify confiscating your drone.  Not doubting you got in "trouble"...just wonder if some additional perspective is in order.  Don't freak out.  Willy Wonka is not correctly informed...don't think he has any ill intent, just mistaken. I'm not saying you won't have some future consequences....but a call from the FBI is probably a silly notion.  If anything flying in an unsafe manner (if claimed by the FAA, not the police)....and taking off from an unauthorized park (probably nothing more than a tiny ticket in this worse than drinking alcohol on park grounds kind of thing).

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Flight distance : 118665 ft
United States

gregg1r Posted at 2015-8-17 11:00
The memorandum issued by the National Park Service states no take offs and landings on Park Service ...

I posted before he disclosed his takeoff point was not from a National Park area and assumed he had.  

I'm curious then under what laws they legally confiscated his P3 and cited him tickets? Can't think of any applicable off the top of my head.
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Willie Wonka

United States

TAZ Posted at 2015-8-17 11:10
Yes, definitely check your laws... However I'm curious what law you think he broke?  As far as I'm ...

You bring a whole lot things to the table as this is a hot issue, thats why in his best bet is to hire a lawyer, as they could be acting under the patriot act rules which are very vague and i am not sure what is the tickets he got or where exactly he took off from or what altitude he passed over the statue.
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United States

Willie Wonka Posted at 2015-8-17 11:22
You bring a whole lot things to the table as this is a hot issue, thats why in his best bet is to  ...

Took off at the waterfront walkway in the Liberty State Park, flying at about 300 feet high and about 150 feet away from the statue.

On one ticket it says Violation of Closure and Public use limits, launching, landing, or operation of unmanned aircraft.  The other one just says Piloting an unmanned aerial vehicle, which I think is a little bit weird..
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Willie Wonka

United States

xxFeliXxx Posted at 2015-8-17 11:43
Took off at the waterfront walkway in the Liberty State Park, flying at about 300 feet high and ab ...

Were they park rangers or NJ state troopers or local jersey city cops?
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United States

Willie Wonka Posted at 2015-8-17 11:47
Were they park rangers or NJ state troopers or local jersey city cops?

The first ones I'm not sure what type they are, but i think I was told that they're above the NJ state police, and then seems  they called the NJ state police to come. They both issued me one ticket.
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United States

xxFeliXxx Posted at 2015-8-17 11:43
Took off at the waterfront walkway in the Liberty State Park, flying at about 300 feet high and ab ...

Makes perfect sense.  Many state parks, and city parks have local rules against flying model aircraft on their grounds (but like National Parks, they can only govern the taking off/landing on their grounds, not flying over). A very minor infraction.  No long term consequences to worry about in that regard.  It's similar to a parking ticket.  It is all local jurisdictions issues, nothing federal.  Although I would highly doubt it goes any further...  If you are further contacted by a federal agency, I would be respectful, ask about their concerns...but not answer any questions without legal advice.  Hear them out...get advice before you say anything.  It'd be highly unusual for that to happen though.  Some people are worrying you needlessly.  I would be VERY diligent about demanding your craft back though, and if they refuse, ask specifically what law they are citing...and THEN contact a lawyer.  It could simply be a case of overzoulousness on the polices part.

That being said, knowing the airport locations, NFZs and local/federal rules will help you stay out of trouble.  In this case so far it looks like to had nothing to do with the Statute of Liberty.  It looks like it had to due with launching from a local jurisdiction that has rules against it.
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United States

BTW...  New Jersey State Parks does have a relatively new rule that disallows UAVs on their grounds without permission...and can be read here: ... vehicles-drones.pdf
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United States

TAZ Posted at 2015-8-17 12:02
Makes perfect sense.  Many state parks, and city parks have local rules against flying model aircr ...

Yes, I was also considering it that way. But, I asked them what's the major issue, and one of them told me it's because I flied over the statue, which were deemed as a threaten to it, not because of flying in the state park. I feel those guys may come from some national security department.
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United States

Willie Wonka Posted at 2015-8-17 11:22
You bring a whole lot things to the table as this is a hot issue, thats why in his best bet is to  ...

Again you're being overly dramatic, in my opinion (btw...I personally would never fly of the Ststue of Liberty, even if I thought I could legally....don't need or want that sort of scrutiny), even if I might be within my rights to do it).  Flying a UAS in approved airspace is not a national security issue or subject to the Patriot Act.  Simply being ticketed by a state policeman for violating a regional parks rules doesn't even come close to those things you bring up.  He'll know if he is contacted by a Federal Agent, but so far that hasn't happened and I think it quite premature and a bit "fear mongering" to be acting if he has.

Of course if such future federal contact is made....obtaining good legal advice is always good advice.  Let's put it in perspective though.  And if you have any concrete information that what he did could, should, or will naturally subject him to future scrutiny, other than simple "fear" that it might...I'm sure we'd all be better informed to hear it.
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Willie Wonka

United States

TAZ Posted at 2015-8-17 12:18
Again you're being overly dramatic, in my opinion (btw...I personally would never fly of the Ststu ...

I was not trying to inject fear in this situation, it's apparently been confiscated by a higher level than the fbi, we will find out when he is able to get his quad back, but in his situation he has to be calm and collected in all further contacts and not to put him self in hot waters, I'll shut my mouth now and you listen to TAZ as he has better advice for you as I feel he has more in depth legal lingo than I do.
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United States

Also....just for information sake, here is a document, recently issued by the FAA in regards to enforcement action if they suspect you violated their rules...just issued 2 weeks ago.  Just sharing so you know the procedures and steps usually followed by their investigation parties in regards to the FAA only.  Not saying you did, or didn't do anything wrong in their eyes...just if THEY feel you did, you can be better informed of what steps they will follow:

As an aside, it's probably good advice to not share more details of what you did/didn't do on a public forum. I'm sure myself and others will find interest in what happens down the road, from what an enforcement/future action perspective unfolds.  But stating your guilt/innocence of certain rules (known or unknown) is probably not a great idea.  In your situation, I'd keep the exact details to myself....just to not complicate anything if (not saying they will...just if they do) future legal issues arise.
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Flight distance : 151693 ft

Flying over a tourist attraction that to get to you have to go through strict security, close to cavity search, is really not the greatest idea. Regardless if it's NFZ or not.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 14915856 ft
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I would like to see the video. Did they take everything or just the "bird"? otherwise you have a 720p copy on your device.
For the same reasons I always magically switch SD cards whenever I land
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Flight distance : 15207 ft
United States

AlmostTan Posted at 2015-8-17 10:18
It's because it's a National Park.

Check this before making any more ignorant actions.

That's what my first thought was,  National Parks are off limits. (What are they afraid we are going to see, no reference to statue.)  Almost getting to the point I am starting to think it's time to sell this toy. Every day someone is getting into trouble (no reference to poster) with a drone. Gon'na ruin it for the rest of us.
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United Kingdom

I find it amazing at the lack of proper regulations in the US for UAS flying. the UK is extremely hot on this right now, and will even urge you to get a Permission For Aerial Work which is issued by the CAA (UK version of the FAA). you have to complete a remote pilots course and get public liability insurance before applying.

It is UK law that you cannot fly within these parameters:

no higher than 400ft
within 150 meters of open air event of 1000+ people
within 50 meters of people, buildings or vehicles that are not under your control
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United Kingdom

vu.q.le@outlook Posted at 2015-8-17 15:31
I'm sorry. It was harsh but I expect more from people on this forum. We shouldn't be contributing to ...

completely agree. these are not toys and should respect the law of the land and its airspace appropriately.
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United Kingdom

xxFeliXxx Posted at 2015-8-17 12:11
Yes, I was also considering it that way. But, I asked them what's the major issue, and one of them ...

in the UK if you do not have permission from the building owner or public are within 50 meters of the SUAS who are not under your control is deemed as an illegal flight.

it is my belief that all UAS pilots should undertake proper training, be insured and get licensed to fly, this is slowly becoming the way in the UK - this is the only way to stop jokers buying a UAS, thinking it is a toy and embarrassing/tarnishing this industry...
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Flight distance : 2067749 ft
United States

This is pure bullshit! Usually I'm the one here talking shit to people doing stupid shit, but this is just way fu$$ed up..  I don't think this guy did anything wrong!  The Statue of Liberty is the kind of thing we want to take pictures of with these drones!  This guy is being bullied just because they feel like it...   I would have done the same thing myself if I was in New York.  Times are changing and people have a different type of camera these days. And I think our copters should be considered a little more of a camera and less of a drone..  This is the biggest crap I've ever heard and I'm on Felix side with this one!..  Just tell me, which of you wouldn't wanna see Felix video? I know I sure would...   He wasn't out flying it around a federal building or police station.  He was trying to get some good aerial shots of something that would interest a p3 owner...  Keep us informed Felix and I hope you take these crap a$$ Tickets to court !  I would be so pissed off if I was Felix!
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Willie Wonka

United States

Mark97564 Posted at 2015-8-17 21:05
This is pure bullshit! Usually I'm the one here talking shit to people doing stupid shit, but this i ...

I am with Felix too but the problem is I know the area and they fudge things really badly and you never win in that situation and they will wipe the ground with your face if you don't know your legal right and have backup, so I fear for him getting the rap and being made as an example, we should stick by him as a union does because if we make him as sacrifice then our turn will come one day.

I don't want one day soon to be forced to sell my phantom just because the FAA Imposes a ban on us and makes it impossible to fly.

Let's all be responsible and educate kindly and support anyone in distress as I feel the crack down has begun and more of this confiscating theme is going to show up on the forums.
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Flight distance : 368842 ft
United States

Ever since Sept 11th they have been very sensitive about security around national land marks .For obvious reasons i can see why they dont want UAS around the statue of liberty. New Jersey, & New York are always making stupid laws that make zero since but I'm wondering how they found  where you were? Did they wait for you fly back or find you when you were still flying?. I do see a registration and safety course in the near future if this keeps up . About the UK regulations  I'm surprised you don't have to get permission to breathe in the UK.   .

PLEASE don't just fly these UAS just anywhere.  Especially in populated areas without permission.
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