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Avata has a mind of its own when it gets confused
3280 3 2023-1-16
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Flight distance : 3432372 ft
United States

So we've all noted that the Avata has some issues, like shooting off at an angle after an impact, but mine just seems to have a mind of its own. I know DJI says they don't recommend the Avata for flying indoors, but my wife and dogs are out of town, so I was goofing around and JFC this thing is possessed or something. Started hovering and switched into manual mode and bumped an object and the Avata flipped over and shot across my floor. It got stuck on something and, even though the throttle was at zero and it was upside-down, the props were going full gas. So I moved both sticks down and in and didn't have any effect. Tried powering down, no effect. Holding the Avata upside down, the props eventually went to spinning at idle, but nothing would make them actually stop, and every time I moved the drone the props would spin up to full speed. After a minute, I powered down the controller and it finally went into low power mode. First of all, why isn't this thing shutting down when it's upside down on the floor? Second, why is it going full power when I'm holding it upside-down after a crash?
This all made me curious and so I tried it again. I hovered, switched to manual, then in the course of feathering the throttle just barely touched the floor (straight down) and the drone hopped and went nuts and lodged itself under my couch. I immediately went to zero throttle, but when it got stuck, it went to full throttle, seemingly trying to power itself out of the situation. I very carefully grabbed it and this time when I flipped it it shut down.

I assume this is a DJI sensor thing right, where manual mode is not really manual mode and the drone is trying to keep itself off the ground? I fully expect a bit of hopping if I'm close the ground in idle throttle, but it seems crazy that the Avata will go full power even when the throttle is at idle if it doesn't quite register that it has been crashed and is upside-down.
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Flight distance : 877999 ft
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Maybe thats the same behaviour like when you crash outside when the "safety" Feature kicks in where it tries to reach moon ignoring every obstacle on its way? Its taking like 10 seconds till you finaly reach back control?

I think if your drone switch from Manual mode theres no way to actualy disarm the Drone, You can set disarm for the Motion controller and manual but it is not possible to do it for normal and sport mode on the controller as far I can tell after testing it (Would love to hear if somebody was able to shut this drone down if it goes Kamikaze....? ) Tried the sticks to the corners for testing too which didn't work for me, seems like theres no way for me to shut it down hard.

For me the Flipping worked so far when it doesn't want to land somewhere but I think one time the Rotors had gone mad for me too after rotating it but i dont get the situation together right now. Was outside wouldnt be that crazy to fly the drone in my house with all that bugs right now.... sorry to say but yeah.. hope they will fix this...

Asking me too why this Drone not simply shutting down the Rotors if it crashes hard like every normal Drone so you can search for it or decide for yourself if you want to risk to start it again.

you got a video of it?

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Flight distance : 3432372 ft
United States

Koolada Posted at 1-16 15:28
Maybe thats the same behaviour like when you crash outside when the "safety" Feature kicks in where it tries to reach moon ignoring every obstacle on its way? Its taking like 10 seconds till you finaly reach back control?

I think if your drone switch from Manual mode theres no way to actualy disarm the Drone, You can set disarm for the Motion controller and manual but it is not possible to do it for normal and sport mode on the controller as far I can tell after testing it (Would love to hear if somebody was able to shut this drone down if it goes Kamikaze....? ) Tried the sticks to the corners for testing too which didn't work for me, seems like theres no way for me to shut it down hard.

I do have video, but not going to show the world my messy house! And yeah, I think it's just a managing expectations thing. The Avata has some features that make it a good choice over a traditional whoop, but it has some drawbacks that limit its usefulness and make me hesitant to use it outside of some very safe, controlled conditions.
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Flight distance : 139167 ft

when you are in manual you need to disarm is in a different way!
either with double press the start button or (if configured) the right 3 way switch to the disarm position (configureable).

the motors spin like crazy because the "air mode" tries to fight the wrong attitude of the quad even with 0 throttle. that function is there to allow acrobatic manoeuvres  with no throttle in the air (hence "air mode"). you may google also the term: hang time.

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