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Calibration error using Mac Studio Display
1459 3 2023-2-9
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CSD Studios
South Korea

I downloaded the latest softwware update for DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer). It installs and starts up and recognizes the drone (Mavic 2 Pro) when connected. However, when I try to use calibration  mode it tells me it cannot recognize my screen size and to enter the screen size.  When the calibration window opens and I am aligning the drone with the dots on screen it keeps giving me a movement error and it will not let me continue past the first box. Anybody else having this issue?

Mac Studio w/ Studio Display
OS Ventura

Please let me know how to get past this. Thanks!
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DJI Tony

Hi there. Thanks for reaching out, and apologies for any inconvenience caused. We recommend you change the computer you are using. If possible, kindly use Windows and install the latest DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series). Once installed, please reattempt to calibrate the sensors. We will be waiting for your update. Thanks for your cooperation. Have a nice day.
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Flight distance : 192966 ft

Hi, yep exact same issue, on same hardware and OS.

Click on 'Calibrate' and get a 'Cannot recognise screen size' error message, and asked to enter screen size.
I wasn't able to put anything but numbers into the 'screen size' dialog box (no spaces or 'x' or other letters - I assumed it was after pixel dimensions?). After inputting: 51202880 (? which would be 5120x2880 ?) I had the same issue of the calibration screen starting up (and after running through the 'how to instructions'), I could get the drone to the correct distance from the screen for calibration (blue corner edge lines), the first calibration box appears and ticks off and then as soon as you rotate the drone to face the next calibration box I would always get a 'movement error'.
- no amount of uninstalling and reinstalling software, turning off and on drone or simply restarting the software would get any different results.

Please correct this dji - I don't think saying 'use a windows computer' is a very professional or satisfactory response - especially as the software is available for macOS.

(just fyi: I didn't get this sort of issue on an iMac with the Mavic 2 Assistant using macOS Monterey).

Thank you.
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Choose Apple menu  > System Settings (or System Preferences) > Displays.
From the Presets menu, choose the reference mode that you want to fine-tune.
From the Presets menu, choose Fine-Tune Calibration.
Set values for the White Point and Luminance, then enter a description.

Rachel Gomez
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