DJI Susan
djiuser_WHdDcoDgonMM Posted at 10-5 11:34
Hi I do have the RC updated with 01.03.0500 but its updating my drone with 01.00.0300. Not 01.00.0200 why is that? The update for the srone stops at 40 percent, i have tried lots of times but it wont fully update. I think it is because the aircraft update is wrong? Thank you for the previous answers, I hope the issue gets resolved, I would like to fly my drone
I am sorry for the misunderstanding, please note that the latest firmware for the aircraft is v01.00.0300, the doc on the link DJI Mindy provided has not been updated, sorry for the confusion. If your aircraft is in v01.00.0300 and RC is 01.03.0500, you have them both in the latest firmware, please rest assured.
May I know if you encountered any issues with flying the drone? Please let me know the details and I am here to help.