Flight distance : 66939 ft
This app looks perfect for what I need. I'm trying to get it going with my Mini 3 pro and hitting a road block.
Android latest update on Google Pixel 7. Location services and nearby devices enabled. Phone less than 1 m from drone. Bluetooth and Wifi on.
DJI Mini 3 pro - updated to latest firmware today.
The LightCut app finds the drone, as it appears under devices. When I click on the red "connect" icon, the black circle spins around as if it is trying to connect and then I get "Exit other app. Restart Light Cut and try again." I have tried restarting the app, restarting my phone, restarting the drone, etc. Same result. Pressing the power button 3x to activate fast transfer.
I deleted and reinstalled the app.
I went through the setup thing again. It found the drone. It said to "long press to connect." Done. Then it doesn't connect.
"No devices found. Make sure devices are turned on and available to connect."
Press "try again." Searches for devices.... same thing. But when I press "cancel" my drone still shows up in the devices list, with a red "connect" button beside it.
Now when I press it, it says, "searching for devices" but never finds anything. ....
Tried again with my 3rd battery. Did not update the firmware on that battery. Same result.
Any thoughts?
When I first got the message about it being connected to another app, I thought maybe it was my RC controller, but the power is off on the RC controller.