Hong Kong
DJI Tony Posted at 4-24 19:48
Hi, FrozenBlizzard. Thanks for notifying us about this concern. We're sorry you're encountering the same issues. Kindly try the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Check whether the DJI RC is connected to the network. Log out then log back into your DJI account and try updating again.
2. If it still fails, try updating the firmware through the DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series).
I have the the same problem today, error code 0x1103a0090012 (Mini 3 Pro)
I can not update the AC firmware but OK with most update flying information
The problem is, although I am now in Japan, I can not find the Remote ID in my LCD-RC with my old AC firmware version (But I was told that my old version 01.00.0450 should be OK to see the Remote ID).
I have completed Japan DIPS application and is given the Remote ID already but I still can not find the Remote ID option in my LCD-RC. That's why I want to update the firmware. However I have no computer or notebook in Japan so that I can not use Dji Assistant 2, what can I do now? |