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mavic air 2S gimbal problems
6490 18 2023-2-25
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United Kingdom

I bought this product three years ago. I have used three times. The last time I flew it was 2 months ago. Everything worked fine. Today I turned it on I updated the firmware and surprise! the app says Incompatible gimbal data! I tried to calibrate it and it won't let me. I am too disappointed with this product!! I have maintained it quite well over the years and have only flown it a few times without any mishaps. This is a steal for the price I pay
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United Kingdom

Gimbal calibration error: "calibration failed"
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United Kingdom

IMU calibration: the start button doesn't work
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How can it be possible that after so little use this product stops working?
this is unacceptable, for a beginner in drones and for the huge amount that you pay for this product it is a disaster
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DJI Susan

We feel sorry to read about the issue you encountered, we understand that must be frustrating for you. Please try to remove the SD card, refresh the firmware with DJI Assistant 2, and calibrate the IMU and gimbal again.
DJI Assistant 2: ... sumer-drones-series
If they still can not be calibrated, you may need to send the drone back for further diagnosis and service.
Please fill out the online repair request on our official web and send it back. Here is the link:
We will do our best to help this out.
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United Kingdom

DJI Susan Posted at 2-25 06:39
We feel sorry to read about the issue you encountered, we understand that must be frustrating for you. Please try to remove the SD card, refresh the firmware with DJI Assistant 2, and calibrate the IMU and gimbal again.
DJI Assistant 2:
If they still can not be calibrated, you may need to send the drone back for further diagnosis and service.

Is this a service provided by dji? or do i have to pay?
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DJI Wanda

Dissapointed Posted at 2-25 12:20
Is this a service provided by dji? or do i have to pay?

Hello, there. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Which services you are talking about?
If you mean the software, it is free to download and use.
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United Kingdom

DJI Wanda Posted at 2-25 23:56
Hello, there. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Which services you are talking about?
If you mean the software, it is free to download and use.

After trying what DJI Susan told me, my drone still gives the same error. She suggested that I send the drone for a diagnosis and service. My question is, do you charge for diagnosis and service?
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DJI Wanda

Dissapointed Posted at 2-26 02:15
After trying what DJI Susan told me, my drone still gives the same error. She suggested that I send the drone for a diagnosis and service. My question is, do you charge for diagnosis and service?

Warranty services will be provided if the aircraft is in the warranty period and the issue is not caused by non-manufactured issues. If the device is out of warranty, you can enjoy paid repair services.
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United Kingdom

DJI Wanda Posted at 2-26 02:21
Warranty services will be provided if the aircraft is in the warranty period and the issue is not caused by non-manufactured issues. If the device is out of warranty, you can enjoy paid repair services.

Logically my drone is not under warranty, as I explained before. This is extremely disappointing for a customer who has only used a product a few times without incident. Your company is worth mentioning in the consumer helpline because I can't make sense of why my drone stopped working after using it so few times. Why am I going to send it to you? so that they charge me for a service that in no case should I pay? I'd rather throw your drone away than pay you more money. I am not happy with this
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DJI Wanda

Dissapointed Posted at 2-27 06:52
Logically my drone is not under warranty, as I explained before. This is extremely disappointing for a customer who has only used a product a few times without incident. Your company is worth mentioning in the consumer helpline because I can't make sense of why my drone stopped working after using it so few times. Why am I going to send it to you? so that they charge me for a service that in no case should I pay? I'd rather throw your drone away than pay you more money. I am not happy with this

We understand your concerns. The components and performance of an electronic product will naturally decay over time even if it is not used after purchase. This will result in the failure of some functions or some components when the decay reaches a certain level. As such, a damaged component needs to be repaired or replaced before usage. To specify, the responsible person for the after-sales maintenance, the state has issued related laws and set up the corresponding warranty period for electronic products. All electronic products on the market have a warranty period. If an issue occurs within the warranty period, the manufacturer is to bear the maintenance fees. If an issue occurs outside the warranty period, the manufacturer will charge for repair fees based on certain costs.
You may refer to our after-sales policy as well.
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United Kingdom

DJI Wanda Posted at 2-27 17:35
We understand your concerns. The components and performance of an electronic product will naturally decay over time even if it is not used after purchase. This will result in the failure of some functions or some components when the decay reaches a certain level. As such, a damaged component needs to be repaired or replaced before usage. To specify, the responsible person for the after-sales maintenance, the state has issued related laws and set up the corresponding warranty period for electronic products. All electronic products on the market have a warranty period. If an issue occurs within the warranty period, the manufacturer is to bear the maintenance fees. If an issue occurs outside the warranty period, the manufacturer will charge for repair fees based on certain costs.
You may refer to our after-sales policy as well.

No, you still don't answer my problem. This drone cost almost £1000, used 5-6 times!!! Are you telling me that it decayed in 3 years???? After having paid all that amount and having used it so little??? This is a SCAM and your company is worthy of being named one of the WORST I don't trust your brand anymore
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United Kingdom

You are making drones that break or malfunction right after the warranty period. Because my drone stopped working after a small and limited use after only 3 years of its acquisition. This is embarrassing for your company.

Are your clients signing policies that justify the unstoppable deterioration in the first few years? How can this be possible?? I expected your product to work for at least 5 years!!!! especially after using it so little.

I would never be here claiming my rights if my drone was working, which is what is expected to happen after so little use in such a short time. I also hoped that you would help me in the process of recovering my drone, not that you would ask me for more money for this.

Logically I will not buy any more of your exaggeratedly expensive products. And I'll take it upon myself to spread the word about your flimsy products.

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DJI Wanda

Dissapointed Posted at 3-4 00:48
You are making drones that break or malfunction right after the warranty period. Because my drone stopped working after a small and limited use after only 3 years of its acquisition. This is embarrassing for your company.

Are your clients signing policies that justify the unstoppable deterioration in the first few years? How can this be possible?? I expected your product to work for at least 5 years!!!! especially after using it so little.

We apologize for any inconvenience.
May we know if you tried the suggestions given by DJI Susan above?
As we said, you can still enjoy paid repair services at certain costs.
Please pay attention to the warranty period and contact us immediately if you have any questions.
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Flight distance : 783904 ft

hello friend, I also have the same problem, I have my drone bought in December 2021 and I have always used it without problems. I'm on vacation and I took the drone to shoot some images, what a disappointment the same error after updating the firmware appears incompatible gimbal data and in the app parameters it says that the data files are not compatible, and I can't even calibrate the drone anymore because I even calibrate it the normal drone is blocked , it 's simply absurd , how can this happen , I 'm trying to make contact with dji portugal but so far they have not answered me , money invested that has now stopped , I have a channel on youtube and , I can no longer post videos because of this problem , dji is losing confidence , I hope to have an answer soon because my drone is under warranty , I hope you have it too because this can not be like this I bought the fly more combo and now without vacation videos it is sad , I wanted to buy it the air 3 or the mavic 3 but I'm already behind with that, I don't feel confident
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Welintonsilvapt Posted at 8-16 15:21
hello friend, I also have the same problem, I have my drone bought in December 2021 and I have always used it without problems. I'm on vacation and I took the drone to shoot some images, what a disappointment the same error after updating the firmware appears incompatible gimbal data and in the app parameters it says that the data files are not compatible, and I can't even calibrate the drone anymore because I even calibrate it the normal drone is blocked , it 's simply absurd , how can this happen , I 'm trying to make contact with dji portugal but so far they have not answered me , money invested that has now stopped , I have a channel on youtube and , I can no longer post videos because of this problem , dji is losing confidence , I hope to have an answer soon because my drone is under warranty , I hope you have it too because this can not be like this I bought the fly more combo and now without vacation videos it is sad , I wanted to buy it the air 3 or the mavic 3 but I'm already behind with that, I don't feel confident

Hi Welintonsilvapt, sorry to hear about the experience you suffered. May I know if you have already followed the below steps and try to re-check again? Please try to remove the SD card, refresh the firmware with DJI Assistant 2, and calibrate the IMU and gimbal again.
DJI Assistant 2: ... sumer-drones-series
If they still can not be calibrated, you may need to send the drone back for further diagnosis and service.

At the same time, based on your post, we found it seems you have contacted with DJI before. May I know if there is any case reference number provided? We will look into the details and try to help. Looking forward to your reply.

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Flight distance : 177657 ft

United States

Dissapointed Posted at 2023-2-25 04:34
How can it be possible that after so little use this product stops working?
this is unacceptable, for a beginner in drones and for the huge amount that you pay for this product it is a disaster

Dear Disappointed,

I am in the EXACT same boat as you.   I have the exact same errors - along with a few more codes -barometer failure.  My drone has always been stored safely and well cared for.  I used mine a bit more than yourself - but, I had not pulled it out for 3+ months due to sub zero temps and other hazards (trying to be a safe and responsible pilot)

There's 2 things that I can figure.   (You are not the only person this has happened to) I am uncertain exactly how many of us have suffered this problem (as those of us likely to have had our drones sitting for a while - still may not have turned them back on yet)

It's either a software/firmware update that has gone awry... or...

I pulled my drone apart (as I am fairly tech savvy and would rather learn and repair myslef than pay yet more $)  The board that is in issue is the GPS board.

It also houses the barometer, IMU attaches directly to it.  I have found a coin cell type battery on said board.
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Flight distance : 177657 ft

United States

My thoughts are that possibly the coin cell battery has fully discharged and possibly is causing some sort of error (either in the form of bios/system check error - or programming/firmware flashing error)
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