United States
First off, let me say I am NOT whining. This is a good forum and I'm glad DJI is hosting it. BUT...
Tahoe_Ed, as our moderator, can you please check into offering methods to search content, rather than only titles here? Some of the thread Titles just do not provide enough clues to what an author is saying, nor what a reader may be searching for. The results of a failed Title search (apparently) often leads to -- you guessed it -- creation of yet another thread. Ha! And that new thread, whether for discussion or a call for help, has a really good chance of treading over old threads relating to the same issues. I'm guessing this forum would probably have FAR less than 4,000+ (!) threads if this were not true? Don't get me wrong. This is a giant "conversation" here, and the more the merrier - but somethimes answers to questions can be found without generating a new question - mostly on the Help side for sure - creating something than can resemble a shaghetti bowl of input at times. Time is precious, and sometimes there just isn't enough of it available to look at everything here to locate an answer or a discussion.
Anyway, Tahoe_Ed, can you look into allowing a more comprehensive search mechanism? there one in place already, and I have failed to figure it out?
Keep up the good work.
I searched for this subject before creating a new thread.