Flight distance : 72959 ft
United States
I have a Mavic 2. I just recently started using Follow Me Mode. And watched a bunch of videos of other people with my same issues.
We need a way to add more parameters to our tracking sessions. You need to allow us to input more restrictive parameters, which will allow the drone to be in more control of what its surroundings are...
Example: My drone had plenty of trouble tracking me while trying to follow me from behind down a street lined on bothe sides with trees. A basic country road.
Issue 1: It does not stay close enough and allows me to get too far away and easily loses me.
Solution: No. I need an option to tell it to follow at the same distance, height, and angle. I already know what the terrain is and i dont need the drone to act very smart. I just need it to follow me as close to my initial setup as possible. Maybe you could have the controller leave breadcrumbs at some user defined interval for the drone to follow. Actually thats quite INGENIUS option! So instead of just stopping where it loses me, it has a breadcrumb trail to come get me instead of me going back to get it.
I understand gps is only so accurate... But it certainly is accurate enough to get down some open trails and roads.
Issue 2: It randomly increases it's height while following me.
Solution: NO! I know the terrain. I dont need it to go higher. It just needs to keep a constand height above the ground from where I told it to start from.
Issue 3: When I went around a simple curve. It tried to cut through the trees to keep me in sight...
Solution: NO! If it stayed close enough... AND/OR used breadcrumbs to follow me, it would not have to sensor or go around the trees. Again, it tried to outsmart itself.
These solutions are all programmable solutions. No extra hardware needed. And these solutions actually tax the system less. Because the user provides the best paramters for the current terrain.