Flight distance : 2354357 ft
United Kingdom
I had mine running for quite some time during the last FW update and it didn't shut down, it did become quite hot but I let it do its thing just to see if it would shut down, it didn't and that last update appeared to take a lot longer than previous updates, it probably helps that i keep my heating at 17.5C, i doubt it would have been the same had it been at 20C/21C.
From what i could make out last summer from another member, if its around 35C with little to no wind, in the sun and you're just hovering then this may cause the drone to do an emergency landing, this could be problematic because if nothing has changed, when the drone does this emergency landing, the pilot has no control of the drone whatsoever, unlike when it does a forced landing due to low battery, in that case, you have some lateral control to direct it to a better landing spot if needed. I cannot say that this is still the case, DJI may have changed it so we now have some control, if not then it will just land where ever it is and you will have no control over that. Something to bear in mind. |