Flight distance : 705974 ft
I can't believe people don't understand what you're asking. What you're asking about is the angle of view change. Sure the focal length doesn't change, but at 2x zoom, is the angle of view cut in half?
At 2X you will have half the width and the height of the full frame picture.
You can test this by hovering over an area where you know the measurements below, or have an observer mark the limits of your frame on the ground at full frame and 2x - take pictures and have your observer measure the distance between the ground points.
All else being equal, your angle of view should be cut in half, so if the full frame setting is 82 degrees, the 2x field of view should be 41 degrees.
You can use an online trigonometry calculator to calculate the coverage at the ground for a given height and angle of view. |