Flight distance : 239436 ft
In another thread, it is discussed, if flying at Venice Beach is allowed.
What about the area around the Santa Monica Pier (not the Beach, that's a red zone, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area)? TRUST is, of course, available.
- B4UFLY says okay (with LAANC 50ft), so FAA says yes, BUT
- Pacific Park rules says no, but they refer to the FAA rules(Pacific Park Drone Policy):
''Please be advised...
Pacific Park has a No Drone policy as regulated by the Federal Aviation
Administration. Please see regulations below for further guidance.
Regulations Prohibiting Model Aircraft and Drones
WARNING: Operating any Model Aircraft or Drone on or around the Santa Monica Beach, including the Santa Monica Pier, is STRICTLY PROHIBITED BY FAA REGULATIONS
As defined by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) model aircraft and drones are deemed as aircraft and subject to FAA oversight and enforcement. According to Advisory Circular 91-57, Model Aircraft Operating Standards (June 9, 1981) operation of these types of aircraft is to be restricted over populated areas.
The Reform Act of 2012 Section 336 states that when these devices are flown within five miles of an airport the operator of the aircraft must provide the airport operator and the airport air traffic control tower prior notice to operation. The Santa Monica Pier is within the five mile perimeter of the Santa Monica Airport.
In addition, CFR 91.119 states operations are not to be conducted “closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.” Disregard for this will result in enforcement actions. Included in CFR 91.13 through 91.15 is the prohibition of any aircraft being operated recklessly or carelessly in populated areas.
Pacific Park thanks you for your compliance to these regulations''
- Paragraph 1, okay, but if I fly when there are quite no (people, e.g. early morning), or I fly just AROUND the pier, everything should be fine
- Paragraph 2 is obsolete when having LAANC
- Paragraph 3 is not applicable anymore, since the 500ft rule is not applicable to drone, there is just the 25ft rule for UAS within LA City Limits
What do you say guys? The say it is strictly prohibited by FAA rules, but FAA (when LAANC granted) allows me to fly there.