Hong Kong
Yes, get the M3T recently and have to face the different naming convention (comparing Mavic3, Mini3Pro)
In M3T, look like all photos were named as DJI_YYYYMMDDhhmmss_nnnn_phototype(_V/_T).jpg [hhmmss=Actual Capture Time] under the default folder DJI_YYYYMMDDhhmm_NNN [hhmm=Time of Drone Turn On???]. The name of folder might be ‘customized’ by adding suffix (key in user-defined wordings) and the images were then saved in that newly generated folder, with the re-started image number 0001.jpg
The standard 100Media/101Media…. folders are no longer used in M3E/T?
‘Camera Model’ in exif was only recorded as M3E/M3T, not the previous FCXXXX? |