Second Officer
Hello all,
I am trying to use the possibility to use roll inclination to take pictures with Mavic 3E at -90 pitch and 45 deg roll for calibration purposes....
So I set up a waypoint task with 4 WPs as in following scrreen capture. At start point I perform GimbalRotate and focus at infinity using following syntax:
Then at next WP, I set up interval photo capture.... and fly to complete.
Now to have the Gimbal to -90 pitch and 45 roll maintained what function do I need to set up at each waypoint? and what type of trigger?
At end of mission, how do we reset Gimbal rotate to pitch 0 and roll 0?
Thanks in advance for any help as I am not very familiar with intricacies of wpml ....
Update: I tried flying the following plan (kmz plan zipped is attached) and at first WP (start) It did rotate gimble roll to 45 deg. However at next WP, starting the distance interval shooting, the gimbal was reset at -90 pitch and 0 roll. First image has intermediate values as the gimbal was rotating during this take...
Hope to get some help on this