Firmware updated; now can't fly without camera attached
725 0 2023-5-18
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United States

I am a novice pro user of an M100 at work.  I fly a 3D printed biocontrol application unit (hopper&auger system) clipped to the bottom of the M100 which, bacause of the shape, doesn't allow for the camera to be mounted.  After sending the drone it to DJI for a repair during winter it came back with updated firmware which now causes issues with 3rd party software which I had used successfully in 2022 to fly patterns over fields.  Both Flight Planner and Tap2Map give an error message that the camera isnt attached and it can't proceed with the pattern.  The developers of those apps have not gotten back to me, so I am here asking for help to find a work around and not have to fly the drone manually for flying a grid across a ton of fields.  ANy tips for an app that will allow me to fly a grid pattern without the camera, or a tip in those apps to allow me to fly without the camera?
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