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Main Camera - Soft Area
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8144 191 2023-5-21
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Hi Everyone and sorry for long post straight away.

I don't know if it's a good idea to post this up now as I'm still pretty unhappy. But I don't know if I'll have time later.
After years of using many drones from DJI, including the longest period with M2P which served me for a very long time without any problems, I upgraded to M3 in January this year.
One, it was time to replace the equipment after 3 years, and two, I was very curious about this x7 tele.
After receiving the new machine (M3), I realized that the x7 tele was, so to speak, very average and in order to take a picture as such, I had to struggle a bit.
But ok, I thought as they say, it is, what it is...
After a few months, DJI released the New M3P which made me feel like a Beta tester because the M3 looked like an undercooked product compared to the M3P.
But ok, I bit my teeth and after seeing all this promotional circus with influencers praising how good this new product is, I exchanged M3 for M3P.
As the improved x7 tele and added x3 tele is something that was one of the main reasons for the switch.

Let's get to the reason why I'm unhappy.

I received the M3P this Friday, the main camera has a blurry stripe that runs 2/3 of the frame.
This is not the first DJI drone with similar issue I dealth with through the past 7+ years. And again after all this time, I received a unit with that problem.
I will be contacting DJI Support tomorrow as this is not ''funny'' enymore.

BTW - That blurry strip is in the frame  regardless of aperture ( f/2.8 has this as well as f/5 etc ) as well as without filter cover. I've also reseted all camera settings just to be sure.
Im attaching image for refference, as maybe someone has or will have a similar problem.

This strip extends over more than half of the frame, the square is marked only to show the cutout.
Blurred section2.jpg

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Consistent and good lens quality is the weak spot of Mavics. I had this also in my first Mavic 3 Pro unit. Sent it back and bought a new one. Second one is ok. Better to send it back if you are still under return period. It is a gamble to send it for repair and lose the ability to send it back. You never know how things will go in repair. Worst case is that DJI will say it is "within spec" and don't even repair it.
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zciUKm88uBnUtbtd0pL4ZA7 Posted at 5-21 10:40
Consistent and good lens quality is the weak spot of Mavics. I had this also in my first Mavic 3 Pro unit. Sent it back and bought a new one. Second one is ok. Better to send it back if you are still under return period. It is a gamble to send it for repair and lose the ability to send it back. You never know how things will go in repair. Worst case is that DJI will say it is "within spec" and don't even repair it.

Cheers for that !
I had this in Mavic 1, Mavic 2, and Air

Do you mean contact the store itself or DJI Support for replacement as its brand new unit?
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I've got the same issues with photos too.
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Crio Posted at 5-21 11:37
Cheers for that !
I had this in Mavic 1, Mavic 2, and Air

If you bought it from a store other than DJI then contact them for a refund. Then buy a new one. I would suggest not to send it for repair as it can be a gamble. I had an Air 2s that had a loud fan when I received it and also left side of the photos was much less sharp than right side and send it for repair. Fan was replaced, but DJI said that camera was "within spec" and was not replaced. Luckily (in this case) gimbal started to behave erratically and I had to send it for repair again and then the whole gimbal/camera unit was replaced.
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MS Posted at 5-21 23:06
I've got the same issues with photos too.

Youre right, same issue, and in very similar spot
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I've contacted DJI Support and sent all the samples that shows this issue.
Someone will be in touch by the end of the day.

Its clearly a hardware issue, maybe a faulty batch as not only I have this in the same spot.
Hopefully it can be replaced as main camera is unusable at the moment.

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Crio Posted at 5-22 02:04
I've contacted DJI Support and sent all the samples that shows this issue.
Someone will be in touch by the end of the day.

Nice....after 6 exchanges at Mini 3 Pro for fog issues, I think will start also exchanges for shxtty lenses at Mavic 3 "PRO"...
I have ordered 2 pieces, as I am used with rubbish quality at some lots from DJI, I will keep the best and return the worst.
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Geo_Drone Posted at 5-22 03:20
Nice....after 6 exchanges at Mini 3 Pro for fog issues, I think will start also exchanges for shxtty lenses at Mavic 3 "PRO"...
I have ordered 2 pieces, as I am used with rubbish quality at some lots from DJI, I will keep the best and return the worst.

What you’re saying makes no sense. If you think something is ...ty why buy it only ac fool would do that.
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Geo_Drone Posted at 5-22 03:20
Nice....after 6 exchanges at Mini 3 Pro for fog issues, I think will start also exchanges for shxtty lenses at Mavic 3 "PRO"...
I have ordered 2 pieces, as I am used with rubbish quality at some lots from DJI, I will keep the best and return the worst.

I cant afford of buying few units just to see which one is better unfortunatelly.
Also this is not my first case of receiving bad example thrugh many years, and all of them in the past where replaced.
As much as I understand that corner quality will vary from unit to unit this is almost in the centre of the frame and cannot be cropped.
Considering that not only Im affected but few other reported same problem, this is a bad batch and I would assume DJI Support should replace it.

Im still waiting for their responce but I will not accept any other outcome.
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Hallmark007 Posted at 5-22 03:30
What you’re saying makes no sense. If you think something is ...ty why buy it only ac fool would do that.

I think you're the one that makes no sense. The sad reality is that quality control on all Mavic series lenses is really bad and that is the reason we have to do these kind of things. If you're lucky you can get an excellent unit, if not, then you'll get the units with these sh*tty lenses. I don't get it why you are always defending DJI and bashing us, the paying customers, when DJI clearly have problems that they shouldn't have??

Also don't get me wrong. I think Mavic 3 Pro is an excellent product when you get a good one.
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zciUKm88uBnUtbtd0pL4ZA7 Posted at 5-22 05:16
I think you're the one that makes no sense. The sad reality is that quality control on all Mavic series lenses is really bad and that is the reason we have to do these kind of things. If you're lucky you can get an excellent unit, if not, then you'll get the units with these sh*tty lenses. I don't get it why you are always defending DJI and bashing us, the paying customers, when DJI clearly have problems that they shouldn't have??

Also don't get me wrong. I think Mavic 3 Pro is an excellent product when you get a good one.

I think when the same guy comes here constantly raving at just how good autel drones are and every single drone he’s had from dji is basically crap , yet he keeps on buying them . That makes no sense.

The fact that you think only lucky people get good dji products makes little sense also. If it was the case we would see many more on this forum complaining. On this thread 2 with this complaint and no more than a handful with other complaints and considering that almost 90% of users come here to complain your notion of only a lucky few get good drones is for the birds. There’s a lot more users posting exceptional work with this drone and all other Mavic 3s as well as most dji drones than a lucky few.
So yeah neither you nor him make any sense.
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Is it in every shot ? Does it show up in video ? IE has wind effected it shake or slow card ? I’ve seen quite a few good images from the main camera so this shouldn’t be happening.
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Hallmark007 Posted at 5-22 06:45
I think when the same guy comes here constantly raving at just how good autel drones are and every single drone he’s had from dji is basically crap , yet he keeps on buying them . That makes no sense.

The fact that you think only lucky people get good dji products makes little sense also. If it was the case we would see many more on this forum complaining. On this thread 2 with this complaint and no more than a handful with other complaints and considering that almost 90% of users come here to complain your notion of only a lucky few get good drones is for the birds. There’s a lot more users posting exceptional work with this drone and all other Mavic 3s as well as most dji drones than a lucky few.

Well I must be very unlucky then since my Air 2s had a bad lens and also my first Mavic 3 pro had a bad lens. Not every one comes here to complain. These problems are more common than they should be. I would understand if Mavics were some toy drones, but they are not.

What I don't also get is that why are you almost always criticizing people who are complaining about problems with DJI products? Do you get a some kind of satisfaction of it? People who have paid a lot of money for DJI products have the right to let other people know about the problems without you telling them how stupid they are.
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United Kingdom

Hallmark007 Posted at 5-22 06:55
Is it in every shot ? Does it show up in video ? IE has wind effected it shake or slow card ? I’ve seen quite a few good images from the main camera so this shouldn’t be happening.

Every shot, regardles of aperture, same spot, and video too...
This is also not a single case, as other user has the same issue in the exact same spot
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zciUKm88uBnUtbtd0pL4ZA7 Posted at 5-22 07:05
Well I must be very unlucky then since my Air 2s had a bad lens and also my first Mavic 3 pro had a bad lens. Not every one comes here to complain. These problems are more common than they should be. I would understand if Mavics were some toy drones, but they are not.

What I don't also get is that why are you almost always criticizing people who are complaining about problems with DJI products? Do you get a some kind of satisfaction of it? People who have paid a lot of money for DJI products have the right to let other people know about the problems without you telling them how stupid they are.

I didn’t criticize people with problems. You should have read the posts. I criticized someone who always has problems and in this case “Before he even owned the drone” it’s hard to take that seriously. I’ve had problems with dji drones myself and unlike you I have found the service to be excellent. I have also had problems with many cameras and lots of other tech gear, but I have never had a problem before I even owned one, yet you think somehow that makes sense. I wouldn’t like to be living in your head.

So I’m not criticizing genuine people for complaining, they deserve the help.
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Another pilot posted another thread here in the forum regarding the same issue you are talking about and I think there are more users, but some do not want to post anything, some say "well, I don't mind" and others do not even notice the blurriness because there are not pixel peeping.

To get back to the topic:
I think and noticed that most wide angles lenses, especially in this price range, do have some softer edges, but I agree, the quality control could be better. It is difficult to say, what type of softness of a lens is normal, what is too much, what is perfect. Today I downloaded the sample footage from the DJI Mavic 3 Pro Teaser website. Have a look at the photos of the orange mountains and also the city skyline. I was quite surprised how blurry the edges are. And I mean, those are sample photos from DJI themself. So if that is the standard, then I got a good Mavic 3 Pro Cine But again, even the fact that wide angles do have the tendency to get softer to the edges, I think it is a little too much here. In the past years, I did test some Mavic 3s and there I had the same blurriness. Maybe there are some lucky buyers, but from my experience: sadly, softer edges do come with the mavics.
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Hallmark007 Posted at 5-22 08:23
I didn’t criticize people with problems. You should have read the posts. I criticized someone who always has problems and in this case “Before he even owned the drone” it’s hard to take that seriously. I’ve had problems with dji drones myself and unlike you I have found the service to be excellent. I have also had problems with many cameras and lots of other tech gear, but I have never had a problem before I even owned one, yet you think somehow that makes sense. I wouldn’t like to be living in your head.

So I’m not criticizing genuine people for complaining, they deserve the help.

Lack you quality control is what is driving people to these kind of situations that they have to buy multiple products and keep the best. This shouldn't be the case. I ditched Mavic 3 because 3 units that I had all had the magenta issue. I remember back then it was you who was making the case that magenta is not an issue and you are not seeing it. Good for you, but proves my point that you have some kind of weird fixation to undermine the problems people are having with DJI products.
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United Kingdom

flojo Posted at 5-22 08:23
Another pilot posted another thread here in the forum regarding the same issue you are talking about and I think there are more users, but some do not want to post anything, some say "well, I don't mind" and others do not even notice the blurriness because there are not pixel peeping.

To get back to the topic:

As I mentioned before. This is not the first time I received a unit with soft spots in the middle or whole side. First mavic, Mavic 2 and this one all of them had this issue but everytime the drone was replaced and it was much better or resolved.

This time because Im printing large ( sometimes 8ft long prints ) one of my clients rejected all images because of that issue with M3P. Which makes it unusable for me.

I know more than 2 people have this issue, If 3 people on the forum had this, there is more.
I also know that there are good units as Im looking at samples from a review and the softness is not present on those DNGs.
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Flight distance : 42175 ft
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Crio Posted at 5-22 09:14
As I mentioned before. This is not the first time I received a unit with soft spots in the middle or whole side. First mavic, Mavic 2 and this one all of them had this issue but everytime the drone was replaced and it was much better or resolved.

This time because Im printing large ( sometimes 8ft long prints ) one of my clients rejected all images because of that issue with M3P. Which makes it unusable for me.

I totally understand, with those large prints everything is enhanced. Regarding not the first time... Same with me, my Mavic 2 Pro, all 4 Mavic 3s I have tested and the Mavic 3 Pro Cine blur to the edges. And also the sample footage of the Mavic 3 Pro from the DJI teaser website shows that image quality. Did you take a look at those pictures I mentioned? This is why I thought, maybe that is the best we can get. But hopefully there are better ones out there. Could you maybe share those samples from the reviews you mentioned? I would love to compare and see what is acceptable/good in your opinion.
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United Kingdom

flojo Posted at 5-22 09:27
I totally understand, with those large prints everything is enhanced. Regarding not the first time... Same with me, my Mavic 2 Pro, all 4 Mavic 3s I have tested and the Mavic 3 Pro Cine blur to the edges. And also the sample footage of the Mavic 3 Pro from the DJI teaser website shows that image quality. Did you take a look at those pictures I mentioned? This is why I thought, maybe that is the best we can get. But hopefully there are better ones out there. Could you maybe share those samples from the reviews you mentioned? I would love to compare and see what is acceptable/good in your opinion.

Here is a folder from the review. There is everything in there, movies, x3 tele, x7 tele and only 2 wide angle shots, but the issue is not present or not as bad as on my unit. ... hLiwPGlUDkTYzmLyHnQ

Feel free to download them and check.
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Flight distance : 42175 ft
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Crio Posted at 5-22 09:31
Here is a folder from the review. There is everything in there, movies, x3 tele, x7 tele and only 2 wide angle shots, but the issue is not present or not as bad as on my unit.

Thank you for that. That looks indeed better. Also not perfect, I spotted some blurry spots, too, but the sharpness is better than yours. What I also noticed, but maybe that is just me, I think trees do look always a slightly bit mushy. As another pilot pointed out, DJI did change the compression method from uncompressed to lossless compressed. It should not make any visual difference, but maybe it does?
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United Kingdom

flojo Posted at 5-22 09:43
Thank you for that. That looks indeed better. Also not perfect, I spotted some blurry spots, too, but the sharpness is better than yours. What I also noticed, but maybe that is just me, I think trees do look always a slightly bit mushy. As another pilot pointed out, DJI did change the compression method from uncompressed to lossless compressed. It should not make any visual difference, but maybe it does?

I would be happy to have those results but in mine there is a whole strip of blur acros the frame from bottom up to 2/3 of the frame almost in the centre.

I would say any compression degrades the image, some situations might show it more that others, as you said, like trees.
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zciUKm88uBnUtbtd0pL4ZA7 Posted at 5-22 09:11
Lack you quality control is what is driving people to these kind of situations that they have to buy multiple products and keep the best. This shouldn't be the case. I ditched Mavic 3 because 3 units that I had all had the magenta issue. I remember back then it was you who was making the case that magenta is not an issue and you are not seeing it. Good for you, but proves my point that you have some kind of weird fixation to undermine the problems people are having with DJI products.

Again you’re completely wrong. In fact having had one of the first M3 i opened a thread regarding the whole magenta issue, this was sorted out with a FW update and announced here. I think it was actually you who posted ridiculous photos with 100% dehaze in order to somehow explain the situation. So once again not reading posts is not helping you here.
It's time to end this back and fourth this is off topic.
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Flight distance : 3440564 ft
United States

Hallmark007 Posted at 5-22 06:45
I think when the same guy comes here constantly raving at just how good autel drones are and every single drone he’s had from dji is basically crap , yet he keeps on buying them . That makes no sense.

The fact that you think only lucky people get good dji products makes little sense also. If it was the case we would see many more on this forum complaining. On this thread 2 with this complaint and no more than a handful with other complaints and considering that almost 90% of users come here to complain your notion of only a lucky few get good drones is for the birds. There’s a lot more users posting exceptional work with this drone and all other Mavic 3s as well as most dji drones than a lucky few.

Actually the Autel lite+ series of drones are super.With a fantastic camera,how do I know
because I have one.
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Hallmark007 Posted at 5-22 13:38
Again you’re completely wrong. In fact having had one of the first M3 i opened a thread regarding the whole magenta issue, this was sorted out with a FW update and announced here. I think it was actually you who posted ridiculous photos with 100% dehaze in order to somehow explain the situation. So once again not reading posts is not helping you here.
It's time to end this back and fourth this is off topic.

Fixed, yeah right... ... tint.118335/page-18

But on the Mavic 3 Pro it is fixed.

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zciUKm88uBnUtbtd0pL4ZA7 Posted at 5-23 02:11
Fixed, yeah right... ... tint.118335/page-18

I own both a Mavic 3 and a Mavic 3 pro, it is fixed and you need to stop digging up archives that are no longer relevant.
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Pastime Posted at 5-22 19:16
Actually the Autel lite+ series of drones are super.With a fantastic camera,how do I know
because I have one.

I wouldn’t doubt that I know a few who use Autel drones.
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Hallmark007 Posted at 5-23 02:40
I own both a Mavic 3 and a Mavic 3 pro, it is fixed and you need to stop digging up archives that are no longer relevant.

Archives?? There are still people with this problem in their Mavic 3 and replies dating just few days back. They have updated to the latest firmware and it doesn't help. It is a bad lens problem no firmware is going to fix.
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zciUKm88uBnUtbtd0pL4ZA7 Posted at 5-23 04:05
Archives?? There are still people with this problem in their Mavic 3 and replies dating just few days back. They have updated to the latest firmware and it doesn't help. It is a bad lens problem no firmware is going to fix.

Again more nonsense, if it’s a bad lens just exchange it . Complaining on forums won’t fix a bad lens. I had the problem of a magenta cast and it was fixed with first or second FW . But color cast is common place in lots of cameras and is easily expelled in post.

You say you ditched your Mavic 3 so how’s can you know what FW fixed it or if its still there. It’s starting to sound like you really didn’t know what you had or how to fix it . Right now you are alone on this forum complaining about magenta color cast. All you did was post a photo that you 100% dehazed thus causing a complete overload of what you were calling magenta cast, i can create this with almost any photo shot in raw in most cameras. The reality is this M3 camera has now a great reputation among photographers and videographers and its not because its a bad camera or bad drone.
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United Kingdom

I was told by DJI Support that this is normal, quote:
''When shooting images, the camera will automatically focus and alter the focal length based on how far away the focus point is from the subject. As a result of the camera's optical properties, after the adjustment is complete, objects at the appropriate distance will be clear while those at other distances will be slightly blurred.

This is a normal phenomenon, we suggest that you keep the intended subject/area within shooting range, and make sure it is well focused. ''

This is not an autofocus issue!

Im extremely unhappy how this was handled and that I have now a device that I cant use as advertised.

I will be contacting them tomorrow again.

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Hallmark007 Posted at 5-23 06:45
Again more nonsense, if it’s a bad lens just exchange it . Complaining on forums won’t fix a bad lens. I had the problem of a magenta cast and it was fixed with first or second FW . But color cast is common place in lots of cameras and is easily expelled in post.

You say you ditched your Mavic 3 so how’s can you know what FW fixed it or if its still there. It’s starting to sound like you really didn’t know what you had or how to fix it . Right now you are alone on this forum complaining about magenta color cast. All you did was post a photo that you 100% dehazed thus causing a complete overload of what you were calling magenta cast, i can create this with almost any photo shot in raw in most cameras. The reality is this M3 camera has now a great reputation among photographers and videographers and its not because its a bad camera or bad drone.

I did. Three times, results were the same. In the thread I posted there are still problems with updated firmware. Bad lens can't be fixed with a firmware. Sure it can be corrected a bit, but if you happen to have a worse sample, then firmware will do no good. I was having issues with cloudy day panoramas because of bad vignetting and with dehaze set to zero. Now with Mavic 3 Pro this is fixed. They have made the lens better on this regard, but there still seems to be quality variation from lens to lens when it comes to sharpness. And just like Crio's post shows DJI thinks this is normal and tries to wash their hands. Returning for a refund and buying a new one is the only way to solve these issues. That is sad, but true.
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Crio Posted at 5-23 07:22
I was told by DJI Support that this is normal, quote:
''When shooting images, the camera will automatically focus and alter the focal length based on how far away the focus point is from the subject. As a result of the camera's optical properties, after the adjustment is complete, objects at the appropriate distance will be clear while those at other distances will be slightly blurred.

This is exactly the behaviour I was afraid of.  DJI will say this is normal and stalls until the return period is over and then in the worst case you are stuck with a defect product. If you still have return period left, return it for a refund and then buy a new one.
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zciUKm88uBnUtbtd0pL4ZA7 Posted at 5-23 08:08
This is exactly the behaviour I was afraid of.  DJI will say this is normal and stalls until the return period is over and then in the worst case you are stuck with a defect product. If you still have return period left, return it for a refund and then buy a new one.

They completely did not focus on the fact that the problem is present no matter what I do and it is not related to autofocus but an optical or sensor defect.

I received it 5 days ago, but it was bought from an online shop. I will try to return it there but will be in contact with DJI Support tomorrow.
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Crio Posted at 5-23 08:16
They completely did not focus on the fact that the problem is present no matter what I do and it is not related to autofocus but an optical or sensor defect.

I received it 5 days ago, but it was bought from an online shop. I will try to return it there but will be in contact with DJI Support tomorrow.

If you get a response from DJI to send it for repair the outcome still might be that in their testing they do not find any problems with the lens and after that you are definitely not going to be able to return it for a refund. I learned my lesson when I send my new Air 2s for repair because of fan noise and lens problems. Fan was replaced, but lens was not. After it came back to me I was not able to return it anymore.
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We will see poor quality in first series....Like DJI did also in MINI 3, MAVIC 3 (all exchanged) for me I can afford to order and pay 3, then return 2 craps and keep 1 good (if I am lucky)...but is not normal.
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Crio Posted at 5-22 09:31
Here is a folder from the review. There is everything in there, movies, x3 tele, x7 tele and only 2 wide angle shots, but the issue is not present or not as bad as on my unit.


Is very clear in this one that lense have optics issues.... Disregarding the powerful aliasing and moiré that can be done in post, the image is clear for any videographer and says one thing = Optical distorsion.

Send it back.
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United Kingdom

Geo_Drone Posted at 5-23 09:52

Is very clear in this one that lense have optics issues.... Disregarding the powerful aliasing and moiré that can be done in post, the image is clear for any videographer and says one thing = Optical distorsion.

What Im extremely frustrated on is that I was assured it will be sorted by DJI Support.
Yet I received an answer that doesnt even describe solution attached to the issue.

It looks like they didnt even listened that this is not fixable by something I can do while filming/taking photographs and its not normal to have a soft strip in the centre of the frame. This fault/soft strip is embeded with every footage I will take.

The only solution would be a replacement and I will hope I will get a good unit.

The way it was handled is unacceptable and I will try contacting them again.
I cant return it to DJI as I bought it from an online store based here in Ireland.

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Crio Posted at 5-23 10:08
What Im extremely frustrated on is that I was assured it will be sorted by DJI Support.
Yet I received an answer that doesnt even describe solution attached to the issue.

Try to use 4K (not 4K C) at a footage, with 10 bit D-LOG...and share the result.

Anyway, image is crap, DJI_20230419164912_0030_D.MOV I have put it in Resolve on studio monitor a disaster.
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United Kingdom

Geo_Drone Posted at 5-23 10:47
Try to use 4K (not 4K C) at a footage, with 10 bit D-LOG...and share the result.

Anyway, image is crap, DJI_20230419164912_0030_D.MOV I have put it in Resolve on studio monitor a disaster.

The footage youre reffering here is from a review that someone has shared. Its not mine.
My camera has blurry strip accros the frame, right about there.
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