Fines Aerial
Flight distance : 18078032 ft
United States
Some basic photo functions are missing on the I3 .
You can select the format (jpeg, dng, both), you can adjust the white balance, you can adjust how much NR and sharpening are applied to the jpegs. You can control the basic exposure settings - iso, shutter speed, aperture and exposure compensation.
There is no exposure bracketing. This is obviously (I hope) just a mistake. DJI please - this needs to be added.
With the full frame sensor this would be perfect for night time hyperlapses. Pretty much every client wants a couple of these. There are no options for this.
You can't select an image format (ratio), but I suppose this is easy in post.
You can select spot or average metering, but not from the main screen. For whatever reason this is in the "advanced camera settings" sub-menu.
You can select the focus point on the screen.
None of the "smart" photo options such as a pano or 360 are present.