Giving pictures to Art Gallery
932 3 2015-8-27
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Flight distance : 599432 ft
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I want to give my pictures to a local art gallery, and allow them to sell the pictures and keep the profit. In return, i am given a free copy of the picture.
Does this follow the current laws in place? Everything is a little grey to me.

Thank you,
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Flight Raptor
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3014675 ft
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United States

If this is in the US (note sure where "LAN" is) this is NOT within the current guidelines without the FAA exception and your pilot's license.   Any time your shots are used for a 'profit', whether you give them to someone else or not, it isn't permitted without that FAA exception at this point in time. ... to_file_a_petition/
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 692090 ft
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United States

Within my understanding of the current FAA interpretations, they may consider this a for profit. But before I get beaten up  by angry posters, I don't know for sure.

Why don't you call the local FAA flight standards district office (FSDO) and ask. The FAA are not the ogres some folks make them out to be, they can be quite reasonable and appreciate folks asking questions first before getting in trouble.
I hold a commercial pilot's license.
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United States

I agree with Licensed Pilot because they are, after all, the authority.  That said, my interpretation (and I am NOT the authority) is that INTENT plays a big role in the interpretation. If you DONATE your work, that is your intent. Period.  It is not yours anymore - you signed it off to someone else (unless you retained the copyright, as you can - or is that automatic? If so, assign the copyright to them as well, I guess). Anyway, YOU won't see any money from making the image, giving away the image, or a later sale of the image, right? I think it really has to relate to your intent as the aerial photographer...otherwise it could just get silly after the image passes hands a few times.

If you donate your work KNOWING someone is going to turn a profit for its use, that would be perhaps different. About a year and a half ago, some parties at the FAA were pushing a little too hard regarding the monetary stream (how far downstream can you go before someone makes a financial return; I gave it to my friend, who donated it to a group, who auctioned it to an unnamed fellow, who sold it to an unknown lady at a garage sale, who published it and made even more money....see what I mean). Anyway, it can get silly, yes? I believe they (FAA) are far more reasonable now.

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