Unable to unlock geo zone..
783 1 2023-6-15
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 24572349 ft
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United States

I was flying at my school. I flew a week earlier and had used fly safe to unlock the area.(near 2 miles from uncontrolled airport)  I flew without issue.  This week I turned on the drone to double check the drone would still fly and it did. I walked 30ft away and put the drone down. I got the class ready and when I went to take off again the drone said I was unauthorized .  It would not let me unlock the licenses. The toggle switches would not light up. I got the message that I was not authorized. I later got a message I was logged out of my account (which I wasn’t)  finally the drone would fly.  I also made sure I was online.

I had the unlock good until July still on the drone.

Shouldn’t it be as simple as loving the toggle switch on the licenses imported to drone?  It’s always been that simple for me in the past..  luckily this was my own school , but if was a private client I would have been very embarrassed.  

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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. We're sorry for this unpleasant experience. In this case, we highly recommend contacting our team directly at flysafe@dji.com for further assistance. Thank you for your understanding and support.
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