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Phantom 3
8642 14 2023-6-30
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Wille Någonting

Hi folks!
My problem is that I suddenly cant get connected. It says 'connected no internet
But internet (WiFi) is up so I dont get it. Tryed 'reset' and 'forget WiFi' to try again but nothing works. Would love your help on this matter. It is a Phantom 3 standard.

Thanks in advance!
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DJI Gamora

Hi, Wille . Thank you for reaching out. As electronic products are affected by technological developments and changes in usage requirements, each generation of products has a fixed life cycle. In order to continuously provide you with premium product and service experiences, DJI regularly optimizes resource allocations to promote the development and application of new products and technologies. Therefore, we have decided to stop providing support services for Phantom 3 Standard and its accessories starting January 5, 2023. We’re sorry that the services for this product have been suspended currently and relevant technical support and after-sales repair services cannot be provided. Hopefully, other users can provide you with recommendations about the issue that you're having. Thank you for your kind understanding.
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Wille Någonting

DJI Gamora Posted at 6-30 01:11
Hi, Wille . Thank you for reaching out. As electronic products are affected by technological developments and changes in usage requirements, each generation of products has a fixed life cycle. In order to continuously provide you with premium product and service experiences, DJI regularly optimizes resource allocations to promote the development and application of new products and technologies. Therefore, we have decided to stop providing support services for Phantom 3 Standard and its accessories starting January 5, 2023. We’re sorry that the services for this product have been suspended currently and relevant technical support and after-sales repair services cannot be provided. Hopefully, other users can provide you with recommendations about the issue that you're having. Thank you for your kind understanding.

Thanks for reply but that is really bad service!!!
If I buy a quite expensive product I expect support and help for at least 10 years, thats not proffesional of you ...
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Connected no internet means connected no internet.  That's exactly what it is supposed to say.  Everybody flying a P3S sees that same message.  Celebrate.  
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Wille Någonting

Mark The Droner Posted at 6-30 03:51
Connected no internet means connected no internet.  That's exactly what it is supposed to say.  Everybody flying a P3S sees that same message.  Celebrate.
But I dont get any camera image and cant lift of, thats my problem! The message in it self I dont mind. And it was working greate a couple of weeks ago. But I appriciate you are trying to help!
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Flight distance : 97976 ft
United States

I have a Phantom 3 Standard that I haven't flown in 2 yrs.   I charged up the batteries - good shape, but when I needed to calibrate the compass, it will not calibrate.  Can link to camera and control it with remote.   BUT, I cannot get to any flight.  I can calibrate the horizontal rotation - green lights on one side flashing red on t he other, but when I turn it 90 degrees and rotate the aircraft, two lights flash red and two yellow and it won't calibrate.  Never crashed it so not sure what's going on.    I know its not supported anymore, but its it trash?  Or a way to recover it?  
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Wille Någonting Posted at 6-30 03:54
But I dont get any camera image and cant lift of, thats my problem! The message in it self I dont mind. And it was working greate a couple of weeks ago. But I appriciate you are trying to help!

Okay - then the FPV aspect of the wifi signal is not working and you'll have to get it repaired somehow.  However, it should still fly and it should still record video onto your SD card.  And I believe telemetry and the map should still work, provided the map area is cached onto your mobile device.  Good luck.  
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Lllamadrone Posted at 6-30 08:29
I have a Phantom 3 Standard that I haven't flown in 2 yrs.   I charged up the batteries - good shape, but when I needed to calibrate the compass, it will not calibrate.  Can link to camera and control it with remote.   BUT, I cannot get to any flight.  I can calibrate the horizontal rotation - green lights on one side flashing red on t he other, but when I turn it 90 degrees and rotate the aircraft, two lights flash red and two yellow and it won't calibrate.  Never crashed it so not sure what's going on.    I know its not supported anymore, but its it trash?  Or a way to recover it?

If the compass won't calibrate, then you're either too close to ferrous metal or you need a new compass.  Also, I would be wary of the battery if it sat two years.  It's possible the battery charges to 100% but it will drop to zero within a minute or two once the drone is in the air because the battery is bad.  Good luck
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Lllamadrone Posted at 6-30 08:29
I have a Phantom 3 Standard that I haven't flown in 2 yrs.   I charged up the batteries - good shape, but when I needed to calibrate the compass, it will not calibrate.  Can link to camera and control it with remote.   BUT, I cannot get to any flight.  I can calibrate the horizontal rotation - green lights on one side flashing red on t he other, but when I turn it 90 degrees and rotate the aircraft, two lights flash red and two yellow and it won't calibrate.  Never crashed it so not sure what's going on.    I know its not supported anymore, but its it trash?  Or a way to recover it?

Hi there. As electronic products are affected by technological developments and changes in usage requirements, each generation of products has a fixed life cycle. In order to continuously provide you with premium product and service experiences, DJI regularly optimizes resource allocations to promote the development and application of new products and technologies. Therefore, we have decided to stop providing support services for the Phantom 3 Series and its accessories starting on January 5, 2023. We’re sorry that the services for this product have been suspended currently and relevant technical support and after-sales repair services cannot be provided. Your understanding is highly appreciated.
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David Kanyan
United States

Wille Någonting Posted at 6-30 01:22
Thanks for reply but that is really bad service!!!
If I buy a quite expensive product I expect support and help for at least 10 years, thats not proffesional of you ...

I agree! I would expect support for many years
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Dan Heeter
United States

soo the phantom 3 standard is useless?? JUNK!!!
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United States

DJI Gamora Posted at 2023-6-30 01:11
Hi, Wille . Thank you for reaching out. As electronic products are affected by technological developments and changes in usage requirements, each generation of products has a fixed life cycle. In order to continuously provide you with premium product and service experiences, DJI regularly optimizes resource allocations to promote the development and application of new products and technologies. Therefore, we have decided to stop providing support services for Phantom 3 Standard and its accessories starting January 5, 2023. We’re sorry that the services for this product have been suspended currently and relevant technical support and after-sales repair services cannot be provided. Hopefully, other users can provide you with recommendations about the issue that you're having. Thank you for your kind understanding.

This is a scam for money fuck you dji
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Flight distance : 1253035 ft

djiuser_x8eYJsc1K8qb Posted at 6-13 16:45
This is a scam for money fuck you dji

to be fair it is 9 years old and almost 10, its like trying to get iOS 18 on an iPhone 6.. the hw just cant support it.
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Thornton Shackelford
United States

I was given a dji phantom 3 standard. Tried to download dji go app. But it's not compatible with my Samsung s23 ultra. What can I use ? Or is there another app. I've tried downloading from dji store continues to say downloading pending
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DJI Wanda

Thornton Shackelford Posted at 11-1 11:41
I was given a dji phantom 3 standard. Tried to download dji go app. But it's not compatible with my Samsung s23 ultra. What can I use ? Or is there another app. I've tried downloading from dji store continues to say downloading pending

Hi, there
We apologize for the inconvenience that you are encountering.
Kindly suggest you change other mobile device which is on our recommended list.
Thanks for your support and understanding.
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