O0O j0hnny O0O
Flight distance : 2328599 ft
DowntownRDB Posted at 7-4 14:19
Wow, that was really fast getting through your archival footage. No doubt time to get out and start getting some more footage for editing.
Hope you are having a great week.
I didn't have a ton of it no and always kept up with editing and reviewing it all.
Going through test phases to get to know the best settings for filming, etc.
Pretty much got it all figured out now.
Now just have to get a mac and better editing software.
Think I'm going to start using DaVinci Resolve 18.
I already have it on my 17R3 and will experiment with it to get to know it and by the time
I get a mac book Pro, I should have it all figured out like I do with the cruddy powerdirector
I've been using.. It's a good app, but it doesn't give footage any justice..
My horrible looking vids has nothing to do with the camera settings on the drone.
It's the editing software.. Anyway,, yeah,,, all good ..
Week so far has been ok.. Tomorrow and Friday I'll be screaming my head off lmao..
I don't play the lottery. If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all so ha ha to me..
Nice you won 100 bucks.
Definitely steaks and beer!!!
Thanks DownTown!! |