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Poll, do you think it's OK to break vlos law?
4430 38 2023-7-11
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Flight distance : 474537 ft
United States

Someone made a poll about breaking the 400 feet law. 90% said don't do it. So I am curious about the vlos law. We are not allow to fly beyond vlos. But I see a lot people stating on here they going miles out. Even hacking their drones from ce to fcc just so they can fly further out. Can't possibly see a drone that far. I've came across youtube videos where pilot flew 30,000ft and more. Is it OK to break the vlos law? Others do it all the time right, so I can too right? Just curious what others think about this law. Should we be able to fly beyond vlos, simple yes or no. Thanks for voting.
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I do not understand why this same question keeps getting asked and answered with no end in sight.   
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United States

TonyPHX Posted at 7-11 11:25
I do not understand why this same question keeps getting asked and answered with no end in sight.

Didnt know there already a poll on vlos. Please post link so we can go vote there. If you just talking about discussion, this is a poll fyi. The other poll i saw was on 400 feet limit. Not on vlos.
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I don't see the need for "f the rules". That's seemingly venturing an opinion or bias.
You might note that the post with which I opened my AGL poll ... 3194&extra=page%3D1 offered no opinion, it just ask questions..
I also qualified the extent of the rule breaking "3) I am not really thinking of small breaches, rather I am asking about attitudes towards routinely going above 500ftAGL, into 'manned aircraft aispace'."

I would guess that people view the two limits in different lights i.e. they may think ''breaking the height limit could put a drone up into manned aircraft airspace where it could become a threat to human life whereas breaking the VLOS limit may well be regarded as less risky since, providing that the drone is below the AGL ceiling, there should not, in most cases, be a manned aircraft in that airspace.''

As such I would suggest a third option is needed, along the lines of "I will break it but not by much and I always watch the airspace surrounding where I think the drone should be"  ...... abbreviated as required to fit the permissible question length.

I won't vote with the current wording of your questions.
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djiuser_zKR5HFX3a2EC Posted at 7-11 11:36
Didnt know there already a poll on vlos. Please post link so we can go vote there. If you just talking about discussion, this is a poll fyi. The other poll i saw was on 400 feet limit. Not on vlos.

I don't know how many polls or discussions exist, and don't think I have time to dig up links etc.  The basis for my comment is that I feel it is exhausting to debate things like regulations.  We all know they exist, and we all know many will break them.  

Here is the thing - the first time you are flying a drone and have a helicopter swoop in at close proximity that you failed to notice, your heart will skip a beat.  If you are flying outside of regulations, it will skip two beats.  For me, one skipped beat is enough.  The last thing the hobby and/or industry needs is routine laziness or sloppiness that results in somebody getting hurt.  Anyways, to each their own.  
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TonyPHX Posted at 7-11 11:25
I do not understand why this same question keeps getting asked and answered with no end in sight.

History repeating itself
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What an absurdity.  You ask for a simple Yes or No, and then stick a caveat on each option.
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Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-11 12:25
I don't see the need for "f the rules". That's seemingly venturing an opinion or bias.
You might note that the post with which I opened my AGL poll ... 3194&extra=page%3D1 offered no opinion, it just ask questions..
I also qualified the extent of the rule breaking "3) I am not really thinking of small breaches, rather I am asking about attitudes towards routinely going above 500ftAGL, into 'manned aircraft aispace'."

Do you get the feeling that the OP is hoping for a massive vote for No1, in order to feel some justification for doing just that?
I expect he'll be disappointed.  I haven't registered a vote either.
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oh boy.  Here we go again.  
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You already can fly BVLOS legally just approach the FAA and request a waiver,  jump through their hoops and get appropriate insurance etc and they will grant it.
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Blériot53 Posted at 7-11 22:12
Do you get the feeling that the OP is hoping for a massive vote for No1, in order to feel some justification for doing just that?
I expect he'll be disappointed.  I haven't registered a vote either.

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Don't prevaricate, say what you mean
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Blériot53 Posted at 7-12 00:48
Don't prevaricate, say what you mean

sorry, the minimum 10 character thing meant I had to 'waste' "."s
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Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-12 01:44
sorry, the minimum 10 character thing meant I had to 'waste' "."s

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DAFlys Posted at 7-11 23:16
oh boy.  Here we go again.

Déjà vu all over again
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Flight distance : 1397238 ft

it is ok, everybody do and nothing bad happen, law need to be adjusted to reality and the people, not people to the law
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Flight distance : 474537 ft
United States

Blériot53 Posted at 7-11 22:08
What an absurdity.  You ask for a simple Yes or No, and then stick a caveat on each option.

Lol sorry about the F in the first answer so added a 3rd option. The poll is to see how many folks thinks the law should change and allow pilot to fly beyond vlos as long as they fly in a safe manner and watch their surroundings. They do not need to see their drones at all times.
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Flight distance : 474537 ft
United States

DAFlys Posted at 7-11 23:17
You already can fly BVLOS legally just approach the FAA and request a waiver,  jump through their hoops and get appropriate insurance etc and they will grant it.

Yes I know about that. If you have part 107 you can request for bvlos waiver. I did some research on that and found that is close to impossible to get. So yeah, not much help if your chances of getting a waiver is .001% lol.
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djiuser_zKR5HFX3a2EC Posted at 7-12 06:53
Lol sorry about the F in the first answer so added a 3rd option. The poll is to see how many folks thinks the law should change and allow pilot to fly beyond vlos as long as they fly in a safe manner and watch their surroundings. They do not need to see their drones at all times.

There are many instances in life which support the old saying "The Law is an Ass" - and this is one of them.
But we're stuck with it - for the moment.
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fateofangel Posted at 7-12 02:15
it is ok, everybody do and nothing bad happen, law need to be adjusted to reality and the people, not people to the law

Can't really argue with that
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Flight distance : 459954 ft
United States

Hey guys,

I just wanted to give you a heads-up if you live in USA.  

It's my understanding that detection equipment is installed at quite a few airports now.  And the FAA has partnered with Dedrone to test jamming equipment at a few airports.

I don't know the range of the detection equipment.  I've heard 10-30 miles.  But I've also heard under ideal conditions it can be up to 100 miles.

Anyway, I have no idea about the FAA's enforcement policy.  I'm simply giving you a heads-up when flying near (within 30 miles or possibly more) of airports. ... rations-at-airports

I have no idea about Dedrones jamming technique or its range or how close you'd have to be to get jammed.  Since the FAA and Dedrone are "partners", I assume they will send all of their detection data to FAA.
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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Blériot53 Posted at 7-12 01:48
Déjà vu all over again

I thought we had this poll last week.  
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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djiuser_zKR5HFX3a2EC Posted at 7-12 06:56
Yes I know about that. If you have part 107 you can request for bvlos waiver. I did some research on that and found that is close to impossible to get. So yeah, not much help if your chances of getting a waiver is .001% lol.

Indeed but not impossible.  
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DAFlys Posted at 7-12 22:48
I thought we had this poll last week.

Maybe, I don't remember
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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Blériot53 Posted at 7-13 02:26
Maybe, I don't remember

There was this long one -
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DAFlys Posted at 7-13 04:04
There was this long one -

Missed that one entirely
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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Blériot53 Posted at 7-13 04:09
Missed that one entirely

You didnt miss much then.
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DAFlys Posted at 7-13 04:26
You didnt miss much then.

Most likely not
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DroneApe Posted at 7-12 08:20
Hey guys,

I just wanted to give you a heads-up if you live in USA.  

This is worldwide, not just in the USA.
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You don't know what you are missing here....

These polls are some of the best... Get your friends over on the weekend, open a few coldies, and use a large screen to display them... You just can't stop laughing...


The alcohol really helps...
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In my own personal opinion, I think it all depends on where you fly it.  I do it when flying around farmlands and wide open areas.  Again, just my opinion.
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DroneApe Posted at 2023-7-12 08:20
Hey guys,

I just wanted to give you a heads-up if you live in USA.  

DJI drones will not take off or fly in to restricted airspace in most cases already.  You need to download a waiver in order for the drone to fly, just my experience.  Older drones may not run in to this issue.
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Flight distance : 12943 ft

You, as the pilot, need to know if the drone is still in VLOS or not. In some countries, the maximum distance between the pilot and the drone is limited by official rules. If you can't "read" the orientation of the drone, then you have definitely reached the current limit for VLOS ;)
And one important note: It's not about the rules and how I like and respect the rules as a pilot. Today, flying is increasingly restricted, controlled and monitored. If we, as a community of drone pilots, show the public that we do what we want (f * the rules and common sense), then more and more restrictions will come. Even then, we can still pretend that we don't accept the rules and common sense, but when one day there are no drones and model airplanes in stores, we can wrap it up completely.

And just one video on the Internet is enough for a provocation, and compele change in public attitude.

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Flight distance : 18438842 ft

United States

Of course don't do it! Don't just launch your drone and then zoom off! What idiots are running this poll!

Breaking the VLOS law could potentially put drone pilots out of business! Because laws that are put in place for our safety, doesn't mean just go launch a drone and fly as far as you want to, DJI drones are supposed to have a safety mechanism in them to prevent them from flying too far away! Am I supposed to fill in the blanks of... Don't lauch a DJI drone and then fly it out 30,000 ft and leave it hovering around in the air!!

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United States

djiuser_YpKvA8Jw1KJg Posted at 6-29 22:24
Of course don't do it! Don't just launch your drone and then zoom off! What idiots are running this poll!

Breaking the VLOS law could potentially put drone pilots out of business! Because laws that are put in place for our safety, doesn't mean just go launch a drone and fly as far as you want to, DJI drones are supposed to have a safety mechanism in them to prevent them from flying too far away! Am I supposed to fill in the blanks of... Don't lauch a DJI drone and then fly it out 30,000 ft and leave it hovering around in the air!!

VLOS laws were drawn up by folks years ago that knew nothing about the tech involved at the time.  As soon as a pilot put on goggles without a spotter, they are breaking VLOS rules.

Personally, I feel WAY more confident fly via goggles than via VLOS.  VLOS is for the old folk flying their planes back and fourth at the airfield.

"Breaking the VLOS law could potentially put drone pilots out of business!" - The words of a fearful capitalist
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Flight distance : 18438842 ft

United States

You think I'm a fearful capitalist, well I've got news for you, I've been flying my DJI air 3 for a couple of months now, and when I started, I didn't know about the VLOS rule, so I flew my drone quite far, then somebody on a media platform lashed out at me for flying that far, this person will remain anonymous, for good reason,

Why would you say I'm a fearful capitalist? What's that supposed to mean? And how would you know if I'm a capitalist, or a seperatist? You don't know me, and I don't know who the heck I'm writing back to!

Who made up the rule to stop people from flying BVLOS?

Who's going to stop those people who fly BVLOS?
How can the FAA know that you flew that far if they aren't monitoring the drone at all times?

How can I tap into the FAAs RID database to see what the FAA sees?

Please tell me, it's crucial to the sake of my drone, and for the sake of flying.
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United States

djiuser_YpKvA8Jw1KJg Posted at 7-14 21:53
You think I'm a fearful capitalist, well I've got news for you, I've been flying my DJI air 3 for a couple of months now, and when I started, I didn't know about the VLOS rule, so I flew my drone quite far, then somebody on a media platform lashed out at me for flying that far, this person will remain anonymous, for good reason,

Why would you say I'm a fearful capitalist? What's that supposed to mean? And how would you know if I'm a capitalist, or a seperatist? You don't know me, and I don't know who the heck I'm writing back to!

You specifically stated, "Breaking the VLOS law could potentially put drone pilots out of business!"

Only a capitalist worried about keeping their business compliant would be concerned with VLOS rules, or Remote ID for that matter.

Do you think some dudes on YouTube bashing about in abandoned warehouses are concerned or worried about VLOS laws?

It's all about the $$$
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Rob W
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Flight distance : 96152 ft
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It is not difficult to find the laws, and it is not difficult to follow them either. As long as people are not following the laws, they will tighten them even more and change them for the worse.

The laws are there for a reason, to minimize the risk of accidents that in the worst case can be lethal. If you are in dire need of flying beyond VLOS, you can apply for that.
1-3 02:28
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The Norwegian Drone Pilot

If you take into the consideration on when the VLOS rules was made and that the VLOS rules was designed for the drones at that time where the video feed to the controllers / Goggles was really poor and very little data info was transmitted to the controllers, you know that the VLOS rules today is not really aligned towards how the drone technology are today.

I know 10 times more on where my drone is and such by looking at the video feed and data sent to my controller over just looking at a small dot (drone) in the sky. I know the environment around where I fly the drone by looking around with the camera on my drone (DJI Mavic 3 Pro) much more over just guessing how the environment is under the drone where I fly it by looking after the drone in the sky.

I try to follow the VLOS rules as much as I can, but sometimes, it's just not possible to follow it.

So yes, the VLOS rules are stoneage old and outdated and needs to be updated towards how the technology are on the drones today.

1-5 03:58
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