United States
DJI Gamora Posted at 7-21 17:06
Hi, Philamedia. Thank you for reaching out. Inspire 3 doesn't support Hyperlapse. This feature is supported mainly by the Consumer Series drones. Inspire 3 is a professional camera drone delivering an enhanced aerial cinematography experience.
Hey DJI Gamora,
Usually with more expensive drones, you get more functionality, not less. Plus, one of the features this touts is the ability to do "long-duration timelapses" (It says that on the website). So, you can imagine my disappointment when it doesn't even support regular timelapses.
This isn't the Enterprise or the Thermal, where it makes sense to take away those features (even though they're more expensive) because they're for construction or agriculture. Like Fines Aerial says, hyperlapse and bracketed photos are part of any pro user's repertoire- timelapse capability should certainly fall under "enhanced aerial cinematography."
I'm honestly stunned that after spending $25,000 I can't shoot a damn timelapse except for S&Q. This drone may get returned, because I bought it for a project that depends on timelapse. |