Flight distance : 2981932 ft
Today i tried to connect my new RS3 Mini to Fuji X-H2S with RSS USB-C to USB-C cable. The camera is equipped with Fujinon XC 15-45 lens. Both camera and lens are listed as compatible.
But when I tried to use the follow focus feature with the gimbal's dial, I've found that it's completely unusable. And the reason is following.
When I try to set the focus using gimbal's dial, the focus starts changing. But when I stop moving the dial, the focus does not stop changing. Sometimes the focus does not start chnging when I start moving the dial.
Overall experience is very laggy and I cannot use the feature in real shooting.
The lens is working normally, the focus in being set properly with the lens' dial.
The camera and the gimbal both have the latest firmware by date, which are 5.02 and respectively.
I tried operating the camera both in USB tether auto and USB tether fixed modes - the result is the same.
Am I missing some settings, or I've ran into a bug?
Thank you!