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RID for mavic drone
1647 18 2023-8-2
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United States

after trying 3 times to get an answer from support with no gooid answer, i am wondering why dji would upgrade the firmware for my mavic pro and install a section called remote id for the controller ?  why did they not seek FAA approval for RID for mavic pro ??  is this done to make people buy a new drone ??  does anybody else have this problem or am i the only one ??
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Thank you for your feedback. According to the FAR Part 89 Remote ID regulations, RID compliance for American users starts on September 16, 2023. Before that, the FAA RID regulation does not affect the user’s flight activity. After September 16, 2023, please purchase a third-party RID module that complies with RID MOC and add it to the aircraft. You may visit the FAA website for FAA-approved Remote ID modules at this link . Hope this helps. Thank you for your valued support.
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United States

DJI Paladin Posted at 8-2 20:24
Thank you for your feedback. According to the FAR Part 89 Remote ID regulations, RID compliance for American users starts on September 16, 2023. Before that, the FAA RID regulation does not affect the user’s flight activity. After September 16, 2023, please purchase a third-party RID module that complies with RID MOC and add it to the aircraft. You may visit the FAA website for FAA-approved Remote ID modules at this link . Hope this helps. Thank you for your valued support.

this is not an answer to my question and is the same stock answer i got from dji support
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


beaser Posted at 8-3 03:40
this is not an answer to my question and is the same stock answer i got from dji support

Hi there! I apologize for the trouble. DJI will most likely not go back to developing new firmware for the Mavic Pro, but users can purchase third-party RID modules that comply with the RID MOC retrofitted to the aircraft to achieve this function. Thank you for your kind understanding.
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United States

DJI Diana Posted at 8-3 14:23
Hi there! I apologize for the trouble. DJI will most likely not go back to developing new firmware for the Mavic Pro, but users can purchase third-party RID modules that comply with the RID MOC retrofitted to the aircraft to achieve this function. Thank you for your kind understanding.

now have two different answers from " dji administrators "  one says it is a hardware problem and you say is is a firmware problem !!  seems like you are only reading from a book and not really contacting the manufactures for answers !!  the mavic pro already has a section in the controller that says remote id, so it is obvious that they were working on something and decided to no longer support the expensive mavic pro !!
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


beaser Posted at 8-4 05:08
now have two different answers from " dji administrators "  one says it is a hardware problem and you say is is a firmware problem !!  seems like you are only reading from a book and not really contacting the manufactures for answers !!  the mavic pro already has a section in the controller that says remote id, so it is obvious that they were working on something and decided to no longer support the expensive mavic pro !!

Hello, and thank you for your response! We apologize, but there is no update to a new firmware likely to be developed for this feature. The Mavic Pro is not RID compliant, and in order to be one, kindly purchase third-party RID modules that comply with the RID MOC retrofitted to the aircraft to achieve this function.
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United States

DJI Diana Posted at 8-4 11:14
Hello, and thank you for your response! We apologize, but there is no update to a new firmware likely to be developed for this feature. The Mavic Pro is not RID compliant, and in order to be one, kindly purchase third-party RID modules that comply with the RID MOC retrofitted to the aircraft to achieve this function.

do you read your answers from a book ??  why do all the mavic series have RID except the pro ??  seems like the company just wants to stop support for the pro !!  please do not respond with the phrase please purchase module from 3rd party...  every response ends with that same reply !!  by the way, the mavic pro was a very expensive drone ans customers feel very left out !!
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


beaser Posted at 8-5 02:53
do you read your answers from a book ??  why do all the mavic series have RID except the pro ??  seems like the company just wants to stop support for the pro !!  please do not respond with the phrase please purchase module from 3rd party...  every response ends with that same reply !!  by the way, the mavic pro was a very expensive drone ans customers feel very left out !!

Sorry to hear about your feedback. According to the FAR Part 89 Remote ID regulations, the RID compliance for American users starts on September 16, 2023. Before that, the FAA RID regulation does not affect the user’s flight activity. After September 16, 2023, please purchase a third-party RID module that complies with RID MOC and add it to the aircraft. Hoping for your kind understanding.
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United States

DJI Diana Posted at 8-5 11:39
Sorry to hear about your feedback. According to the FAR Part 89 Remote ID regulations, the RID compliance for American users starts on September 16, 2023. Before that, the FAA RID regulation does not affect the user’s flight activity. After September 16, 2023, please purchase a third-party RID module that complies with RID MOC and add it to the aircraft. Hoping for your kind understanding.

do all of you people from support read from the same book ???  every contact with support reads the same no matter what the problem or question is !!  please purchase 3rd party.....
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


beaser Posted at 8-6 03:49
do all of you people from support read from the same book ???  every contact with support reads the same no matter what the problem or question is !!  please purchase 3rd party.....

Apologies, as mentioned above, we will most likely not go back to developing new firmware. To achieve this function, we suggest purchasing third-party RID modules that comply with the RID MOC retrofitted to the aircraft. Thank you.
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G37 Mavic Pro
Flight distance : 49741 ft
United States

Great question, I am getting back into drone flying and have a Mavic Pro and is wondering the same thing to this question. Is Mavic Pro available for RID?
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G37 Mavic Pro
Flight distance : 49741 ft
United States

My Mavic Pro is not supported for remote ID functionality. I will have to buy a broadcast module.
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United States

G37 Mavic Pro Posted at 12-24 20:38
Great question, I am getting back into drone flying and have a Mavic Pro and is wondering the same thing to this question. Is Mavic Pro available for RID?

no they will not support the mavic pro and will never buy a dji product again !! it has all the necessary hardware ( gps ) but they decided that the pro is too old to support but they support all the other navic line !!  Merry Christmas and buy a remote id module !!
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DJI Tony

beaser Posted at 12-25 03:19
no they will not support the mavic pro and will never buy a dji product again !! it has all the necessary hardware ( gps ) but they decided that the pro is too old to support but they support all the other navic line !!  Merry Christmas and buy a remote id module !!

Thank you for your feedback. You can simply get a third-party RID module that complies with the RID MOC and mount it to the aircraft. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
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United States

DJI Tony Posted at 12-26 02:11
Thank you for your feedback. You can simply get a third-party RID module that complies with the RID MOC and mount it to the aircraft. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

again , will never buy a dji product !!  your stock answers do not help ! simply get third party RID is not an answer . is shows that your company just does not fully support the products that they sell !!
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DJI Tony

beaser Posted at 12-26 05:17
again , will never buy a dji product !!  your stock answers do not help ! simply get third party RID is not an answer . is shows that your company just does not fully support the products that they sell !!

Sorry about the inconvenience. I will forward your feedback to the relevant team for awareness. We appreciate your patience.
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United States

The Mavic Prop Platinum is RID compliant.  It would seem a simple firmware upgrade would fix the issue.  If not, will DJI offer a module.  If there is no plan to offer a module, is there one that is recommended for use by DJI.  Based upon the lack of support at this point I am relatively certain I know the answer.

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United States

DJI forced me to buy a remote id to become RID !! will never buy another product from them !!  they told me that the mavic pro was too old to get a firmware update !!  ( buy a new product was their answer )
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United States

I see.  This will be the last DJI product I purchase then.  Not even sure I would take one as a gift.  I have software defined radio equipment older than the Mavic Pro... Those companies seem to be able to send out firmware updates when an issue is found.  

To get a response that says, we have nothing for you, buy a product sold by someone else, sounds like the best advice they have given yet.
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