Robert Marshall
Flight distance : 745154 ft
United Kingdom
How would I go about requesting a feature in DJI Terra?
I would like to be able to export a mission and have the Annotation data go with it.
Assuming it cannot be done presently, and with a quick test of making an annotation, then exporting the mission and importing it back, the annotations were not present.
When the ZIP is imported back into Terra, I would like to see those annotations.
I want this so that I can perform measurements within a mission, and then hand the exported mission to a customer.
To work around this I would have to use other software to perform the measurements, and ask my customers to install additional software (more than just Terra for viewing) as a base requirement, whereas right now I have it down to just Terra.
Maybe dump the annotation data into that mission.json file when exporting? Or bundle a new file with the annotation data and include it in the export payload?